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Unique things to do in Paris!

People always ask me for recommendations after trips, so here are my Paris recommendations all in one spot! If you want a discount on your next hotel booking use this Agoda link for 5% off! 

At a glance:

Our super cute Grocery Store Boutik Hotel Room! Unique things to do in Paris Unique things to do in Paris Le Potager de Charlotte - an amazing vegan restaurant in Paris! Unique things to do in Paris Dress up like French tourists to make walking around and photos more fun! (Location: Sacre cour) Unique things to do in paris Unique hotel in Paris France - Grocery Store Boutik

Oh BONJOUR so nice to see you here! 

This was my THIRD trip to Paris – so I wanted to find unique things to do in Paris, in addition to my old time favorites! I’m a 29 year old world traveler who’s been to 70 countries.  My Mom is a AGE UNDISCLOSED recent retiree who has been to 1 country in the last 20 years! We have totally different travel styles, backgrounds, ages etc. We clash a lot and don’t travel or think in the same way. Which is why we decided it would be a great idea to…

Take an 8 day trip to PARIS…together!  Let’s see how it went 😂

Where we stayed

We booked our hotels via Agoda since we are working with them on this project! I wanted to find UNIQUE hotels and consequently I searched and found…

Kube Ice Hotel.

Unique Kube Ice Hotel In Paris!
The Hotel has a private ice bar to hang out in!

This hotel is in the 18th arrondissement which is on the outer edge of the Paris Circle (check the map). The neighborhood is predominantly African, Indian, Moroccan and consequently if you love that type of food and clothing, you’re in luck! We ate Biryani (Indian flavored rice) for 8 Euro and it was AMAZING. The hotel itself though has a completely different vibe: a big hipster courtyard and one of the nights they had a huge costume party! The bar is very happening, and there is ANOTHER bar that is an ICE BAR!! ITS AMAZING! AND HUGE! It has a French flag frozen in the wall, an ice car, and it’s not very busy so you can pretty much get it all to yourself. The rooms are very big and even your bathtub in your room is shaped like an ice cube!

Agoda also has a new part of their website which offers apartments and homes to stay in! We wanted to try it out since I love home vibes (hello laundry machine!) but we didn’t have time since we found something even more awesome. That brings me to our second hotel…


Our super cute Grocery Store Boutik Hotel Room!
Our super cute Grocery Store Boutik Hotel Room!

Okay so this Boutik hotel has 2 amazing and unique places to stay in Paris. It’s an apartment you rent, not really a hotel with many rooms and a reception desk. One of the two locations looks like a LIBRARY (SO COOL) but it was fully booked! SO we booked the one that looks like a CUTE CORNER GROCERY STORE (they were almost fully booked but we found one night)! It’s a super cute quiet place that is really…I mean wow. So unique. Pretty hotels with pools and a view are a dime a dozen, but this was incredibly unique and I’ve never seen anything like it before! It’s really spacious with a sort of living room area, upstairs and downstairs, very clean, big modern bathroom and tub,  and great location in the center of Paris near the Seine. I wish I could have stayed longer! One warning – there is no AC (but they do have fans) so if it’s the middle of summer and you’re heat sensitive keep that in mind. We invited some local friends over, ate cheese and bread and fruit, and played cards until late at night. Definitely the kind of place you’ll want to share with friends as you’ll love it so much, and sharing the experience makes it even better. We also slept INSANELY WELL because the bedroom totally blacks out – so set an alarm or you’ll sleep peacefully until next year hehe. Location is great, central and lots to do in the neighborhood! The blinds are electronic so you’ll feel very modern and chic.

What we did: Musee d’Orsay, Shakespeare and Co, THRIFT SHOPPING, Vegan cooking class!

Musee d’Orsay! Ok this is not unique but Paris has many museums and this is the one my mom was most excited to see. It has Van Gogh, Degas, Monet, Manet, and currently – an amazing and very interesting exhibit about black people In French history. There’s also an exhibit about women painters and how they were disadvantaged. Loving the inclusivity there and their giftshops are full of art themed notebooks and cute things that I wanted to buy all of!

This was my Moms favorite part of the trip - visiting the Orsay Museum in Paris! This painting reminded her of her childhood and made her cry
This was my Moms favorite part of the trip – visiting the Orsay Museum in Paris! A painting reminded her of her childhood and made her cry <3 CUTES.

Shakespeare and Co! This amazing bookstore has an insane history: At night, young writers sleep on these benches for free, in exchange for a few hours work, reading a book a day, and writing a 1 page story of their life. It’s right across the river from Notre Dame, like a 1 minute walk, so it’s a great place to spend some time and look at Notre Dame since it was burned down, you are not able to enter during renovations. They also have a cute healthy cafe that I like to sit and relax in with lots of vegan and vegetarian options like a sushi roll, a korean glass noodle salad, quiche, and more.

Me in Shakespeare and Co in July 16, 2011 - exactly years ago!
Me in Shakespeare and Co in July 16, 2011 – exactly years ago!

“Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in the heart of Paris, on the banks of the Seine, opposite Notre-Dame. Since opening in 1951, it’s been a meeting place for anglophone writers and readers, becoming a Left Bank literary institution.”

Thrift Shopping! Shocking to believe, but thrift shopping was popular even before Macklemore! Growing up I exclusively shopped at thrift shops when I was paying because hello I was 14 and had no money and because thrift shops are COOL AND SUSTAINABLE LIKE ME! I still remember my favorite skirt was 50 cents. Gray plaid and closed with safety pins lolol. Here in Paris there are many amazing vintage shops.  We did a challenge: a full outfit for under 100 Euro! And it was easy! Ours were way under budget. And the best part was many of them are on the same street so it was easy to look around! We visited “FREE’P’STAR” and the Kilo Shop which was 2 doors down. Kilo shop you shop BY WEIGHT! But of course the items I liked were specially marked to be sold NOT be weight and were the most expensive things. I HAVE EXPENSIVE TASTE even at a thrift shop 😂

Unique things to do in Paris
Thrift shopping is a sustainable fun way to enjoy Parisian fashion without the luxury price tags!

Vegan Cooking Class at “Les Potager De Charlotte! This was my Mom’s favorite activity! I’m vegetarian and she’s not, but we both found a compromise in that we both enjoy healthy food! So we took a vegan cooking class and it was AMAZING! Quicker than taking a cooking class is simply enjoying a meal there! The restaurant was called “Le Potager de Charlotte” and it was perfect because it was also run by a Mom (Charlotte) and her children! The food is fresh and gorgeous and both restaurants have an amazing atmosphere. They decorated with beautiful green moss and the chef David is obsessed with making sure every dish is perfect – go and enjoy and let me know what you thought! Can’t wait to go back!

Le Potager de Charlotte - an amazing vegan restaurant in Paris!
Take a cooking class or enjoy a vegan meal at Le Potager de Charlotte – an amazing gourmet restaurant in Paris!

What else we ate: Bistro Des Augustins.

GRATIN. SLICED POTATOES BAKED WITH CHEESE AND CREAM. EAT WITH BAGUETTE. ORDER AN ITALIAN SALAD. ENJOY. I ate here two nights in a row, I took a taxi to eat there, it’s so good and totally affordable. Around 11 euro for each dish. Water is free and they make a nice natural orange or lemon juice. It’s about 7 minutes walk from Notre Dame overlooking the Seine if you sit outside to eat (like all Parisians do!) We ate other things but this was my favorite. “French Peasant Food” as our waiter called it! (NOT vegan but yes vegetarian)

SUMMARY: Paris has unique things to do that will please EVERYONE!

My Mom and I DID have a couple clashes, but thats pretty good for an 8 day intense trip together! We really enjoyed all of the activities and found things we could BOTH love! My favorite was thrift shopping and the cooking class and she loved the cooking class and the museum. We BOTH loved game night at our gorgeous Unique Grocery Store Boutik room – it was a night to remember!

And as always, the best thing about a place is the unique people you meet!

Unique things to do in Paris Unique things to do in Paris! One of the amazing photos @nouha.photographie took of me and her friend! One of the amazing photos @nouha.photographie took of me and her friend! Unique things to do in Paris! Unique things to do in Paris!

The post Unique Things To Do In Paris! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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My Priority Pass Experience https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/priority-pass-is-it-worth-it/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/priority-pass-is-it-worth-it/#respond Thu, 23 May 2019 08:02:35 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2071 The post My Priority Pass Experience appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Dear Alyne – Priority Pass Experience

If you came here for the Priority Pass Discount: Click Here

(The link was broken when I posted it on stories originally, sorry about that!!)

ANYWAYS! We had a lot of fun in the Priority Pass lounge in Singapore!

What follows is my experience with visiting the Priority Pass Airport Lounge!

I’ve always loved traveling. Ever since I was a kid and saw pictures of the Mayan Pyramids, of Machu Picchu, Angkor Wat, and all of those amazing gigantic ruins, I knew I had to visit them when I grew up! So I saved money, pinched my pennies and traveled every summer of college. Because I was a student I was on a tight budget, so I spent a lot of time sleeping on cold airport floors, squatting next to random electricity outlets in weird places (like…behind unattended counters 😂), and trying to calculate which snacks were the healthiest, biggest, and cheapest.

I can’t count how many times I tried to charm the front desk agents at the Airport Lounges to give me the access codes to their fast free wifi (this always failed).  Those long layovers with no solid internet were awful – especially knowing that good Wi-Fi was literally a step away in the lounges. Lounges that cost up to $75 to visit.

priority pass review experience
We had a lot of fun in the lounge in Singapore!

Fast forward to now!  I fly almost every week of the year so the time spent in airports adds up! I heard about a company called Priority Pass, which lets you access lounges without flying first class.  Essentially it’s a card (or e-card that you scan on your phone) that gives you access to over 1200 airport lounges worldwide.This, is cool! Because the times I tried to enter lounges without a pass, they would charge me

I also like this company so much that I invented a slogan for them-

“Someday first class but for now…Priority Pass! ” 😂 Tada! 


Here is a video I made of my Priority Pass experience!

So…. How much does Priority Pass cost?

Priority Pass has 3 options as you can see below. For a frequent traveler like me, option 2 or 3 would be best. For someone who just pops in now and then I would start with Standard to see if you like it. You can also get a discount of up to 20% this month here :
Priority Pass Dear Alyne Discount

Priority Pass Membership Options
Priority Pass Membership Options


We’ve been stuck at airports for long layovers before and paid $75 EACH for access to a crap lounge. That’s over $200 for 3 people for ONE VISIT. It’s simple math. If over the course of a year you would want to visit more than 5 lounges then you’ll save money with the pass. If you plan to just visit one or two and rough it in the main airport areas then it’s not worth it.

What will most likely fit most people’s lifestyle the best is the “Standard Plus” membership for $299. It comes with 10 FREE visits. Any visit after your first 10 free ones are used are discounted to $32. (About half price of normal entrance). So essentially you’re paying $30 per visit with priority pass. Pretty good.

Why it’s worth it:


priority pass review experience
priority pass review experience
  • Free Food. Yes. Each lounge literally has a buffet of free food. Pasta, potatoes, curries, each location is different. It is all you can eat!
  • Free alcohol, water, beverages. You know how much a big water in an airport usually costs. WATER. Is like $6. And alcohol will run you even more. In these lounges you can drink as much as you want, water, soda, alcohol etc for free. It’s all included.
  • Free fast Wi-Fi.The thing I hate most on earth is being stuck on a long layover after a long Wi-fi-less flight with NO INTERNET. IT MAKES ME CRAZY. Partially because then I can’t plan my trip, contact my family, or get any work done. That’s why I love using the lounges. Free fast Wi-fi.
  • Outlets and workspace. Endless outlets and workspace to actually get things done. Paying $30 is worth it to have peace of mind that I can send or receive work files I need, and charge all my equipment for long flights ahead. Also there are private workstations so I can sit and work. Time and money and 2 hours working hard in a lounge can make me back a lot more than the $30 I spent.
  • Random perks: Massage chairs, showers, these are some relaxing perks that exist in some of the lounges!

Why it’s not worth it:

• If you travel only once or twice a year you can just pay for a lounge pass. But if you’re a couple entering a lounge just one time, that’s $75 each – that’s $150 so even then…it might be worth it to get the $99 membership because the guest is only $32 then you’re only spending $107. So yeah. Do the math but it will usually save you money.

❤ Try Priority Pass now for up to 20% off. 🌍

Below are examples of some of the typical lounges.

You can check the Priority Pass App or Website to see what lounges are under Priority Pass for your most commonly used airports.

Male Maldives Priority Pass Lounge
Male Maldives Priority Pass Lounge
Copenhagen Priority Pass Lounge
Copenhagen Priority Pass Lounge
Muscat Priority Pass Lounge
Muscat Priority Pass Lounge

So, if you are the type of person who eats at the airport, buys water or drinks, or pays for Wi-Fi, Priority Pass could actually save you money. It’s pretty amazing!!

Bonus: you get to feel like the cool fancy person who gets to use the lounge. 😎




The post My Priority Pass Experience appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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Dear Alyne’s guide to Seychelles https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/guide-to-seychelles/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/guide-to-seychelles/#respond Sat, 22 Dec 2018 12:03:06 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1644 The post Dear Alyne’s guide to Seychelles appeared first on Dear Alyne.


Today I want to talk about a MAGICAL and BEAUTIFUL place I got the chance to visit: the African country  SEYCHELLES!

And it is amazing that we even ended up visiting, because the plan was to stay in Ethiopia where we were making videos then, but the Wi-fi was poo no matter what we did. So we looked for direct flights out, and we found the Seychelles!

We had no regrets and loved it! I think they loved us too 😛 cause we even got interviewed in the papers there.

If you love nature, undiscovered places, and want to visit a different side of Africa, read this article for a better idea on what to know about this tiny island country and what to do there.


The Seychelles is a tiny…

… tiny African country to the east of Kenya.

And it’s completely VISA-FREE which means it doesn’t matter what country you’re from, you’re allowed to visit the Seychelles!

It’s also known for amazing beaches, with HUGE boulders, beautiful waters and powdery sand. It feels like real paradise.


1) Help save the earth by buying coral

We found that the Marine Conservation Society Seychelles (MCSS) lets you ADOPT coral! and it’s really easy. You can choose your own coral from their kiosk and pay for it with a small donation.

Then the volunteers will head under the sea and plant your coral for you. You even get a certificate to show you that you own the coral. How cool is that?

Here’s the video about this: We killed the ocean

2) Curieuse Island – Small island with giant turtles

This little island off the coast of the mainland has many GIANT tortoise population. I really wish we had a chance to go there and see the friendly tortoise giants, but we were too busy. 🙁

I know I will go there when I return to the Seychelles though!

3) Experience the culture where the MEN cook for you

Seychelles has a matriarchal society, so it’s common to see men cooking in the kitchen while women handle other household chores.

Idk about you but I think it’s only fair for housework to be divided between men and women!

You can go experience this for yourself if you do a homestay or stay in a hosted AirBnb, probably! P.S. If you’re going to get an AirBnb (and it’s your first time), you can use my voucher for a discount!

We have a video on this too, check it out: Where MEN cook!


We found that it’s really easy to get married in the Seychelles. You just need your passport and your birth certificate, and it takes only 5 days to process!

One of our girls in my Facebook group, Girls Gone Global, got married there (wedding photography, cake and all, for just $3000.)

Also watch the video Nas made about this: How we got MARRIED!


Okay so this is one of my favourite parts simply because the hotel I stayed in was AMAZING. We were hosted by Hilton Seychelles Northolme Resort & Spa, which has some of the friendliest staff (like in all other Hilton hotels we’ve been to) and some of the most beautiful rooms I’ve stayed in.

I mean, LOOK AT IT.



Which means you get to chill with snacks and drinks and just ENJOY THE VIBES

The villas cost under 600 euros per night. It’s a lot, but worth splurging on for an anniversary or special night!

And that’s my guide to the Seychelles! Leave me a comment if you have any questions and I hope you’ll visit too! 💕

For more exciting places to visit check out this guide to what we did in Albania!

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4 important things people forget before travelling https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/4-important-things-people-forget-before-travelling/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/4-important-things-people-forget-before-travelling/#respond Sun, 02 Dec 2018 09:37:07 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1585 The post 4 important things people forget before travelling appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Sometimes when you travel to a new country it’s so easy to focus on the big important things like your flight, accommodation, passport, etc., that you might forget some smaller but really important details!

Here is a list of things you need to check before you travel. This will save you so much hassle in the long run.

1) Unfreezing your credit cards

Always remember to call your credit card company to let them know you’re going overseas. You don’t wanna end up in another country only to find out you can’t use your card when you want to buy something.

Pro-tip: If you’re using a debit card, it’s a good idea to disable the automatic tap-to-pay feature, just in case your wallet is stolen. That way, if your card does get stolen, no one can use the money in it!

2) Country specific requirements

Some countries might have certain requirements when you enter. Like when I went to the Seychelles from Ethiopia, I found out that I needed to have proof of yellow fever vaccination. Go Google the country you’re travelling to and do some research before hand to prevent stuff like this from delaying you!

Also many countries require you to have an onward ticket to enter!! (An onward ticket is proof that you have another flight to catch eventually, to make sure you’re not gonna overstay.) So if you travel one way like me, then you need to contact a travel agent to get you a sort of “fake” onward ticket or book a 24 hour refundable ticket (on websites like Expedia) and cancel it when you land! All you need is a confirmation number to show the airline. I’ve almost missed so many flights because I didn’t know I needed an onward ticket!

3) Travel insurance

Okay many people overlook travel insurance, but it’s such a lifesaver if you get into any trouble or accidents. I use SafetyWing, which is a subscription based insurance for just $37 a month. The customer service is super responsive, and everything is so hassle free. Check it out here if you want to try it too.

4) Passport validity

A lot of countries need your passport to have at least 3-6 month buffer before it expires, or they might turn you away! Even if you knew this already, it’s easy to forget, so make sure to set a reminder in your calendar when you need to renew it!

Are there any things you always forget when you travel? Let me know in the comments!

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My life changed, and a big reason is Girls Gone Global – GGG (1/3) https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/career-talent/my-life-changed-and-a-big-reason-is-girls-gone-global-ggg-1-3/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/career-talent/my-life-changed-and-a-big-reason-is-girls-gone-global-ggg-1-3/#respond Fri, 23 Nov 2018 18:05:52 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1556 The post My life changed, and a big reason is Girls Gone Global – GGG (1/3) appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This is the first post in a series of posts by Tamara, a Girls Gone Global member. Tamara confided in the members of the group at one of her low points in life, and she received tons of support along the way.

Part 1: Feeling lost without a career or direction in life

May 29th, 2018.

Hello everyone!

I am Tamara and I am 24 years old. I am very happy that Girls Gone Global group exists, and I will pour all my love into it. Thank you Alyne for creating this group!

I will just jump right into it. I graduated exactly a year ago and I have not been able to get a job despite over 30 interviews with really great companies. I know everyone goes through something like this, I don’t know why I am going through this. Especially because I have really tried hard. Even before graduating, I kept focusing on what my next steps would be, but I achieved nothing.

What frustrates me the most is that I might have studied the wrong major for me (business).  I know it is a useful skill to have and a great backup plan, and there are a lot of career options. But I feel so lost.

I didn’t know if I should at first, but after being encouraged by brave ladies in this group, I decided to spend all my savings to a last-minute trip to Southeast Asia last January.

I just wanted to leave everything behind for at least a short period of time, which resulted in almost two months of backpacking.

In a temple in Bangkok, I met someone my age working in the United Nations – that’s my dream job, and I was awestruck to have met someone working there. After some talking, I asked how he got in, and he told me about his master’s degree on International Studies in one of the most important universities in Asia, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). With his help, I applied there as well.

After waiting for 6 months they will let me know this May if I am accepted or not! I am incredibly passionate about this topic, International Relations, but I feel like I know nothing at all, so I have been reading and reading for now. I even finished an introduction textbook. It is one of the top programmes, so it is not easy to be accepted. Even if I get accepted, I might only be able to attend if I get one of the several scholarships I applied to…

Hopefully I will be able to enjoy this new path and find myself in it, but currently, it has been very hard. I studied in another city and now I came back to my parent’s home in a place where I barely know anyone. I do not go out. I barely talk to anyone. I just started a non-paid internship – for resume experience. I feel pressure from far away friends and from my relatives. The more time that passes the less hope I have that my life will change course. I do not really know what I am doing. If I do not get this master’s degree, I will just have to continue trying.

I have always said that I wanted my career to be first. That as a woman, I never wanted my life to depend on my parents or husband, if I happen to marry. But now, I literally have no career and I just feel so lost.  

I am currently living in Arizona, but I was fortunate enough to travel while growing up. I was born in Spain, moved to Chile, then moved to Mexico, and now I live here. I consider myself Mexican as my parents are. I love food, traveling, reading, learning, and video/photo editing.  

Check out the second post in the series here!

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Dear Alyne’s recommended places in Albania https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/dear-alynes-recommended-places-in-albania/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/dear-alynes-recommended-places-in-albania/#respond Sat, 10 Nov 2018 18:47:05 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1477 The post Dear Alyne’s recommended places in Albania appeared first on Dear Alyne.

I love Albania so much! It is my favourite country because it’s filled with beautiful nature, is so undiscovered, has amazing healthy food, and is cheap. It’s really the GEM of Europe.

YouTube video

And Albania has a special place in my heart because it’s where I went on a month long solo trip and found myself.

I stayed in a HUGE and CHEAP villa where I had an amazing view, and every day felt like a dream.

So if you’re going to Albania too, here’s what I did in case you want some footsteps to follow in 😉


1) Vila Amantia

This is that villa I stayed in for my solo trip. It is only $60/night! See the link below for more details!

It’s a very rustic and beautiful place with stone walls and a view of the city from the balcony. And it’s got FIVE bedrooms. It’s really huge!

And if you haven’t used AirBnb before, go to this link to get a free voucher from me!

Address: Vlore, Kaninë (You’ll be given the exact location only after confirming the booking.)
Website: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/2921528
It’s only $58 per night per person (or room)

2) The Plaza Tirana

Photo: The Plaza Tirana Facebook page

This place is probably the best hotel in Albania. It’s brand new, central, and room we had came with an amazing view and even had its own full size Jacuzzi and SAUNA!

It’s located in the city, so you can walk to places like the nearby shopping mall or museum really quickly..

Address: Rruga 28 Nëntori, Tirana.
Website: https://www.plazatirana.com/
Price: You can get it for as little as $120 per night on certain sites.

3) Cavaliero

Photo: Cavaliero Facebook page

This Beautiful and simple hotel restaurant comes equipped with large well decorated rooms and delicious meals. It’s right near the border of Albania and Montenegro (about 7 minutes away), and we stayed here for 3 nights to just work in the hotel because we enjoyed it so much.

This is a gorgeous resort-hotel we stayed in at Schkoder.

Address: Bajza, Shkodër, Albania
Website: https://www.facebook.com/cavaliero15/
Give them a call to check the current rates!

4) Xheko Imperial Hotel

Photo: Xheko Imperial Facebook page

I felt like a queen here with all the fancy decor! If you’re gonna treat yourself, check out the imperial room. For a romantic date night head to their roof top which has little canals and a lot of charm. This is one of the most beautiful building interiors in Albania!

There are lots of art galleries and bars nearby if you wanna check them out too!

Address: Ibrahim Rugova nr. 56/H2 Tiranë, 1019
Website: https://www.xheko-imperial.com/en/
It’s $120 a night!


1) Rented a car and drove down the long winding roads to see the BEAUTIFUL NATURE

Lots of places in Albania are simply STUNNING. If you love driving. Rent a car and explore! Just ask the host or concierge at your accommodation for tips on where to head to for the best nature.

And since Albania is so undiscovered, you will rarely see any other tourists, which is yet another reason why I love Albania!

2) Hiked in Kaninë! I saw the castle and caught the beautiful sunset too

Or if you want a specific place to visit, check out Kaninë. There’s an castle there and the sunsets are beautiful.

Make sure you go there in the late afternoon so when golden hour hits you have time to snap Instaworthy pics like I did with Nas. 🙂

Check out the location here!

3) I visited Ksamil beach then swim to out to the Ksamil islands nearby!

Photo credit

And yes, even the beaches in Albania are so amazing! The water is so clear and blue, it reminded me of the Maldives.

You can just chill by the shore or if you’re up for it, go for a swim out to the nearby Ksamil islands.

Get info about the location here!

4) Met the president of Albania!

It was incredible meeting the president of Albania. When you visit Albania, you might want to check out the museums to learn more about their past. They even helped saved Jews during the holocaust! There is a very small museum about it in Berat.

5) Visited Theth and the mountains there (it feels like Switzerland!)

I don’t think I could ever get tired of the scenery at Theth. And I felt a little like I was in the Sound of Music! All I needed was a traditional dress LOLOALOAL.

Prepare a lot of snacks when you drive out because sometimes you can end up driving for hours on end!

See more amazing pictures and check out the location here!

6) Checked out this tattoo parlour in a communist bunker!

I saw a video about this tattooist, Peter on VICE years ago.

I’m not into tattoos myself, but I thought it was really cool to see this dedicated man run his shop in a communist bunker in the middle of nowhere! To find him, head to Schkoder and ask around 😀

7) Stopped for a coffee at one of the many coffee shops in Albania

Albania has the highest number of coffee shops per capita IN THE WORLD (Nas made a video about this too). People love to just hang out in them, and I don’t have any one place to recommend because there so many that are great!

And since each cup costs only around 50 cents, go forth and BUY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT.

So here’s my quick list of the best places to visit and stay in Albania. This is one of my most favourite places in the world and I hope you’ll love it as much as I do!

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THE GEM OF EUROPE?! 💎 https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/the-gem-of-europe-%f0%9f%92%8e/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/the-gem-of-europe-%f0%9f%92%8e/#respond Sat, 10 Nov 2018 05:06:58 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1471 The post THE GEM OF EUROPE?! 💎 appeared first on Dear Alyne.


After doing my research and visiting almost EVERY country in Europe…THIS is my current favorite 🤫

YouTube video

Have you been here? What’s yours!?

JOIN 100k+ women in @Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne) to discuss this video and other topics!

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5 Things I wish I knew before becoming a digital nomad https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/5-things-i-wish-i-knew-before-becoming-a-digital-nomad/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/5-things-i-wish-i-knew-before-becoming-a-digital-nomad/#respond Thu, 08 Nov 2018 09:01:32 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1453 The post 5 Things I wish I knew before becoming a digital nomad appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This guest post is by blogger Kristin Kee, from Wanderlust or Love. Thank you Kristin for your great and informative post!

It was just a short two months ago when I packed up my belongings that mattered most, sold or donated the rest, and put what was left into storage to live the digital nomad lifestyle. I was nearing the end of my 35th year of existence, and I had just quit my 11 year teaching career to live as a full-time travel and self discovery blogger.

I was a big ball of emotions, which ranged from the kind of excitement that you only get as a kid on Christmas morning to freaking out…“OMGee, what have I just done?!”

I didn’t really know what to expect with this major life change other than a life full of adventure. If being a digital nomad who travels the world sounds appealing to you, here are five things I wish I knew before taking the leap:

1) You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Whether it’s not knowing where you’ll lay your head next or where your next pay check will come from or how soon will you wear out your welcome at so and so’s house, there’s a lot of unknown in this lifestyle.

And living a life with lots of uncertainty can make some people uncomfortable. In my case, it started causing a lot of anxiety, and until I learned how to get comfortable with the discomfort of the unknown, the anxiety just got worse, much worse.

I had to make my peace with the fact that I am now literally living life by the seat of my travelling pants and that my old, steady life as I knew it was over. On the bright side, I’m getting to create the lifestyle that I want, be my own boss, and travel as much as I want (or as much as my pocketbook allows)!

Intentionality is key to creating the life that you want.

I’m currently at the crossroads of living my best life now and creating my best future self, but that wasn’t the case at the beginning of this journey.

With so much of the aforementioned uncertainty in my life, I had to become very intentional about my thoughts, which in turn affected my actions.

I started scripting a few times each week, which is like journaling from the perspective of your future self. I wrote about all the awesome things my future self was doing as if I were doing them at this moment in time, and I gushed about how grateful I was for my blessings. In this way, I am able to get into the mindset of my future, successful self and intentionally shape the outcome of my present life simultaneously.

Flexibility is the name of the game.

Flexibility is key, and no, I’m not talking about the kind of flexibility that allows you to curl up in a ball so you can fit into a suitcase and fly for free!

When you live the digital nomad lifestyle, you have to have a go with the flow kind of attitude.

Travel plans, work, and living arrangements can change on a dime for a variety of reasons, so it’s important to be able to adapt to make the most of this lifestyle. Otherwise, you’ll just want to beat your head against a wall (and that wouldn’t be fair to the wall, lol)!

Put 3-6 months of living expenses into savings, and then DOUBLE IT!

When I started my travel blog about a year and a half ago, I was pretty sure this was the lifestyle I eventually wanted to pursue. So, I started saving what I could from my teacher’s salary, while still traveling as much as possible. But lemme tell you, it wasn’t an easy feat! In the end, I saved as much as I could in a year’s time before resigning from my teaching position at the end of the school year. However, shortly after I resigned, I developed some health issues and used up most of my savings paying off medical bills, which is why it’s sooooo important to double your savings before starting this adventure.

Dating can be difficult.

Dating in this day and age is difficult enough, but throw in the added factor of not having a permanent address and being constantly on the go, and that makes dating a real challenge. But in a way, it almost weeds out the potentials that wouldn’t gel well with your lifestyle. In fact, I’ve been in relationships before I became a digital nomad where my significant other really didn’t like the fact that I traveled so much.

So, those men are obviously not a good fit for a travel blogger taking the world on by storm! Through dating trials and errors, I’ve discovered that I need a man who is very secure, non-controlling, and independent with his own interests and hobbies. Of course, it would be great if he could travel with me, but I know that’s not always feasible.

The important thing is to stay true to yourself and not compromise who you are for any man.

The right one will come along, or so I’ve been told, and while I’m waiting on Mr. Right, I’m just going to keep doing what makes me happy! ;-D

Ultimately, you have to decide what’s best for you and your life! You can read about every digital nomad’s experience until your eyes cross, but in the end, it’s your dream life that you’re consciously creating. Follow your heart and trust your gut!

This lifestyle isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s sooooo worth it if you decide to go for it.

This journey has definitely changed my life for the better! I’ve started attracting the kind of people and experiences that add a touch of magic to my previously “normal” existence. I’ve always wanted to live an incredible life, and now, apart from road tripping cross country with my dog and lunching on top of mountains by myself, my energy has changed the way people look at me and how I see other people too.

I even have moments now where flashes of other people’s thoughts cross my mind, which seems to be a direct result of traveling and being exposed to different ways of perceiving the world around me. I seem to have tapped into a higher consciousness of awareness, which is all still very new to me. Of course, every digital nomad will have their own, unique experience in this nomadic journey, so trust the magic of life and explore the opportunities that come your way!

If you do decide to become a fellow nomad, perhaps our paths will cross in this brave new world that we call home! To read more about my adventures in travel, life, and love, check out my blog www.wanderlustorlove.com or find Wanderlust or Love on social media. XOXO! :-*

NOTE: This article has been edited to remove a term which (previously unknown to us) was offensive. We’re really sorry for any offense caused!

The post 5 Things I wish I knew before becoming a digital nomad appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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How I find the best places to stay when I travel https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/how-to-best-places-to-stay-when-travelling/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/how-to-best-places-to-stay-when-travelling/#respond Sun, 28 Oct 2018 10:48:08 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1355 The post How I find the best places to stay when I travel appeared first on Dear Alyne.

When I travel and share pictures of the places I stay at on Instagram, people always flood me with messages asking me how I found such a beautiful place and how I got it so cheap.

For example, I stayed in this beautiful villa in Albania for just $58/night. This kind of place in other countries would be unaffordable. (By the way if you haven’t used AirBnb before, get a free voucher from me here). 

To be fair, Albania is a pretty affordable country, but I still stand by the statement that it’s possible to get cheap and good accommodation wherever you travel. So here are the top four sites I visit to get the best places to stay when I travel.

1) CouchSurfing

I love CouchSurfing because it’s completely free and you get to stay with awesome locals who can make your travels a lot more interesting. Sometimes they share fun stories or even bring you around to cool places in the area.

Just make sure you do your due diligence by checking if the host is verified, if they have good reviews, etc. If you’re a woman try only to stay with other women or families as many male hosts unfortunately have begun to use CouchSurfing as a way to take advantage of women.

2) Hostel World

This site is one of the best places to check out hostels, no matter where you’re travelling. There are so many options and so many pictures and reviews to help you make sure you’re making the right decision.

Hostels are pretty cheap too. You can find them as cheap as $10-$20 per night depending on the location, how many people you share a room with, and the standard of the hostel.

3) AirBnb

AirBnb is my next favourite option. It’s usually more expensive than hostels, but sometimes you find hidden gems. And if you didn’t know, you can save money on your AirBnb if it’s your first time by using my voucher!

I like AirBnbs for the homely vibes and the ability to cook and do laundry however you’d like. Sometimes it’s cool to stay with a family, but sometimes if you want your own privacy, you can rent it without a host. I love that flexibility and sometimes it warrants paying a bit more.

And as for how I find such beautiful AirBnbs? Just keep searching. It takes a bit of patience and you gotta keep looking at the listings individually, because sometimes the cover picture alone doesn’t show how awesome a place is.

4) Hotels.com

Now if I don’t care too much about price or I just want all my needs taken care of for me, I go and book a hotel on Hotels.com. Also if you’re traveling with another person sometimes a hotel can be just as cheap as a hostel if you’re splitting the price!

It’s trusted and easy to use, and there are so many filters it makes the process a lot easier. Like, I could filter the hotels I want according to the neighbourhoods or landmarks I want to stay close to. Or I could pick the kinds of facilities I want, like a pool or gym.


So those are the four sites I check to find the best places when I travel. I hope it helps you, especially if you’re planning a trip and you don’t know where to start.

The post How I find the best places to stay when I travel appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – When your girl goes global https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-when-your-girl-goes-global/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-when-your-girl-goes-global/#respond Fri, 12 Oct 2018 13:00:59 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1169 The post GGG – When your girl goes global appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Topic: Relationship Saturday

This is a photo of my daughter in Indonesia. Since birth, I have done my best to raise her as a citizen of the world.

I have taken her all over the world with me and have exposed her to the rich history and beauty of many countries. She has seen the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich. She has seen a rich variety of religions and their places of worship.

This picture was taken at the edge of the Leuser ecosystem in Sumatra. We had just been hiking in the jungle and she walked out tired, but with a deep understanding of the impact of human actions on our planet.

I love my daughter with all my heart. Your relationship with your children is like no other.

This is my girl gone global and I can’t wait to see what she does with all this knowledge.

Read the Facebook Community answers and advice to this post HERE (WOMEN ONLY).

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