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'; die(); break; */ default: $text = apply_filters('essgrid_post_meta_content', $text, $handle, $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $this->post); break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of post elements */ public function get_custom_element_value($handle, $separator, $meta = ''){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); $text = ''; $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $handle, ''); if($text == '' && $meta != '') $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $meta, ''); if(intval($text) > 0){ //we may be an image from the metas $custom_meta = $m->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($custom_meta)){ foreach($custom_meta as $cmeta){ if($cmeta['handle'] == $handle){ if($cmeta['type'] == 'image'){ $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($text, $this->media_sources_type); if($img !== false){ $text = $img[0]; //replace with URL } } break; } } } } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of event elements */ public function get_event_manager_value($handle){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $text = ''; switch($handle){ //check for event manager case 'event_start_date': break; case 'event_end_date': break; case 'event_start_time': break; case 'event_end_time': break; case 'event_event_id': break; case 'event_location_name': break; case 'event_location_slug': break; case 'event_location_address': break; case 'event_location_town': break; case 'event_location_state': break; case 'event_location_postcode': break; case 'event_location_region': break; case 'event_location_country': break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of woocommerce elements */ public function get_woocommerce_value($meta, $separator, $catmax = false){ $text = ''; if(isset($this->post['ID'])){ if(Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); /* 2.1.5 category max option */ $adjustMax = false; if($meta === 'wc_categories') { if(!empty($catmax) && $catmax !== '-1' && is_numeric($catmax) && intval($catmax) > 0) { $catmax = intval($catmax); $adjustMax = true; } } if($adjustMax) { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator, $catmax); } else { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator); } } } return $text; } } wellness – Dear Alyne https://www.clone.dearalyne.com Dear Alyne Sat, 17 Nov 2018 09:14:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20 https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/cropped-favicon-32x32.png wellness – Dear Alyne https://www.clone.dearalyne.com 32 32 HOW LONELINESS CHANGED MY LIFE. https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/how-loneliness-changed-my-life/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/how-loneliness-changed-my-life/#respond Mon, 29 Oct 2018 04:41:04 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1388 The post HOW LONELINESS CHANGED MY LIFE. appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Who are you when no one is watching? 2 years ago I spent a month alone and it changed the course of my LIFE!

YouTube video

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How I dealt with bipolar disorder https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/how-i-dealt-with-bipolar-disorder/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/how-i-dealt-with-bipolar-disorder/#respond Tue, 23 Oct 2018 11:10:10 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1294 The post How I dealt with bipolar disorder appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This guest post is written by Patricia Grace. She has her own Facebook page, Muddled Up Mummy, where she shares real life stories, advice, and relatable memes about parenting. Go check it out!

For those of you that have met me I’m sure you’d probably say I seem like a really happy go lucky kinda person. But there is more to me than meets the eye. Behind the smile there is a whole other person. A person who has been through more than most people you know. So let me introduce to you the real me.

I was born in Perth WA Australia in 1984. I was born into what seemed like the perfect little family. To onlookers it would have been. Behind closed doors though it was far from that. At first things seemed good. Well for a bit they were. Then my brother was born and soon things turned really sour in our perfect little family scenario. First it started with my mother. Mentally and physically abused by my father, who was supposed to love her.

After a couple of years my father kidnapped my brother and I and fled to the capital of Australia, Canberra.

My mother soon followed but my father wouldn’t let her see us. She was devastated, and the fact the she already suffered from poor mental health didn’t help.

As time went on my father got worse. Hurting everyone, even his own kids. Once he put me in hospital in the intensive care unit, fighting for my life. What he did to me is a bit too much to share though, but so you all know it wasn’t pretty and I was only 4. Another day he was sick of me and put me in the car boot while he was driving. My brother and I were living in fear.

Every mistake we made, we suffered dear consequences at the hands of our so called father.

This went on for quite some time, until the authorities finally stepped in and we were saved. We went to live in foster care and soon started seeing our mother every week. She was the most beautiful soul and I knew this already at such a young age. It was sad for us though as she suffered from bipolar disorder and really couldn’t take care of us full time. So when we did see her, we really looked forward to it. We adored her so much. In my eyes she was perfect and could do no wrong. At the time though we didn’t even know she wasn’t well, mentally.

Then one day just before I turned 11 she passed away from a burst aneurysm in the brain.

I felt like an angel had been taken from earth.

I was so sad. And angry. God had taken one of the most beautiful souls on earth and it had to be my own mother. I took this out on my foster mum because in my eyes she would never be or replace MY MUM. I was really down for many years. I was never the same after my mother died.

As I got older I started to date. I was in 3 serious relationships over a period a 8 years. Two of them were complete disasters. The other wasn’t that great either. Violence. Mental abuse. Name calling. Control. Alcoholism. Cheating. These were just some of things I had to endure.

After I finally got free from this evil dating spiral I realised I‘d been dating versions of my dad and lost a lot of trust in people.

After years of torment I developed a mental illness. Although doctors believe now I had problems with mental illness from a young age as I would constantly struggle. But after all my trauma from both my childhood and from adulthood I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD.) I tried to take my life many times and was in hospital a lot.

Slowly though, I started to understand it was trauma from my past catching up to me and invading my life like a virus I couldn’t shake. With a lot of support I got my life back on track. It took a lot of strength and plenty of counseling but I got there. But this wasn’t the end of my struggles. It turns out I had bipolar disorder. I was diagnosed with it a couple of years ago but they say it’s been around for awhile and just wasn’t being treated.

I hated getting this label. It made me feel like I must be some kind of crazy. But you know what, it really doesn’t make me crazy at all. I can’t help that I have this. They say it was probably passed down to me because both my parents have it. But each day after finding out, I would wake up, realise I have this label and it would get me down.

So one day I decided to ditch the label.

I decided I am who I am and not the label I’d been given. So this is me…

I’m intelligent and witty.
I’m not bipolar.

I have a positive outlook on life even if I have some really down days.
I’m not bipolar.

I can actually be pretty funny.
I’m not bipolar.

I’m good looking.
I’m not bipolar.

I’m an amazing mother.
I’m not bipolar.

I’m a great friend, partner, sister, daughter and aunty.
I’m not bipolar.

I am me.
I’m not bipolar.

So although I have this label that I don’t really like I try not to focus on it. I focus on all the other things that make me me. I take my meds and get on with it. But I do have days that are really hard. I have anxiety attacks at times. Some days I don’t really feel like talking to anyone. But amongst all this I’ve decided bipolar doesn’t define me. It doesn’t make me a freak. It’s just something I’ve been dealt and I’ve learnt to be ok with that.

So much so that I’m now sharing this. Most of my family and friends don’t even know I have this. This will probably even surprise some of them. I used to be so ashamed because of the stigma behind mental health that I didn’t want anybody to know.


Awareness is key in ending the stigma. So this is why I’m telling my story, to give others the courage to tell theirs, which in turn creates more awareness.


The post How I dealt with bipolar disorder appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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9 Lessons I learned from my weight loss journey that I wish I knew earlier https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/lessons-from-weight-loss-journey/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/lessons-from-weight-loss-journey/#respond Fri, 19 Oct 2018 16:42:38 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1261 The post 9 Lessons I learned from my weight loss journey that I wish I knew earlier appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This guest post is by Emily Bell. Thank you Emily for taking the courage to share your journey and the lessons you’ve learned! If you want to share your story too, drop an email to team@dearalyne.com.

Back in high school, I weighed 220lbs (99.8kg). So I started going to the gym and eating healthy, and I fell into the world of weight loss.

Then I got all the way down to my lowest weight ever: 130lbs (59kg).

I went from size 20 to size 4. You would think I was happy right? I mean, I reached my goal! Isn’t that what everyone wants!? To be skinny? Isn’t that happiness?

The truth is that I was MISERABLE with the lifestyle, and I ended up gaining all the weight back. Eventually, I worked to lose weight again and I am at around 170lbs (77kg) now, a number I am happy with.

Some people might look at me and say that I should still lose 30lbs (13kg) and gain some muscle BUT you know what? I AM HAPPY! And that matters most.

Because instead of focusing on my weight, what I ate, or how many times I went to the gym, I started focusing on living an overall healthy lifestyle. I’ve lived and learned from my experiences, so I want to share these lessons which helped me lose weight and be happy.

Lesson 1: Focus on your value as a person

This is the most important step on your journey. You are not a number on a scale.

No matter what you weigh, you are you. Your thoughts, likes and character will all be the same. So learn to love yourself and your qualities.

That being said, it is still important to be at a healthy weight and feel good about yourself! But the journey starts with you appreciating your value as a person first.

Lesson 2: Choose a proper weight or body fat percentage as your goal

When you start a new weight loss plan, you will be asked the question: “What is your goal weight?”

You will probably have a number in mind, a number which you saw on a chart, which is supposedly your healthy weight. But we are all different. A healthy weight for one person isn’t the same for another.

When I first started my weight loss journey, I skipped choosing a goal (which was a mistake), and it took me some time to figure out 170lbs (77kg) was my ideal weight at which I was happy with how I looked, as well as how much I had to eat and exercise.

As for yourself, set a goal and see if it can work out. If you want to be at 10 percent body fat, you are going to have to change your eating and exercise drastically to reflect that goal. It’s possible that you might find out you really like that lifestyle and achieve that goal, but it is also possible you might not be happy doing the hardcore eating and exercise thing.

So do whatever makes you happy, because your final weight should make you feel good on the inside and outside.

Lesson 3: Ask yourself the real question

When you start your weight loss journey, the first and most important question to ask yourself is: “What am I going to do once the weight is off?”

Picture this. You just went through all this work of getting the weight off. Now how do you maintain your low calorie diet without driving yourself crazy for the rest of your life?

There is a reason they say weight loss is a “lifestyle change.” Though you can lessen the intensity of your weight loss routine, you need to find a routine that you can live with for the rest of your life.

Lesson 4: The things I learned about eating right

  • Don’t force yourself to eat things that are recommended for your health if you don’t like them. Instead, find healthier foods you like to eat and just keep eating them.
  • Take note of eating psychology. There was a study that said you are likely to eat more calories if you were given fun size candies instead of the full size one. So don’t always go for the smaller portion. Fill yourself up so you won’t overeat.
  • Low calorie/sugar stuff isn’t always the best. I use to eat low calorie bread and low sugar cookies, but I found eating regular whole grain bread or a normal cookie made me fuller and more satisfied, which stopped me from snacking more.
  • That being said, healthier versions of things can help fix cravings if it’s a general craving. For example, if you are craving something savoury, you can choose to get wholegrain bread and cheese instead of a pack of chips.

Lesson 5: The things I learned about exercising

  • Exercising is great because it makes you feel happy, because when you start being able to do things that you have never been able to do, you will feel AMAZING!
  • Don’t sell yourself short. If you have a goal, you will make it. In highschool it took me 30 minutes to walk a mile (1.6km). When I could do 3 miles (5km) in 30 min. I felt like I had conquered the world. It just takes perseverance.
  • Figure out what kinds of exercises you like to do. Because some days, you are going to be more motivated to do a longer exercise. And some days, you won’t want to do anything. So pick the exercises you enjoy to motivate yourself.

Lesson 6: Get some hobbies

Being focused on fitness and diet all the time will make you feel down. Weight loss is a long journey, so you’ll want to fill your time up with things you love doing to keep you happy and take your mind off the daily grind.

As long as you are eating healthy and exercising, the weight will eventually come off, so don’t worry about it.

Lesson 7: Remember to celebrate

It’s hard to look at yourself and say, “I look great.” especially when you have a number which you haven’t achieved. If you keep thinking of the end goal but never see the journey, you’re going to be upset.

So celebrate every pound, every little victory. Every single one is important. You worked hard on it, so be proud of it.

Lesson 8: Yo-yo dieting isn’t as bad as you think it is

When I read about weight loss it seems like the next big thing is about stopping yo-yo diets. But to me YO-YO DIETING IS FINE!  

It’s normal for our fitness to fluctuate. You might end up yo-yoing because sometimes your life changes, things come up, or you start to focus more on other things.

Like I mentioned earlier, I’m not at my skinniest and I can’t run a 5k in 30 minutes anymore. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing because I figured that I am happier at my current weight and fitness level.

But if you want to be fitter or thinner again, know that if you did it once, you can do it again. If a week goes by and you didn’t do that great, start again the next week. Sometimes you progress, sometimes you fall back, but no matter what, don’t let yourself get discouraged.

Lesson 9: Your happiness is the most important

So the next time you get on the scale remember that the number only reflects a small part of you and your day-to-day life! So make sure you live every day how you want to!

The post 9 Lessons I learned from my weight loss journey that I wish I knew earlier appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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5 Tips To Be Happy https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/tips-to-be-happy/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/tips-to-be-happy/#respond Mon, 05 Feb 2018 14:15:33 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1190 The post 5 Tips To Be Happy appeared first on Dear Alyne.



Here are 5 favorite tips on how to BE HAPPYYYYY ❤ ❤

YouTube video

The post 5 Tips To Be Happy appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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