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By Rumaisa Tirmizi

this is motherhood Girls Gone Global

Motherhood took me by surprise. It happened when I was least expecting it and for a month my mind went into a loop of, “I am not ready for this”. But, when are we ever ready for this emotional roller coaster? The answer is, never.

I was in love with someone who did not even exist.

It would always be overwhelming no matter what. It was an absolutely alien feeling for me as I was in love with someone who did not even exist. I kept imagining this tiny little button which was about to turn my life upside down. And I realized only motherhood allows you to feel such spectrum of emotions.

Then came the time when nights turned into days and days into nights and I had no recollection of what was happening in the world, around me, whatsoever, as my world had centered over a little ball of flesh who would want all her needs met just through crying at the top of her lungs with her bundled up fists in the air.

There were days that I wanted to run far away, days that I wanted to question every decision I had ever made, days when I would ask myself, “Seriously, what were you even thinking?” Needless to say, they were usually overshadowed by the times she would look me in the eyes and giggle like she had just shared a joke, which was just between her and me. When she would, involuntarily, rub her chubby little palms against my cheek. When she would look at the ceiling fan in awe, like there was nothing more fascinating in the world. One look at her, first thing in the morning, and my heart would be overflowing with hopeless love.

Was it even possible to feel so much love for someone that you actually feel like you might die of an overdose?

It still baffles me. I had, suddenly, become this vulnerable person with all of my nerve endings raw and exposed. Nonetheless, the mother who came into existence along with the child had made me stern and protective. I, now, had a ferocious lioness residing in me, who would not compromise her Cub’s well being if she ever felt threatened. The feeling is unimaginable, otherwise. It is something which is insurmountable in any other relationship. It’s the love that is continually growing and asking for more and better. It’s about being strong when you are perpetually broken inside, about smiling when you want to break down and crying when you are smiling with joy. I would not, could not, trade it for anything in the world. This is the best thing I have ever become and would ever be in life. This is the most amazing love I have ever felt.

This is, probably, the best thing about being me.

This post was submitted to the all female facebook group, Girls Gone Global by Dear Alyne.

The post THIS. is motherhood. appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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Questions I get asked because I never had a boyfriend – GGG https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/questions-i-get-asked-because-i-never-had-a-boyfriend-ggg/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/questions-i-get-asked-because-i-never-had-a-boyfriend-ggg/#respond Fri, 16 Nov 2018 15:11:40 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1537 The post Questions I get asked because I never had a boyfriend – GGG appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Topic: Fearless/Feminist Friday

Mabuhay! (It means hello in the Philippines!)

I’m 26 years old and I’m a CERTIFIED NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth) 😁

I have been asked a lot of questions about being a NBSB, but they should just remain rhetorical if you ask me, because quite frankly they are very difficult to answer without being sarcastic. Let me give you some examples:

1. Are you kidding me? Really?

Me: Yes, I’m not joking. Indeed! 🤔

2. Maybe you are too picky?

Me: No, I’m not. Being picky is different from having some standards. Standards are good, they provide you with  an opportunity to measure how well the men treat you and respect you. That’s how you find someone who values your worth as a woman.

3. Are you a gay?

Me (In my mind): I have thought about it, but no I am not a lesbian nor a bisexual. I love the LGBT peeps though. 🌈

4. Are you planning to be single for life?

Me: Of course not. I want to have my own family and babies. I want to be pregnant and to see my next generation. I want to have a partner that I can cuddle every moment. (These are my dreams.) 💕😍

5. But then why?

Me (Giving them a smile): Because I believe God reserved me for the person who will love, care, accept me for who I am and value my worth as a woman. And he will come not in my preferred time but in God’s preferred time.

My wholeness is the greatest gift that I can give to that person. So for now, I stay single. I want a long-term relationship not a short term one. My season will come! 🙏💕

People say ‘don’t get your hopes too high’. Let me tell you, just PRAY, WAIT and BELIEVE. When he comes, I would be already so full of love for myself that my only purpose is to share it with him.

I won’t be the one demanding or asking for love, but I will be the one who selflessly gives it. I want to be the person who has all the gifts of understanding and love for him. When he comes, I can only offer him the best of who I am. This waiting process builds patience, anticipation and transforms characters.

Being a single woman is not a disease or a wrong decision!

It’s a good opportunity to spend time, to encourage and to share the love to your family, friends, loved ones and colleagues. You can do things solo and be independent, because you’re a strong beautiful woman with a heart. ❤😉😊

Join the discussion by commenting on this post in Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne!). It’s for women only!

The post Questions I get asked because I never had a boyfriend – GGG appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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Here’s why we should support single parents more https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/heres-why-we-should-support-single-parents-more/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/heres-why-we-should-support-single-parents-more/#respond Sun, 04 Nov 2018 14:09:58 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1417 The post Here’s why we should support single parents more appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Photo: Fhel Miranda, a single parent from the Philippines, with her daughter Anne

This post was written by Mary Joyce. Thank you Joyce for showing us what it’s like for single parents in the Philippines, and advocating for better rights for them! To contribute your own post, write to us at team@dearalyne.com!

Did you know that nearly 40% of children in the Philippines have only one parent? It’s a serious problem here, and it happens because many unmarried couples have babies without intending to.

And as you might already know, single parents are discriminated against heavily. And in some countries, like in Singapore, single parents don’t get subsidies for housing or even the baby bonus that regular parents are entitled to.

Photo: Anne (left) with her mother Fhel (right)

On top of that, single parents face a huge stigma for the ONE big mistake they made in their lives. They are judged and looked down on.

My opinion might be an unpopular one, but hear me out. I personally don’t think it’s fair for single parents to go through so much discrimination or to lack the rights regular parents have.

I understand that single parents made a mistake and that they have to face the consequences of their actions.

But if you look at it closely, you’ll realise many single parents are women who are strong enough to accept their mistake and take on the challenge of raising their baby, even if it means their boyfriend decides to abandon them.

Many women who choose this path are brave and are taking a huge risk, because they have to raise their child alone and do the work of two people with only half the funds. So we should be supporting them, not shunning them.

I’m proud of my Filipino government and the city mayors who decided to give single parents a solo parent ID which lets them have more paid leave, a flexible work schedule, and even 20% discounts at some eateries.

I think it speaks volumes that the government even decided to help single parents in the first place. And the move by the government has made it easier for all of us to transition into a culture where we are more understanding and forgiving of people’s mistakes.

However, people might still argue that the problem is only going to worsen if we give perks to single parents.

But I look at it this way. Nobody WANTS for their relationship to fail when they discover they are having a baby by accident. Everybody wants a happy relationship and a family that lasts.

So if people end up being a single parent, it is already a huge blow to them and they are already paying for their mistakes. So the least we could do is help them a little.

We ALL make mistakes in life. So if we could all be a little more constructive towards people instead of tearing them down, the world would be a much better place.

The post Here’s why we should support single parents more appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – When your girl goes global https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-when-your-girl-goes-global/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-when-your-girl-goes-global/#respond Fri, 12 Oct 2018 13:00:59 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1169 The post GGG – When your girl goes global appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Topic: Relationship Saturday

This is a photo of my daughter in Indonesia. Since birth, I have done my best to raise her as a citizen of the world.

I have taken her all over the world with me and have exposed her to the rich history and beauty of many countries. She has seen the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich. She has seen a rich variety of religions and their places of worship.

This picture was taken at the edge of the Leuser ecosystem in Sumatra. We had just been hiking in the jungle and she walked out tired, but with a deep understanding of the impact of human actions on our planet.

I love my daughter with all my heart. Your relationship with your children is like no other.

This is my girl gone global and I can’t wait to see what she does with all this knowledge.

Read the Facebook Community answers and advice to this post HERE (WOMEN ONLY).

The post GGG – When your girl goes global appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – 10 years of emotional abuse https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/ggg-10-years-of-emotional-abuse/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/ggg-10-years-of-emotional-abuse/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 12:10:29 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=856 The post GGG – 10 years of emotional abuse appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Topic: Relationship Saturday

Hello from the other side to the 20,000 sisters from all over the world. Lots of Love and Hugs from this corner of the World.
My name is Temitayo Elizabeth, a 25 year old woman from Nigeria.

I have never had the courage to open up about my Life on a platform as big as this, but i think its time i let my voice be used for something positive.
I was in a relationship with a manipulator for about 10 years of my life and he abused me emotionally for a larger part of it. In fact, i could say the only reason why i think he didn’t get physical with me was because i didn’t give a concrete reason to.

Trust me when i say i didn’t even see it from the abusive perspective because i thought it’s absolutely normal for a Man to be domineering and controlling, or maybe i was in Love.
Also, considering that i literally grew up seeing him as the only Male figure in my life (i met him when i was 15), i trusted him with everything that has to do with me because I thought of him as some sort of god that shouldn’t be questioned.

Until recently when i began reading about other women’s struggle and how wrong it is to be voiceless, i found my voice!
I noticed when i started having brilliant opinions of my own and gained some self esteem and awareness he became lot more defensive and began calling me all sort of names such as; rude, proud, ungodly, ungrateful etc..

The fact that i’m still a little scared and uncomfortable about sharing this tells that I’m still healing. It took me lots of courage to walk out on him some weeks ago and start all over again, which included finances because we spent my money more.

Dear sisters, if you are still in doubt as regards that relationship you are in, or feel paranoid, insecure and angry for most of the time with them, then you shouldn’t even be with them in the first place.

I hope we all get the strength and hope needed to walk our path.
Find Peace and happiness as much as you can.

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

The post GGG – 10 years of emotional abuse appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – Dear divorced women… https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg-58/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg-58/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 12:08:04 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=854 The post GGG – Dear divorced women… appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global! This is a post taken from our Facebook Community where we support and empower women to make changes in the world, together! Below you will find a post from one of our 80K+ group members, talking about their very personal story or issue. With the agreement of the author we are allowed to share it on the Dear Alyne Blog to inspire, and to help other women. To read the community answers, please click on the link below and join the group (women only, sorry guys! Ask your girlfriend hehe.). Our hope is that you find posts to relate to, and maybe some answers to your own questions!

Topic: Wellness Wednesday

Dear Divorced Women

The tears you shed grows you, without knowing it actually creates sparkles on you..
If you live with the opinion of other people, you will emotionally suffer!

Build and create yourself as you are the author of your life! The pen is in your hands.
What you write is exactly what people Will read…

Start today with Writing how liberated you feel, how thankful you are for the second chance. Grow yourself and prove the negative comments were nothing more BUT negativity! There’s NOTHING more powerful then a POSITIVE FORCE that’s already within you.

You are the author of your story…

Hi lovely Ladies
My Name is Fatima and I’m from South Africa
I’ve been married for 8.5 years and now divorced for 3 years.

It was a mess full of years, yes it’s not easy in the beginning.. However, life becomes what you Create – I chose to make it the best thing that happened to me, I chose to be grateful and I chose to create a prosperous future for myself and kids. Best advise I can give is throw yourself out there with a positive mindset and you will see you will have the ability to create a better future for yourself.
Remember to keep going regardless as to how many negative comments bring you down. When you feel like giving up – you are ABOUT TO SUCCEED! Keep GOING! 💓💞💞

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

The post GGG – Dear divorced women… appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – I love traveling ALONE a lot but my family doesn’t know it https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-34/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-34/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 12:03:05 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=852 The post GGG – I love traveling ALONE a lot but my family doesn’t know it appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global! This is a post taken from our Facebook Community where we support and empower women to make changes in the world, together! Below you will find a post from one of our 80K+ group members, talking about their very personal story or issue. With the agreement of the author we are allowed to share it on the Dear Alyne Blog to inspire, and to help other women. To read the community answers, please click on the link below and join the group (women only, sorry guys! Ask your girlfriend hehe.). Our hope is that you find posts to relate to, and maybe some answers to your own questions!

Topic: Self Intro

Hi! I’m Yana, 23 from the Philippines.

I love traveling ALONE a lot but my family doesn’t know it. I came from a broken family but Im close to both my mom & dad and they are supportive of my travels. Reason why I dont let some of my family members know that I travel alone is that they always think of something bad to say especially my grandmother who raised me. She always thinks Im being “sponsored” by someone who has a lot of money in order for me to travel. I am a working student and she knows that I save but I just dont get why up til now she cant accept the fact that I grew up and learned how to save in order for me to get what I want. But of course that didnt stop me. I still travel alone up to this day and I just dont tell them anymore. I just feel sad that I dont get to share amazing stories with them but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️

To anyone who is from Malaysia here, I would love to meet you on December Im visiting!

Sending lots of love and positive vibes to everyone ❤
Also thanks for taking the time to read my rant hihi 😬

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

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GGG – Do what you love and it will make you happy https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-52/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-52/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 12:01:21 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=850 The post GGG – Do what you love and it will make you happy appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global! This is a post taken from our Facebook Community where we support and empower women to make changes in the world, together! Below you will find a post from one of our 80K+ group members, talking about their very personal story or issue. With the agreement of the author we are allowed to share it on the Dear Alyne Blog to inspire, and to help other women. To read the community answers, please click on the link below and join the group (women only, sorry guys! Ask your girlfriend hehe.). Our hope is that you find posts to relate to, and maybe some answers to your own questions!

Topic: Talented Tuesday

Hi Girls!

My name is Rucha and I’m 25 years old. Being 25, unmarried and living by yourself away from home is a big deal in India but I decided to rebel and do it anyway. I am now working with Amazon as a German Language specialist but am super unhappy with the corporate rat-race. I tried doing a lot of other things on the side, but I feel drained out all the time and I’m not motivated at all to do much.
A couple of months back, I narrowed it down to a couple of things that I want to do- Travel, Music, Teaching. I’ve been Hindustani Classically trained for about 18 years of my life and I let it go, I don’t know why!

So I started a YouTube Channel of my own 2 months back and I cannot express how happy I feel now. I am in a better place and office doesn’t seem too bad either! I don’t think I will work for too long because I have bigger plans with life.
– I want to travel to the remotest parts of the world.
– I want my music to make people very very happy.
– I want to make a difference- I want to help, I want to be somebody’s reason to smile. (precisely why I want to teach 🙂 )

This YouTube Channel is my first step towards my dream. It would mean the world to me if you would check it out in the comment section and support this dream of mine! 🙂 I would also love to meet a lot of you’ll and make music with you’ll at some point.

Till then <3

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

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GGG – The freedom you have after your kids grew up can be weird https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/ggg-38/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/ggg-38/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 11:57:12 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=846 The post GGG – The freedom you have after your kids grew up can be weird appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global! This is a post taken from our Facebook Community where we support and empower women to make changes in the world, together! Below you will find a post from one of our 80K+ group members, talking about their very personal story or issue. With the agreement of the author we are allowed to share it on the Dear Alyne Blog to inspire, and to help other women. To read the community answers, please click on the link below and join the group (women only, sorry guys! Ask your girlfriend hehe.). Our hope is that you find posts to relate to, and maybe some answers to your own questions!

Topic: Open Topic Monday

Hello! I’m 44 years old and a mother of three amazing young women. I see everyone on here has done or are doing awesome stuff. All I did for the last 23 years was work my ars off to provide as best as I can and obsess over raising my girls. Although we are the best of friends, now they’re all grown up, they don’t share everything with me anymore, and I can’t make them! Argh! So I thought, “What the heck am I supposed to do with myself now?!” They said, “Anything you want, ma. This is it. Your life is all yours now.” And I’m like, “Come travel the islands of our country with me.” And they’re like, “Yeah, we’re not into that.” And I’m like, “Fine! I’ll do it by myself then!” So I started with my first trip in January, then another in April, and booked another one for October.
For those still raising their kids – the sudden freedom is gonna feel weird but in a good way. 😂
Note: Please pick up plastic trash and discard properly when you are at any beach. Don’t listen to people who say, “That’s nothing,” or “That doesn’t do much.” EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS. 😍

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

The post GGG – The freedom you have after your kids grew up can be weird appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – I think women should get along and build each other up https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg-40/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg-40/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 11:51:04 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=842 The post GGG – I think women should get along and build each other up appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global! This is a post taken from our Facebook Community where we support and empower women to make changes in the world, together! Below you will find a post from one of our 80K+ group members, talking about their very personal story or issue. With the agreement of the author we are allowed to share it on the Dear Alyne Blog to inspire, and to help other women. To read the community answers, please click on the link below and join the group (women only, sorry guys! Ask your girlfriend hehe.). Our hope is that you find posts to relate to, and maybe some answers to your own questions!

Topic: Self Intro

Hello there! 😁❤ I am Nafia, a 23 year old woman from the small but beautiful country of Bangladesh, a country though crowded but blessed with a rich culture and natural resources.
This is my introductory post, to share some stuff about me and also to get to know you gorgeous souls. You know, trying to build a bridge of friendship here.💜 I am basically an introvert in the effort to come out of my shell slowly but surely, currently studying microbiology in a private university. I’ve been married for almost 3.5 years now to a wonderful human being, who always encourages me to have a positive mindset no matter what. I am a feminist who wants to travel the world and actively advocate for women’s rights in the future, empowering other women along the way. I believe in the idea of girl power and girl love, I think women should get along and build each other up instead of tearing one another down, for a better, more freeing world. Last but not the least, I sometimes write poems and music in my spare time, both in English and my beloved native language. I wrote one to motivate myself and women like me, so that we always choose to believe in ourselves over all the negativity and everything else. Really excited to share it for the first time on a social platform, hope you like it! 💝
**Review and questions from you guys will be welcomed.
When you look at the mirror and you feel down,
Instead of smiling you frown,
You think you’re flawed, staring into the detailed reflection,
Pity, don’t you know perfection is just a myth, an illusion?
This endless scrutiny, will welcome an ocean of misery.
But there’s a key to feeling beautiful, bathing in happiness unbound.
So won’t you revert your eyes and turn around,
Pick your self-esteem up from the ground?
Root out those petty insecurities and say, good riddance!
It’s about time, time you grow some confidence.
And when you see shallow hearts leer at you and murmur,
Wear this confidence of yours, like a crown, like an armour.

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

The post GGG – I think women should get along and build each other up appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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