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Recently I was on a talk show with my boyfriend. They asked him if he travels the world “to meet girls”. This was my response.

YouTube video


A few things I want to say

When I said “Albania has a problem with sexism” my intent wasn’t to generalize, I just meant I know the country does have some problems there. Unicef, and other international organizations have written many reports about it. (Female infanticide, 40% domestic abuse). I only mentioned Albania/Balkans…because I was in Albania. MANY COUNTRIES HAVE THESE PROBLEMS, and MANY are MUCH worse.

Albania is a great country and I don’t want this video to reflect badly on them, You’ll notice my video before this is about how Albania is my favorite country. Every country has pros and cons and should be looked at as a whole, not just focusing on an area that needs work.

I also do not hold anything against the show. Not everyone has the same grasp of or dedication to ethics so this is not meant to insult them.

This is simply meant to show girls like me that we are allowed to say NO when things they are not comfortable with are happening.

Also, check out the full video and blog post here.

In this blog post, I also included screenshots of some beautiful supportive messages I got from Albanians around the world beneath the video. I made a video last week about how Albania is my favorite country.

I will not let one event make me dislike a country. Albania is still my favorite country, is beautiful, and lovely. Every country has room to improve, and I don’t judge countries based on their problems.

Albania is still my favorite country, is beautiful, and lovely. Every country has room to improve, and I don’t judge countries based on their problems.

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This talk show host thought it was okay to ask a sexist question on television https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/this-talk-show-host-thought-it-was-okay-to-ask-me-a-sexist-question-on-television/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/this-talk-show-host-thought-it-was-okay-to-ask-me-a-sexist-question-on-television/#respond Mon, 05 Nov 2018 09:20:02 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1430 The post This talk show host thought it was okay to ask a sexist question on television appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Nas and I recently did a talk show when we were in Albania. I was looking forward to it, but was shocked when the host asked Nas if he travelled the world to meet different girls. Very disappointing.

Please don’t laugh when people make sexist, racist jokes. Our laughter is our support. If they tell you you’re making a big deal out of nothing, tell them sexism is a big deal. If they tell you it’s just a joke, say that jokes at other people’s expense are not JOKES, and are not funny.

YouTube video

P.S. We reuploaded this video because this channel wants attention and views and I don’t want to support them in doing that.

Here’s the transcript!

Ermal (the host): Here now will come a girl that wants to ask you a question Nas. Are you ready?

(English part:)

Ermal: Arber are you ready? Coz u are already used to these kind of things. (Public laughs).

Ermal: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Kejvina. (Kejvina Enters)

Ermal: Nas, don’t turn around, because other than her eyes, you will see a couple of other eyes (referring to her breasts). Alyne, you can see, but Nas can’t. (Ermal laughs).

Ermal: Kejvina, ask the question please.

Kejvina: I will say it in Albanian coz I’m not good at English….. So, ummm, I don’t know how to formulate it.

Ermal: Say it in Albanian darling.

Kejvina: You travel quite often. But how do you find time to dedicate it to your girlfriend?

Ermal: No no this is not the question

Kejvina: Yes it is

Ermal: No it isn’t.

Kejvina: Yes this is the question, because we changed the previous one. Don’t try to put me into an argument with other people!

Ermal: Come here and read it how it’s written

Kejvina: But we’ve changed it….

(someone talks from the backstage) Ermal: Ah, they didn’t want this question?


Ermal: Who changed the question then?

Kejvina:  While on backstage I spoke with Arbrer

Ermal: Ah so you Arber changed the question?

Arber: The question was “when you go on trips, you do that to meet girls?” but to me it makes no sense as a question, because Nas is all the time with Alyne!

Kejvina: This question is very uneducated and inappropriate!

Ermal: No no no, keep the question you had before.

Ermal: We have the question now!

Kejvina does the question….

Alyne: This is not funny. Women in Albania are treated like shit.

Ermal: This was a stupid question

Alyne argues with Ermal about who’s insulting whom.

Ermal: Let’s do another question

Alyne: People should hear this.

Ermal to Kejvina: Look, ask this question to make it up for the previous question. You’re gonna ask “in all the places you’ve been, where would you like to propose to your gf?”

Kejvina: Ok this is better.

Kejvina: (jokingly saying) Now I will look at Arber while I ask the question because I am afraid to look this way (meaning Nas and Alyne might get angry again).

Ermal: Now ask the question I told you

Kejvina: No, it would be better to ask “in which of the countries would like to live with your gf”, not where to marry her. Maybe they don’t wanna marry, why should we force them to admit now?

Ermal: Please ask the marriage question. Ok we have the question

Alyne: Just cut anything that I said that offends Albania, coz I like Albania.

Kejvina asks the question about the wedding.

Nas: This is a boring question.

Ermal: I hope your girlfriend likes this question

Ermal: Thank you Kejvina. This was one of the most uncomfortable questions Kejvina has done throughout 3 years of this programme.

And here are some of the awesome responses people sent!

We want to highlight the people who care and empower women. Here are some messages I received that gave me hope for the world. 💕 (I’ve cropped out their names in case they want privacy!)

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GGG – I achieved my dream of dancing professionally https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/career-talent/ggg-i-achieved-my-dream-of-dancing-professionally/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/career-talent/ggg-i-achieved-my-dream-of-dancing-professionally/#respond Fri, 02 Nov 2018 08:55:26 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1410 The post GGG – I achieved my dream of dancing professionally appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Topic: Feminist Friday

I’ve never thought that at the age of 30 I would be able to dance passionately like this. When I was younger, I loved dancing so much, but, somehow I never capture myself becoming a professional dancer: insecurity, uncertainty and lots of other reasons. I think I wouldn’t be good enough for this. So life has turned me to be a digital marketer which I love too. Nevertheless, that passion for dancing stays the same in my heart.

At the beginning of 2018, I met a friend (Tanya) in The Hague, Netherlands where I live at this moment. As her dream is to open a dance studio, together we’ve gradually built up a small passionate dance community in the city. Our goal with this studio is to empower other women around us through the love for dancing. Looking at all the girls coming to our dance classes, I feel nothing but extremely happy. It’s incredible to see them getting more confident, sexier, and happier in the dance class.

I really believe “When women support each other, incredible things happen ❤

And it’s just like the purpose of our group Girls Gone Global. Happy Friday everyone!!!

The post GGG – I achieved my dream of dancing professionally appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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SHOULD WOMEN DO THIS? https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/should-women-do-this/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/should-women-do-this/#respond Fri, 26 Oct 2018 14:24:18 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1195 The post SHOULD WOMEN DO THIS? appeared first on Dear Alyne.

YouTube video

I was lucky to have parents who never stopped me from traveling. Many women around the world are not so lucky! What about you? Tell me in the comments!

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GGG – Girls should speak out without being afraid https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg-girls-should-speak-out-without-being-afraid/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg-girls-should-speak-out-without-being-afraid/#respond Wed, 24 Oct 2018 08:51:58 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1306 The post GGG – Girls should speak out without being afraid appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Open Topic Monday

Rest in peace, Tara Fares.

A famous Instagram influencer from Iraq, Tara Fares was shot and killed while driving her car in Baghdad in end September this year.

She was one of the few influencers based in Iraq to consistently voice out her opinions against domestic abuse, and she loved wearing bright colors and some western outfits, thus gaining many haters for her less conservative thinking, which was also believed to be one of the main reasons there were threats to her life.

I had just known about her today, but what a wonderful life, even if it was short lived. She was a woman who made a stand and live how she wanted to, and enjoyed it despite knowing all the dangers.

I hope girls don’t feel afraid after seeing this. Do not deactivate your Instagram account, post more, let your voices be heard, and break more walls so none of our sisters’ lives will end in vain.

Every human is born from a mother, a woman herself, without us everything ceases to exist. We are not just born to be in servitude nor should we feel powerless. We deserve freedom, peace and happiness.

Check out the original post and take part in the community discussion in our group Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne)! (FOR WOMEN ONLY.)

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THE “F” WORD https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/the-f-word/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/the-f-word/#respond Fri, 20 Jul 2018 15:39:57 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1219 The post THE “F” WORD appeared first on Dear Alyne.

My mom taught me to never say the “F” word, but this time, I hope she’ll APPROVE!

YouTube video

The post THE “F” WORD appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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The Pink Tax! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/the-pink-tax/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/the-pink-tax/#respond Sun, 10 Jun 2018 15:50:01 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1227 The post The Pink Tax! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Nobody likes taxes. Especially hidden ones.

YouTube video

I asked my Instagram followers what videos they’d like to see, and I got an overwhelming response: The Pink Tax! The thing is…I had never actually heard of it! But once I researched it, I realized I knew aaaaaaall about it. 😳

Join Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne)! It’s an all women group to discuss “The Pink Tax” and many other female based topics!

The post The Pink Tax! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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SHE MADE ME CRY (w/ the President) https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/she-made-me-cry-w-the-president/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/she-made-me-cry-w-the-president/#respond Fri, 20 Apr 2018 14:51:57 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1202 The post SHE MADE ME CRY (w/ the President) appeared first on Dear Alyne.

📍I didn’t feel comfortable making this video, but I finally had to 😳

YouTube video

So many people are working against progress, so the few that are working FOR it? Are worth crying for.

Thank you to Nas Daily for always including me and to President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca for showing me a different world. And thank you Hilton Malta for hosting the Nas Daily team ALL week long! This is the first time in months we’ve been able to stay in the same rooms for more than two days 😂😍🙏🏼

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