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'; die(); break; */ default: $text = apply_filters('essgrid_post_meta_content', $text, $handle, $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $this->post); break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of post elements */ public function get_custom_element_value($handle, $separator, $meta = ''){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); $text = ''; $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $handle, ''); if($text == '' && $meta != '') $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $meta, ''); if(intval($text) > 0){ //we may be an image from the metas $custom_meta = $m->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($custom_meta)){ foreach($custom_meta as $cmeta){ if($cmeta['handle'] == $handle){ if($cmeta['type'] == 'image'){ $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($text, $this->media_sources_type); if($img !== false){ $text = $img[0]; //replace with URL } } break; } } } } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of event elements */ public function get_event_manager_value($handle){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $text = ''; switch($handle){ //check for event manager case 'event_start_date': break; case 'event_end_date': break; case 'event_start_time': break; case 'event_end_time': break; case 'event_event_id': break; case 'event_location_name': break; case 'event_location_slug': break; case 'event_location_address': break; case 'event_location_town': break; case 'event_location_state': break; case 'event_location_postcode': break; case 'event_location_region': break; case 'event_location_country': break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of woocommerce elements */ public function get_woocommerce_value($meta, $separator, $catmax = false){ $text = ''; if(isset($this->post['ID'])){ if(Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); /* 2.1.5 category max option */ $adjustMax = false; if($meta === 'wc_categories') { if(!empty($catmax) && $catmax !== '-1' && is_numeric($catmax) && intval($catmax) > 0) { $catmax = intval($catmax); $adjustMax = true; } } if($adjustMax) { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator, $catmax); } else { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator); } } } return $text; } } Beauty – Dear Alyne https://www.clone.dearalyne.com Dear Alyne Thu, 29 Nov 2018 15:09:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20 https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Beauty – Dear Alyne https://www.clone.dearalyne.com 32 32 How I take care of my hair when I travel https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/how-i-take-care-of-my-hair-when-i-travel/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/how-i-take-care-of-my-hair-when-i-travel/#respond Thu, 29 Nov 2018 12:56:55 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1463 The post How I take care of my hair when I travel appeared first on Dear Alyne.

My curly, wild and thick hair can go crazy when I travel to places with different climates. THIS IS HOW I TAME IT.

YouTube video

These are my favourite tips:

  • Use conditioner FIRST then shampoo
    It makes shampooing so much easier and you can get to every part of your scalp without tangling anything
  • Shampoo bars are a must if you’re travelling
    I love these little shampoo circles. They’re so cute, and all you need to do it put it under water and lather a little. It’ll foam up just like regular shampoo
  • Don’t rip your hair, EVER.
    It’s tempting to pull on your hair and rip it when it snags, but that will damage your hair and make it frizzy
  • Invest in a good brush
    I wasn’t too picky about the kind of brush I used on my hair, but after trying the Tangle Teezer I learned just how important it is to have a quality brush to invest in

The products I talked about in the video are:

1) Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moist Treatment – Get it here

2) Tangle Teezer – Get it here

3) Lush Shampoo Bars – Sadly they don’t sell them online, you have to get them in store

4) OUAI Hair Oil – Get it here

5) GHD Hair Straightener – Get it here

The post How I take care of my hair when I travel appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – Curly hair, don’t care! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/ggg-curly-hair-dont-care/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/ggg-curly-hair-dont-care/#respond Tue, 30 Oct 2018 16:16:16 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1403 The post GGG – Curly hair, don’t care! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

MABUHAY!! I’m Alexan, 21 years old from the Philippines and I have naturally curly hair.

Here in the Philippines, we have this saying “basta kulot, salot” meaning “if you are curly then you are a pest”.

But that’s not true. Do not let your physical appearance define who you are. Let’s prove to everybody, both men and women of all ages that we are more than our hair, and we are beautiful beings.

Curly or not, black or white, straight or gay, we should all be confidently beautiful with a heart. 😊💖

This post was taken from the Facebook group Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne). Join the community discussion HERE! (For WOMEN only!)

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I was told off for not showing enough skin https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/told-off-for-not-showing-enough-skin/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/told-off-for-not-showing-enough-skin/#respond Mon, 22 Oct 2018 11:08:59 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1276 The post I was told off for not showing enough skin appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This guest post was written by Sara Mahendran. Thanks Sara for sharing your story! Check out more of her take on things by heading over to her blog, sarastake.com.

As crazy as it sounds, it’s true. I was told off for not showing enough skin.

The customary practice for Indian women in their 20s and above (when attending weddings) is to wear a traditional outfit that shows off the belly. At traditional events, you’ll find women of all ages and sizes wearing traditional outfits that bare their midriffs.

But here’s the thing. There was a wedding coming up and I didn’t want to bare my belly. And when I decided to cover up, the women in my family strongly disapproved:

“If us old ladies can show our bellies how come you can’t?”
“If you just showed your stomach you would look so beautiful and sexy.”
“If you can show your legs up till here, why can’t you show a little bit of your belly, eh?”

Their reactions threw me off and got me upset. Because I knew that my family would flip if I wore a crop top with pants, but if I wore it as part of a traditional outfit, it’s awesome. So why couldn’t I just cover my stomach?

The one on the left is NOT okay, but the one on the right is.

And let me just put another layer on this — if you know Indian culture, you’ll know that dishonour is a big thing.

So by going against the customary practices — by simply trying to dress modestly, I was ‘bringing dishonour’ to my family.

I was really upset with the culture, and confused with why things had to be this way.

It caused a bit of friction with my family at first. But after some time, some talking, and trying to keep an open mind, I was able to see that my family really just was trying to look out for me in their own way.

And as someone who didn’t want to show my stomach, it came across as strange to my family who just wanted nothing more than me to look good. It’s kinda like how they might also suggest getting my nails done or getting a new hairstyle. Imagine if I got upset at the idea of a new pedicure!

But looking at the bigger picture here, what I’m trying to say is that different people have different conceptions of what is nice and what is not.

And because cultures and contexts are so conflicting all the time, people are going to praise you and shame you over virtually the same thing.

So my solution is simply to accept that everyone has their own right to their opinions. As long as we’re not breaking a law or seriously offending people (by dressing extremely inappropriately), it should be okay to wear what you want.

Well, that’s my take at least. What do you think? Drop a comment below to share your thoughts, and check out my video on this too!

The post I was told off for not showing enough skin appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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HOW I DO MY EGYPTIAN LINER https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/how-to-do-eyeliner/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/how-to-do-eyeliner/#respond Sat, 13 Oct 2018 19:18:10 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1174 The post HOW I DO MY EGYPTIAN LINER appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This video is for the many women on Instagram who have asked me “Dear Alyne, HOW do you do your eyeliner?!”

YouTube video

It’s simple!

  1. Do the arch
    – Start at the inner corner of your eye
    – Just do thin, light strokes at first
    – Then make the line thicker as you reach the outer corner of your eye
  2. Do the wing
    – Draw the line from the outer corner of your eye towards the end of your eyebrow
    – Fill in the gaps by drawing a triangle from the end of the wing to the middle of your eye
  3. Bonus tips!
    – Tilt your head back when doing the wing or it’s gonna be JANKY
    – Hold your breath when you do the wing, cause you can really mess it up if you breathe and your face moves

And that’s it! Watch the video if you haven’t already so you know EXACTLY how to draw it.

P.S. If you want to buy the exact eyeliner I like, here’s the link!

The post HOW I DO MY EGYPTIAN LINER appeared first on Dear Alyne.

https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/how-to-do-eyeliner/feed/ 0
The BEAUTY Trap. https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/the-beauty-trap/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/the-beauty-trap/#respond Thu, 20 Sep 2018 16:05:57 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1235 The post The BEAUTY Trap. appeared first on Dear Alyne.

It’s a trap we’re ALL caught in.

YouTube video

P.S. There is a non-edited message from me at the end of the video 🙏🏼

To discuss this video and other relevant issues join 85k+ women in Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne) (Women only for now!)

The post The BEAUTY Trap. appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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HOW I GET GLOWING SKIN IN 5 MINUTES https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/skincare-routine-glowing-skin/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/beauty/skincare-routine-glowing-skin/#respond Mon, 01 Jan 2018 13:31:40 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1181 The post HOW I GET GLOWING SKIN IN 5 MINUTES appeared first on Dear Alyne.


YouTube video

I grew up with troublesome skin (YAY lol) and finally figured out how to calm it down!

My skin type, in case you are wondering if it is similar to yours, is combination/oily. Also, if you have acne YOU ARE STILL BEAUTIFUL!
The boy I had a crush on all through middle school had the worst acne ever and I was still in love 😂 🛍
Products used:
1) Witch hazel Toner – $4
2) Up and Up Make Up Remover Wipes -$3
3) Facial Buff Sponges -$3
4) Cotton rounds -$2
5) Oil of Olay Face Lotion – $9
6) Alyria Face Wash – $26
7) Kiehl’s Eye Cream – $28
SOME OF THESE PRODUCTS HAVE CHANGED! Go check out My Gear for all the things I use!



The post HOW I GET GLOWING SKIN IN 5 MINUTES appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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