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This is a small SURPRISEEEE video I made for Nuseir to “interrupt” his Day 1000 event.

When I asked him what he wanted as a gift for day 1000 he said “A VIDEO!” And A video for me means WEEKS OF WORK because I am slow hehe. So I opted for a simple video that shows us people that we will want to remember for the rest of our lives. People who made some of your favorite Nas Daily Episodes possible.

What most people see is THE END PRODUCT. What they don’t see are the HOURS AND HOURS daily of angst and work and mental anguish that is put into the 1 minute (and longer) videos. As Nas said during his presentation at Day 1000 and in a clip in this video, “I do not recommend making Daily Videos.” 

I think the people in this video represent each of us, and what Nas Daily did for us. 

With this surprise video I wanted to show him how impactful his videos really are, and to bring his viewers together, I wanted to remind him of how many people around the world have been changed because of him.  His videos have made so many people feel like part of something and showed us the world. Thank you Nuseir from all of us – you have changed the world and more importantly, you have showed US how to change the world 💕

A little BTS (Behind the scenes!): To make the surprise video I messaged people who helped us all around the world, had them send us video and had my friend Sara cut it together so that Nas wouldnt catch me editing! (Thanks Sara!)

Check out Nas’ 1000th video if you haven’t seen it yet and remember to join our group Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne), where we discuss women’s issues. (Women only, for now!)

The post Dear Alyne’s tribute to Nas Daily (for Day 1000) appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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How I Ended Up Handcuffed In Barcelona Airport on New Year’s Eve https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/how-i-ended-up-handcuffed-in-barcelona-airport/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/how-i-ended-up-handcuffed-in-barcelona-airport/#respond Mon, 31 Dec 2018 21:11:33 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1691 The post How I Ended Up Handcuffed In Barcelona Airport on New Year’s Eve appeared first on Dear Alyne.


In the photo it may appear I attempted a seductive New Years Outfit but no, my shirt was torn by handcuffs.

**Nas posted on his Instagram about what happened earlier tonight at the Barcelona airport and I’m getting a lot of messages but I have zero energy so I’m writing it once for everyone here. I just typed it out no reviews so sorry for the simple writing style. Thank you for reaching out. I’m fine just sad that this stuff happens. And I’m happy I’m in a position to shine a light on it, but sad for people who have no recourse.**

I was just tackled in a the Barcelona airport by the security guards. What? What did I even just write?! 

I can’t believe it happened.

This is not the kind of stuff that I’d expect to happen to me.

I am a middle class woman with zero police history of any kind.

I wasn’t even in any fistfights as a teenager or child.

I don’t watch scary movies because I don’t like violence. And until i was a teenager, I considered Aladdin a scary movie and Fern Gully of the horror genre (to be avoided at all costs).

So that makes what happened to me a few hours ago even crazier.

I was pushed, grabbed at, handcuffed, and shoved to the ground by both a young male and older female “security guards” at the Barcelona airport. 

I was unarmed and didn’t touch either of them. My shirt was ripped open and my hand crushed. The man “security guard” tried to arrest me because I was holding my phone filming. [EDIT* FILMING AFTER HE GRABBED MY BREAST AND KEPT HARASSING US PHYSICALLY AND VERBALLY. I started filming because i got scared of what he would do so I knew I needed it on camera to protect myself.

To people who say its not legal to film in airports, I say that after an officer of the law touches my body I will film to protect myself.

He put on gloves, and prepared his handcuffs and scraped them across my body on my chest, ripping open my shirt as I screamed.

I was screaming like I’ve never screamed before. And literally no one, no passer by’s and no other airport employees did ANYTHING. No one even SAID ANYTHING. They just watched. It was unbelievable. No “Hey what are you doing! What’s going on!” It was so scary. Because imagine if this was happening with the security or police on a back street with no bystanders, no security cameras. Imagine what these types of people would do.

As you can see my arm is scratched open from where we kept trying to put the handcuffs on me while he and the other lady were holding me on the ground.
Scratches on my wrist from the handcuffs. Not a sentence I ever thought I’d ever write but here we are. (Sorry they’re blurry it’s dark in the room and I took a screenshot of the photo).

Something even worse happened recently in Barcelona. A homeless man’s dog was shot dead by the police. People asked me my opinion on it, asked me to make a video, but I remember thinking “it must have been the one bad officer, the one bad one making everyone look bad.”

But after being assaulted by two trained licensed security guards… now I’m not so sure.

After it happened, their supervisor came. I tried to tell him what happened and even with my ripped clothing he was on their side. He did not believe me. “I’ve known her for 8 years, that could not have happened.” He kept saying he’d watch the cameras and I said PLEASE, watch the cameras.

So how did this even happen?
It’s hard to explain, but pride, egos, and bravado are the only explanation I can think of right now,

We went 2 hours early to check in for our flight and get some work done. There was a problem with the tickets because Malta Airlines had generously tried to surprise us with an upgrade for one leg of our trip, from Barcelona to Frankfurt. The problem was, the other leg was now null. So Nuseir tried to take care of it, calling Malta and having them speak with our Lufthansa desk agent (who was lovely).

The customer service people on the phone got impatient and were rude to her. We could hear them through the phone. The woman got flustered and stressed and upset, and it triggered “the monster”. The monster was a bald small middle aged male employee who heard her phone call and decided it was all our fault. Long story short he trundled over to her desk, told her that she shouldn’t help us, and blamed us for the workers on the phone for being rude. Workers that we were 0% connected to. We had also felt bad for the lady, so why was he taking it out on us, and in such a vindictive way? I literally don’t know. We had been completely normal and chill the whole time.

He started saying things like “If you say another word I’ll make SURE you don’t get on your flight” and “I have the power to stop you from boarding”.

Like it felt like a dramatic movie and he was reading from a script but to the wrong audience. He hit a button to call security and we assumed when security came they’d be upset with him for calling them for no reason. Unfortunately that was not the case. Instead they barrelled up, already aggressive, assuming we were guilty of something?? And told us VERY AGGRESSIVELY to leave the airport. We were like…what is going on here.

We finally got our boarding passes and walked away. Nuseir turned to take a photo of the desk and what happened and they saw him and ran at us, yelling and trying to take his photo, threatening him and being crazy in general. He shouldn’t have taken a photo because it was so high blood levels already, but even more importantly they shouldn’t have lost their minds because of a photo. A simple professional “Hey, we don’t allow photos here can you please delete that?” would have sufficed. But they were aggressive, physically intimidating us and verbally threatening, until the male pushed Nas even after he deleted the picture per his request.

I got so angry and scared, a security guard was pushing us? The protector was pushing us? In the US everyone knows…NO physical contact unless its self defence. I started defending Nas and the guy started to come at me, so I stepped back and he stepped up to me and pushed my shoulder trying to take my phone (which I hadn’t done anything with). I got scared and told him DO NOT TOUCH ME DO NOT TOUCH MY CHEST and he grabbed my breast and gave me a malicious look. The look that said “I’m a security guard I’m the boss and I’ll grab your breast if I want to.” I almost didn’t want to mention this part because compared to being tackled to the ground by two people trying to handcuff me it doesn’t seem as important. But it’s so so scary. This is not a safe world for us. This is Spain, not the wild west.

When we handed them our boarding passes at the gate, we found out the mean desk agent had contacted the gate and told them not to let us board the flight. After all this they wouldn’t let us on. Luckily these agents were nice and we spent an hour explaining everything to them and they listened and believed us. We didn’t have time to report it to the police because hours had been wasted and the guys needed to go make the video for the day. We booked an airport hotel and this is where we are spending new years (instead of in a lovely suite with the team at the Hilton in Malta – so sorry we couldn’t make it!). It would have been nice to be in Malta where I feel safer and taken care of but that’s life. I’m of course grateful nothing worse happened but I feel so sad for the people it does happen to. I asked the tapes to be reviewed so hopefully at least the male worker will be fired. He had only worked there 1 month. The woman on the other hand I’m sure will stay in her position. Another threatening mean spirited person with power.

Wow. That was long! And this was my “abbreviated version”.

GOODNIGHT MY SWEETS. LOVE U. AND DONT WORRY ABOUT ME I’M FINE. Just…I guess be careful and aware out there, and have a safe New Year’s Eve!  We’ll be sleeping a few hours then catching a new morning flight that I really hope goes smoothly. Thank you for being awesome friends and readers and people.


I’m not mad at the airlines or the airport. I’m just disappointed that people get away with these things and that they happen. Just wanted to share this as a record of what’s going on since I wasn’t able to make a police report. Hope this doesn’t get you down, it’s not meant to! Just information. HAVE A LOVELY DAY! ADIOS!


The post How I Ended Up Handcuffed In Barcelona Airport on New Year’s Eve appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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Why I didn’t buy the new iPhone https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/why-i-didnt-buy-the-new-iphone/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/why-i-didnt-buy-the-new-iphone/#respond Mon, 24 Dec 2018 01:59:33 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1667 The post Why I didn’t buy the new iPhone appeared first on Dear Alyne.


If you were to ask me, “Should I buy the new iPhone?” my succinct answer would be NO.

If you have a phone that works fine and takes nice photos, then I don’t really see a reason to upgrade.


A lot of the pics in my insta were shot on iPhone btw

I have the iPhone 7+ and that’s what I use to take all of my Instagram photos. It has portrait mode and I can edit them a bit if I want to brighten them up.

I wanted to add some context to the video experience about why I didn’t buy the new iPhone. I went to the Apple store to fix the speaker on my phone because all of my Instagram (@dearalyne) stories had weird ocean noises in the background. After a (literally) 2 hour wait they fixed it for free (yay!) by just cleaning out the mesh.

This was shot with my ‘old’ iPhone!

BUT DURING THE ENTIRE TWO HOUR WAIT STORE WORKERS KEPT LOW-KEY TELLING ME ABOUT THE NEW IPHONE and all the discounts and how it would be almost cheaper to get a new one and one guy was like “Oh it’s like $800,” which with my $300 discount would be $500 which I’m cool with. BUT NO.

I went to the counter and I was like AHHH heart attack when the total was $1355! And that’s not even the most expensive one. It turns out my boyfriend has the new iPhone (I didn’t even know that – thats how little difference there is) and he got some different model or specs and it was almost $1600. I mean damn.

And THIS beautiful picture was taken with my iPhone

My mom used to tell me this story about how if you slowly boil a frog from cold to hot water in a pot that it wont know it’s boiling and dying. THAT’S WHAT I FEEL LIKE CONSUMERISM IS DOING TO US.

I don’t have a problem with iPhones at all, just CONSUMERISM is maybe going a bit far.

Like we always need the NEWEST one that is only VAGUELY different but HUGELY more expensive.

Even though I have money saved, I couldn’t bring myself to buy the newest iPhone. The world wants us to buy buy buy but sometimes, but what we have is enough.

The post Why I didn’t buy the new iPhone appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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Dear Alyne’s guide to Seychelles https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/guide-to-seychelles/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/guide-to-seychelles/#respond Sat, 22 Dec 2018 12:03:06 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1644 The post Dear Alyne’s guide to Seychelles appeared first on Dear Alyne.


Today I want to talk about a MAGICAL and BEAUTIFUL place I got the chance to visit: the African country  SEYCHELLES!

And it is amazing that we even ended up visiting, because the plan was to stay in Ethiopia where we were making videos then, but the Wi-fi was poo no matter what we did. So we looked for direct flights out, and we found the Seychelles!

We had no regrets and loved it! I think they loved us too 😛 cause we even got interviewed in the papers there.

If you love nature, undiscovered places, and want to visit a different side of Africa, read this article for a better idea on what to know about this tiny island country and what to do there.


The Seychelles is a tiny…

… tiny African country to the east of Kenya.

And it’s completely VISA-FREE which means it doesn’t matter what country you’re from, you’re allowed to visit the Seychelles!

It’s also known for amazing beaches, with HUGE boulders, beautiful waters and powdery sand. It feels like real paradise.


1) Help save the earth by buying coral

We found that the Marine Conservation Society Seychelles (MCSS) lets you ADOPT coral! and it’s really easy. You can choose your own coral from their kiosk and pay for it with a small donation.

Then the volunteers will head under the sea and plant your coral for you. You even get a certificate to show you that you own the coral. How cool is that?

Here’s the video about this: We killed the ocean

2) Curieuse Island – Small island with giant turtles

This little island off the coast of the mainland has many GIANT tortoise population. I really wish we had a chance to go there and see the friendly tortoise giants, but we were too busy. 🙁

I know I will go there when I return to the Seychelles though!

3) Experience the culture where the MEN cook for you

Seychelles has a matriarchal society, so it’s common to see men cooking in the kitchen while women handle other household chores.

Idk about you but I think it’s only fair for housework to be divided between men and women!

You can go experience this for yourself if you do a homestay or stay in a hosted AirBnb, probably! P.S. If you’re going to get an AirBnb (and it’s your first time), you can use my voucher for a discount!

We have a video on this too, check it out: Where MEN cook!


We found that it’s really easy to get married in the Seychelles. You just need your passport and your birth certificate, and it takes only 5 days to process!

One of our girls in my Facebook group, Girls Gone Global, got married there (wedding photography, cake and all, for just $3000.)

Also watch the video Nas made about this: How we got MARRIED!


Okay so this is one of my favourite parts simply because the hotel I stayed in was AMAZING. We were hosted by Hilton Seychelles Northolme Resort & Spa, which has some of the friendliest staff (like in all other Hilton hotels we’ve been to) and some of the most beautiful rooms I’ve stayed in.

I mean, LOOK AT IT.



Which means you get to chill with snacks and drinks and just ENJOY THE VIBES

The villas cost under 600 euros per night. It’s a lot, but worth splurging on for an anniversary or special night!

And that’s my guide to the Seychelles! Leave me a comment if you have any questions and I hope you’ll visit too! 💕

For more exciting places to visit check out this guide to what we did in Albania!

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How to deal with deal with periods – As told by women all over the world https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/how-to-deal-with-deal-with-periods-as-told-by-women-all-over-the-world/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/how-to-deal-with-deal-with-periods-as-told-by-women-all-over-the-world/#respond Mon, 17 Dec 2018 09:32:14 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1617 The post How to deal with deal with periods – As told by women all over the world appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Lately, I discovered how to use tampons and they are LIFE CHANGING.

Like WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN ALL MY LIFE? They are SO hassle-free and they leak less than pads!

This got me thinking… If more women talked more about how they handle their periods, and the best ways to make it easier to deal with, so many people could benefit from it. Women could get advice and tips, and men (I know you’re reading this hehe) could put themselves in women’s shoes and empathise with them better.

ALSO WATCH: A video I made about periods!

So I turned to my Facebook group, Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne) and asked 100,000 women for their opinions and advice.

If you’re a woman you could join the group and read the full thread here, otherwise, here are the highlights! 💕

1) Menstrual cups are the most popular choice among the women

Menstrual cups are soft silicone cups that catch all the blood when inserted inside the body! Women are loving them because… Well, see for yourself:

And cups aren’t the only alternative to pads…

2) Period panties are a good alternative!

But of course it depends on your flow level. It’s a good idea to try it out for different periods of time (lolaolaol no pun intended) and figure out how long you can wear one for before needing to change it.

3) Menstrual cups you can use during sex are a thing!

It sounds almost too good to be true, but one of the ladies in the group swear by it.

I read a couple of reviews and it seems like how well it works depend on the shape of your vagina, as well as how comfortable you are inserting something inside of you

4) For a non invasive and eco friendly alternative, make your own pads!

This girl did, and they’re super cute 💕

5) But if you’re keen on trying tampons, here’s a tip

6) Last but not least, did you know how periods are shunned in some parts of the world?

It’s sad this is a reality, but the more people know about it, the more likely it is to become acceptable!

I hope you got something out of this post!

As for me I learned about things I didn’t even know we had options for (making our own pads, trying a new kind of cup, etc)!! And I learned how period aren’t just an inconvenience for some women, but also a stigma.

And I want to say THANK YOU FOR SHARING, to everyone who said something in the post. The women in this group are WONDERFUL, STRONG AND HELPFUL. I am so glad to have every one of you here in Girls Gone Global!

Because women go through many things that men don’t and it’s nice to have a space to just talk things out without fear of being judged or anything.

Girls Gone Global is for women only right now, and if you’re one, come join and have a good time 🙂

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4 important things people forget before travelling https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/4-important-things-people-forget-before-travelling/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/4-important-things-people-forget-before-travelling/#respond Sun, 02 Dec 2018 09:37:07 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1585 The post 4 important things people forget before travelling appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Sometimes when you travel to a new country it’s so easy to focus on the big important things like your flight, accommodation, passport, etc., that you might forget some smaller but really important details!

Here is a list of things you need to check before you travel. This will save you so much hassle in the long run.

1) Unfreezing your credit cards

Always remember to call your credit card company to let them know you’re going overseas. You don’t wanna end up in another country only to find out you can’t use your card when you want to buy something.

Pro-tip: If you’re using a debit card, it’s a good idea to disable the automatic tap-to-pay feature, just in case your wallet is stolen. That way, if your card does get stolen, no one can use the money in it!

2) Country specific requirements

Some countries might have certain requirements when you enter. Like when I went to the Seychelles from Ethiopia, I found out that I needed to have proof of yellow fever vaccination. Go Google the country you’re travelling to and do some research before hand to prevent stuff like this from delaying you!

Also many countries require you to have an onward ticket to enter!! (An onward ticket is proof that you have another flight to catch eventually, to make sure you’re not gonna overstay.) So if you travel one way like me, then you need to contact a travel agent to get you a sort of “fake” onward ticket or book a 24 hour refundable ticket (on websites like Expedia) and cancel it when you land! All you need is a confirmation number to show the airline. I’ve almost missed so many flights because I didn’t know I needed an onward ticket!

3) Travel insurance

Okay many people overlook travel insurance, but it’s such a lifesaver if you get into any trouble or accidents. I use SafetyWing, which is a subscription based insurance for just $37 a month. The customer service is super responsive, and everything is so hassle free. Check it out here if you want to try it too.

4) Passport validity

A lot of countries need your passport to have at least 3-6 month buffer before it expires, or they might turn you away! Even if you knew this already, it’s easy to forget, so make sure to set a reminder in your calendar when you need to renew it!

Are there any things you always forget when you travel? Let me know in the comments!

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How I take care of my hair when I travel https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/how-i-take-care-of-my-hair-when-i-travel/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/how-i-take-care-of-my-hair-when-i-travel/#respond Thu, 29 Nov 2018 12:56:55 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1463 The post How I take care of my hair when I travel appeared first on Dear Alyne.

My curly, wild and thick hair can go crazy when I travel to places with different climates. THIS IS HOW I TAME IT.

YouTube video

These are my favourite tips:

  • Use conditioner FIRST then shampoo
    It makes shampooing so much easier and you can get to every part of your scalp without tangling anything
  • Shampoo bars are a must if you’re travelling
    I love these little shampoo circles. They’re so cute, and all you need to do it put it under water and lather a little. It’ll foam up just like regular shampoo
  • Don’t rip your hair, EVER.
    It’s tempting to pull on your hair and rip it when it snags, but that will damage your hair and make it frizzy
  • Invest in a good brush
    I wasn’t too picky about the kind of brush I used on my hair, but after trying the Tangle Teezer I learned just how important it is to have a quality brush to invest in

The products I talked about in the video are:

1) Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moist Treatment – Get it here

2) Tangle Teezer – Get it here

3) Lush Shampoo Bars – Sadly they don’t sell them online, you have to get them in store

4) OUAI Hair Oil – Get it here

5) GHD Hair Straightener – Get it here

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How to stay healthy and fit while traveling https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/how-to-stay-healthy-and-fit-while-traveling/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/how-to-stay-healthy-and-fit-while-traveling/#respond Wed, 28 Nov 2018 16:17:25 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1573 The post How to stay healthy and fit while traveling appeared first on Dear Alyne.

THIS WAS THE SECOND VIDEO I EVER MADE! With my phone, in Swaziland! The editing is bad but the information is good hehe.

Also, it’s been exactly a YEAR since I made my first video! This just goes to show that if you keep practicing and trying you WILL get better so DON’T GIVE UP 💕

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Is this funny? https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/is-this-funny/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/is-this-funny/#respond Sun, 18 Nov 2018 10:53:34 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1546 The post Is this funny? appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Recently I was on a talk show with my boyfriend. They asked him if he travels the world “to meet girls”. This was my response.

YouTube video


A few things I want to say

When I said “Albania has a problem with sexism” my intent wasn’t to generalize, I just meant I know the country does have some problems there. Unicef, and other international organizations have written many reports about it. (Female infanticide, 40% domestic abuse). I only mentioned Albania/Balkans…because I was in Albania. MANY COUNTRIES HAVE THESE PROBLEMS, and MANY are MUCH worse.

Albania is a great country and I don’t want this video to reflect badly on them, You’ll notice my video before this is about how Albania is my favorite country. Every country has pros and cons and should be looked at as a whole, not just focusing on an area that needs work.

I also do not hold anything against the show. Not everyone has the same grasp of or dedication to ethics so this is not meant to insult them.

This is simply meant to show girls like me that we are allowed to say NO when things they are not comfortable with are happening.

Also, check out the full video and blog post here.

In this blog post, I also included screenshots of some beautiful supportive messages I got from Albanians around the world beneath the video. I made a video last week about how Albania is my favorite country.

I will not let one event make me dislike a country. Albania is still my favorite country, is beautiful, and lovely. Every country has room to improve, and I don’t judge countries based on their problems.

Albania is still my favorite country, is beautiful, and lovely. Every country has room to improve, and I don’t judge countries based on their problems.

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Dear Alyne’s recommended places in Albania https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/dear-alynes-recommended-places-in-albania/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/dear-alynes-recommended-places-in-albania/#respond Sat, 10 Nov 2018 18:47:05 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1477 The post Dear Alyne’s recommended places in Albania appeared first on Dear Alyne.

I love Albania so much! It is my favourite country because it’s filled with beautiful nature, is so undiscovered, has amazing healthy food, and is cheap. It’s really the GEM of Europe.

YouTube video

And Albania has a special place in my heart because it’s where I went on a month long solo trip and found myself.

I stayed in a HUGE and CHEAP villa where I had an amazing view, and every day felt like a dream.

So if you’re going to Albania too, here’s what I did in case you want some footsteps to follow in 😉


1) Vila Amantia

This is that villa I stayed in for my solo trip. It is only $60/night! See the link below for more details!

It’s a very rustic and beautiful place with stone walls and a view of the city from the balcony. And it’s got FIVE bedrooms. It’s really huge!

And if you haven’t used AirBnb before, go to this link to get a free voucher from me!

Address: Vlore, Kaninë (You’ll be given the exact location only after confirming the booking.)
Website: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/2921528
It’s only $58 per night per person (or room)

2) The Plaza Tirana

Photo: The Plaza Tirana Facebook page

This place is probably the best hotel in Albania. It’s brand new, central, and room we had came with an amazing view and even had its own full size Jacuzzi and SAUNA!

It’s located in the city, so you can walk to places like the nearby shopping mall or museum really quickly..

Address: Rruga 28 Nëntori, Tirana.
Website: https://www.plazatirana.com/
Price: You can get it for as little as $120 per night on certain sites.

3) Cavaliero

Photo: Cavaliero Facebook page

This Beautiful and simple hotel restaurant comes equipped with large well decorated rooms and delicious meals. It’s right near the border of Albania and Montenegro (about 7 minutes away), and we stayed here for 3 nights to just work in the hotel because we enjoyed it so much.

This is a gorgeous resort-hotel we stayed in at Schkoder.

Address: Bajza, Shkodër, Albania
Website: https://www.facebook.com/cavaliero15/
Give them a call to check the current rates!

4) Xheko Imperial Hotel

Photo: Xheko Imperial Facebook page

I felt like a queen here with all the fancy decor! If you’re gonna treat yourself, check out the imperial room. For a romantic date night head to their roof top which has little canals and a lot of charm. This is one of the most beautiful building interiors in Albania!

There are lots of art galleries and bars nearby if you wanna check them out too!

Address: Ibrahim Rugova nr. 56/H2 Tiranë, 1019
Website: https://www.xheko-imperial.com/en/
It’s $120 a night!


1) Rented a car and drove down the long winding roads to see the BEAUTIFUL NATURE

Lots of places in Albania are simply STUNNING. If you love driving. Rent a car and explore! Just ask the host or concierge at your accommodation for tips on where to head to for the best nature.

And since Albania is so undiscovered, you will rarely see any other tourists, which is yet another reason why I love Albania!

2) Hiked in Kaninë! I saw the castle and caught the beautiful sunset too

Or if you want a specific place to visit, check out Kaninë. There’s an castle there and the sunsets are beautiful.

Make sure you go there in the late afternoon so when golden hour hits you have time to snap Instaworthy pics like I did with Nas. 🙂

Check out the location here!

3) I visited Ksamil beach then swim to out to the Ksamil islands nearby!

Photo credit

And yes, even the beaches in Albania are so amazing! The water is so clear and blue, it reminded me of the Maldives.

You can just chill by the shore or if you’re up for it, go for a swim out to the nearby Ksamil islands.

Get info about the location here!

4) Met the president of Albania!

It was incredible meeting the president of Albania. When you visit Albania, you might want to check out the museums to learn more about their past. They even helped saved Jews during the holocaust! There is a very small museum about it in Berat.

5) Visited Theth and the mountains there (it feels like Switzerland!)

I don’t think I could ever get tired of the scenery at Theth. And I felt a little like I was in the Sound of Music! All I needed was a traditional dress LOLOALOAL.

Prepare a lot of snacks when you drive out because sometimes you can end up driving for hours on end!

See more amazing pictures and check out the location here!

6) Checked out this tattoo parlour in a communist bunker!

I saw a video about this tattooist, Peter on VICE years ago.

I’m not into tattoos myself, but I thought it was really cool to see this dedicated man run his shop in a communist bunker in the middle of nowhere! To find him, head to Schkoder and ask around 😀

7) Stopped for a coffee at one of the many coffee shops in Albania

Albania has the highest number of coffee shops per capita IN THE WORLD (Nas made a video about this too). People love to just hang out in them, and I don’t have any one place to recommend because there so many that are great!

And since each cup costs only around 50 cents, go forth and BUY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT.

So here’s my quick list of the best places to visit and stay in Albania. This is one of my most favourite places in the world and I hope you’ll love it as much as I do!

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