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If you’ve been following my travels recently, you’ll know that I went to Taiwan TWICE this year! I created a bunch of videos from my time there, including How Taiwan Dates, The Convenience Store Country, and even got to interview the president of Taiwan!

YouTube video

One of the interesting stories I learned about while visiting Taiwan’s central city of Taichung, was about the Rainbow Village. This village for veterans was scheduled to be demolished until one of its inhabitants took the situation into his own hands (literally!) He grabbed a paintbrush and started painting brightly colored images all over his own house, then later his neighbors’ houses and even the alleyways.

Dear Alyne in Rainbow Village Taiwan
Dear Alyne in Rainbow Village Taiwan

This Rainbow Grandpa as he’s now known is almost 100 years old, but his actions saved the village, and it now attracts 1 MILLION tourists per year! Check out my video below!

YouTube video

Now, the Rainbow Village has gone global, inspiring the Taiwan Tourism Bureau’s booth at The New York Times Travel Show! They have taken real photos of the artwork painted on the buildings and printed it onto a 3D replica made out of recycled cardboard!

Having Fun at the Taiwan Booth at the New York Times Travel Show!
The Taiwan Rainbow Village at the New York Times Travel Show!
Having Fun at the Taiwan Booth at the New York Times Travel Show!

On the other side of the booth is a landscape inspired by Taiwan’s beautiful mountain ranges, echoing Taiwan Tourism Bureau’s 2020 theme – Year of Mountain Tourism, which highlights the broad range of unique natural landscapes, flowers and ANIMALS that can be seen in Taiwan.

At the booth, you’ll also have the chance to see some Taiwanese aboriginal dancing – Did you know there were aboriginal people in Taiwan?!

Ambassador Lily L.W. Hsu of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York

You know what’s also cool? Both the Director Claire Wen of Taiwan Tourism Bureau’s New York office AND the Ambassador Lily L.W. Hsu of Taipei Economic Cultural Office (TECO) in New York are both women! Yas!! Taiwan dominates with women in power!

Director Claire Wen of Taiwan Tourism Bureau New York office speaks at the New York Times Travel Show
Director Claire Wen of Taiwan Tourism Bureau New York office speaks at the New York Times Travel Show
Aboriginal Taiwanese Dance Performance at the New York Times Trade Show
Aboriginal Taiwanese Dance Performance at the New York Times Trade Show

If you live in or near New York, I urge you to go check out the Taiwan booth, not just for all of the above, but because by visiting the booth you can enter a lucky draw to win a return flight to Taiwan and discover this great country for yourself!

You can find details of Taiwan’s booth at this and future events by visiting ​www.taiwan.events If you do pop by the booth, make sure you say “​Ni hao​ from Dear Alyne!”

The post Taiwan’s Rainbow Village came to The New York Times Travel Show! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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What I Learned From My Experience At The Dear Alyne Retreat https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/what-i-learned-from-my-experience-at-the-dear-alyne-retreat/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/what-i-learned-from-my-experience-at-the-dear-alyne-retreat/#respond Wed, 06 Nov 2019 14:33:35 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2191 The post What I Learned From My Experience At The Dear Alyne Retreat appeared first on Dear Alyne.


Hi! I'm Iris from Italy!
Hi! I’m Iris from Italy!

Hi! My name is Iris! Nice to meet you!  😊 I was so lucky that I had the opportunity to attend the first Dear Alyne Retreat in Bali!!!

At first, I didn’t know what to expect. I was excited to meet like minded women from all around the world and to learn more about how social media and entrepreneurship work.  But even though I was so excited to learn everything this retreat offered, I was more than anxious to meet Alyne herself. What if she was a completely different person than what she shows online? What if she didn’t care about teaching us useful things at all? I soon realized, I could not  have been more wrong! Sorry Alyne! 😅

The girls and Alyne ‘Queening’!

The Ultimate ‘Girl Gang’
I arrived a day before the retreat began- the same day as Alyne! And not surprisingly at all, from the moment I met her I knew she was that honest, intelligent, and purpose-driven woman I had always admired.  After everyone checked in, the other girls and I had the opportunity to explore the beautiful town of Ubud and got to see some beautiful temples. Later that evening, around the dinner table, I finally got to know all of my companions in this adventure: an amazing, crazy, inspirational group of women from 10 different countries!! :O We were all able to get close so quickly because we all have big aspirations that we plan to achieve.

The girls bonding by the pool!- The beginning of the fun!

First day Fun
Firstly, we got fueled up with one of the MANY delicious vegetarian meals provided by Chef Elsha. She kept all of us full and feeling nourished.

One of our delicious meals!
Table time!

Our day was very busy: Alyne gave us a presentation and told us all of her story. Sabrina Iovino from JustOneWayTicket.com explained how she built her blog in only less than a year! And Gillian Morris from hitlist told us how traveling the world can make us each better entrepreneurs. All of this information made me feel a little overwhelmed but super motivated because all of their stories had one thing in common: whatever these women wanted to create, even if they started with a few resources they just did it! They just went for it! And they created their dream job even if before it existed!

But little did I know:  something super exciting was coming!

In the evening we were surprised with a women’s circle, led by a woman named Nadine from Yoga Barn. I had never attended one before, but it was one of the most intense experiences in my life.  They had created a safe place for us to share our struggles, our strengths, and it helped all of us girls create such an amazing bond!

Day 2:
The second day was just as exceptional!
We woke up super early in the morning to enjoy the most photogenic place on Earth: Tegallalang Rice Fields!

After our rice field adventure Agon from Project Nightfall video called us to explain the power of content creation and how much female content creators are needed now!- It was very inspiring and motivating.  After having our phone time with Agon,  Alyne talked to us about monetization of online content and the power of leveraging.

In the evening we got to choose, either to try acrobatic yoga (omg! It looked so cool!) or to watch Alyne edit something for her Instagram stories. I choose not to break my neck, (I am a piece of wood, not an acrobat at all!) 😅

Day 3:
Day 3 was the busiest! We started the day with a Goal Meditation led by Amit from Yoga Barn, which in my opinion is the best way to start any day!

Goal Meditation time!

Then we had the opportunity to Skype with Tery Yu from Vibely on how to build a company from the ground up. We then got a lesson from Alyne on how to script a video by analyzing hers. We then had a video chat with Markian about being an Introverted Influencer and the formula for viral content. Finally, we had the longest Interview of our retreat- it was with Nas! We spoke about life, business, purpose, and motivation.It was one of the most inspiring conversations of my life.

Day 4 & 5During the next two days we could choose to explore the beauty of Bali or work on our videos. We also helped Alyne shoot hers and got to see EVERYTHING that’s behind the scenes. Very enlightening.

We met Erin Holmes, from the blog Explore with Erin. She Told us her touching story about how she went from having a successful family travel blog, to losing everything and having to start over again. It was very insightful. 

Three Queens

Closing Thoughts

If u Asked me a week prior to the retreat what I thought I was going to learn in Bali, I would not have had much to say. This experience exceeded any expectations I could ever have. The amount of information shared was so much more than I thought and it was also precious because it was information you can’t find online. 

Not only did I learn a lot from our teachers, but I also learned so much from all the girls, with whom I had the such deep and pure conversations with. These wonderful conversations and connections led me to finally start believing in MY self and realizing that I am capable of anything. 

Special Thanks**

Thank you Outpost for hosing us, Kawai Bali tours for driving us around, Styledegree8winkasia, Jobi and Paula’s Choice for treating us with gifts, The Yoga Barn for sending us the best Yoga teachers, Acanela Expeditions for organizing the retreat, Sabrina Iovino and Gillian Morris not only for sharing with us the most useful knowledge but also for helping to manage this event we will remember for the rest of our lives. 

Thank you, especially, to  Alyne for creating such an amazing experience!  You showed us what integrity means and how we can create content that can help the world be a better place for women!

Forever friends!


This is what I call magic *-*

Iris Francesca Urbani

The post What I Learned From My Experience At The Dear Alyne Retreat appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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Unique Things To Do In Paris! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/unique-things-to-do-in-paris/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/unique-things-to-do-in-paris/#respond Tue, 09 Jul 2019 23:39:53 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2101 The post Unique Things To Do In Paris! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Unique things to do in Paris!

People always ask me for recommendations after trips, so here are my Paris recommendations all in one spot! If you want a discount on your next hotel booking use this Agoda link for 5% off! 

At a glance:

Our super cute Grocery Store Boutik Hotel Room! Unique things to do in Paris Unique things to do in Paris Le Potager de Charlotte - an amazing vegan restaurant in Paris! Unique things to do in Paris Dress up like French tourists to make walking around and photos more fun! (Location: Sacre cour) Unique things to do in paris Unique hotel in Paris France - Grocery Store Boutik

Oh BONJOUR so nice to see you here! 

This was my THIRD trip to Paris – so I wanted to find unique things to do in Paris, in addition to my old time favorites! I’m a 29 year old world traveler who’s been to 70 countries.  My Mom is a AGE UNDISCLOSED recent retiree who has been to 1 country in the last 20 years! We have totally different travel styles, backgrounds, ages etc. We clash a lot and don’t travel or think in the same way. Which is why we decided it would be a great idea to…

Take an 8 day trip to PARIS…together!  Let’s see how it went 😂

Where we stayed

We booked our hotels via Agoda since we are working with them on this project! I wanted to find UNIQUE hotels and consequently I searched and found…

Kube Ice Hotel.

Unique Kube Ice Hotel In Paris!
The Hotel has a private ice bar to hang out in!

This hotel is in the 18th arrondissement which is on the outer edge of the Paris Circle (check the map). The neighborhood is predominantly African, Indian, Moroccan and consequently if you love that type of food and clothing, you’re in luck! We ate Biryani (Indian flavored rice) for 8 Euro and it was AMAZING. The hotel itself though has a completely different vibe: a big hipster courtyard and one of the nights they had a huge costume party! The bar is very happening, and there is ANOTHER bar that is an ICE BAR!! ITS AMAZING! AND HUGE! It has a French flag frozen in the wall, an ice car, and it’s not very busy so you can pretty much get it all to yourself. The rooms are very big and even your bathtub in your room is shaped like an ice cube!

Agoda also has a new part of their website which offers apartments and homes to stay in! We wanted to try it out since I love home vibes (hello laundry machine!) but we didn’t have time since we found something even more awesome. That brings me to our second hotel…


Our super cute Grocery Store Boutik Hotel Room!
Our super cute Grocery Store Boutik Hotel Room!

Okay so this Boutik hotel has 2 amazing and unique places to stay in Paris. It’s an apartment you rent, not really a hotel with many rooms and a reception desk. One of the two locations looks like a LIBRARY (SO COOL) but it was fully booked! SO we booked the one that looks like a CUTE CORNER GROCERY STORE (they were almost fully booked but we found one night)! It’s a super cute quiet place that is really…I mean wow. So unique. Pretty hotels with pools and a view are a dime a dozen, but this was incredibly unique and I’ve never seen anything like it before! It’s really spacious with a sort of living room area, upstairs and downstairs, very clean, big modern bathroom and tub,  and great location in the center of Paris near the Seine. I wish I could have stayed longer! One warning – there is no AC (but they do have fans) so if it’s the middle of summer and you’re heat sensitive keep that in mind. We invited some local friends over, ate cheese and bread and fruit, and played cards until late at night. Definitely the kind of place you’ll want to share with friends as you’ll love it so much, and sharing the experience makes it even better. We also slept INSANELY WELL because the bedroom totally blacks out – so set an alarm or you’ll sleep peacefully until next year hehe. Location is great, central and lots to do in the neighborhood! The blinds are electronic so you’ll feel very modern and chic.

What we did: Musee d’Orsay, Shakespeare and Co, THRIFT SHOPPING, Vegan cooking class!

Musee d’Orsay! Ok this is not unique but Paris has many museums and this is the one my mom was most excited to see. It has Van Gogh, Degas, Monet, Manet, and currently – an amazing and very interesting exhibit about black people In French history. There’s also an exhibit about women painters and how they were disadvantaged. Loving the inclusivity there and their giftshops are full of art themed notebooks and cute things that I wanted to buy all of!

This was my Moms favorite part of the trip - visiting the Orsay Museum in Paris! This painting reminded her of her childhood and made her cry
This was my Moms favorite part of the trip – visiting the Orsay Museum in Paris! A painting reminded her of her childhood and made her cry <3 CUTES.

Shakespeare and Co! This amazing bookstore has an insane history: At night, young writers sleep on these benches for free, in exchange for a few hours work, reading a book a day, and writing a 1 page story of their life. It’s right across the river from Notre Dame, like a 1 minute walk, so it’s a great place to spend some time and look at Notre Dame since it was burned down, you are not able to enter during renovations. They also have a cute healthy cafe that I like to sit and relax in with lots of vegan and vegetarian options like a sushi roll, a korean glass noodle salad, quiche, and more.

Me in Shakespeare and Co in July 16, 2011 - exactly years ago!
Me in Shakespeare and Co in July 16, 2011 – exactly years ago!

“Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in the heart of Paris, on the banks of the Seine, opposite Notre-Dame. Since opening in 1951, it’s been a meeting place for anglophone writers and readers, becoming a Left Bank literary institution.”

Thrift Shopping! Shocking to believe, but thrift shopping was popular even before Macklemore! Growing up I exclusively shopped at thrift shops when I was paying because hello I was 14 and had no money and because thrift shops are COOL AND SUSTAINABLE LIKE ME! I still remember my favorite skirt was 50 cents. Gray plaid and closed with safety pins lolol. Here in Paris there are many amazing vintage shops.  We did a challenge: a full outfit for under 100 Euro! And it was easy! Ours were way under budget. And the best part was many of them are on the same street so it was easy to look around! We visited “FREE’P’STAR” and the Kilo Shop which was 2 doors down. Kilo shop you shop BY WEIGHT! But of course the items I liked were specially marked to be sold NOT be weight and were the most expensive things. I HAVE EXPENSIVE TASTE even at a thrift shop 😂

Unique things to do in Paris
Thrift shopping is a sustainable fun way to enjoy Parisian fashion without the luxury price tags!

Vegan Cooking Class at “Les Potager De Charlotte! This was my Mom’s favorite activity! I’m vegetarian and she’s not, but we both found a compromise in that we both enjoy healthy food! So we took a vegan cooking class and it was AMAZING! Quicker than taking a cooking class is simply enjoying a meal there! The restaurant was called “Le Potager de Charlotte” and it was perfect because it was also run by a Mom (Charlotte) and her children! The food is fresh and gorgeous and both restaurants have an amazing atmosphere. They decorated with beautiful green moss and the chef David is obsessed with making sure every dish is perfect – go and enjoy and let me know what you thought! Can’t wait to go back!

Le Potager de Charlotte - an amazing vegan restaurant in Paris!
Take a cooking class or enjoy a vegan meal at Le Potager de Charlotte – an amazing gourmet restaurant in Paris!

What else we ate: Bistro Des Augustins.

GRATIN. SLICED POTATOES BAKED WITH CHEESE AND CREAM. EAT WITH BAGUETTE. ORDER AN ITALIAN SALAD. ENJOY. I ate here two nights in a row, I took a taxi to eat there, it’s so good and totally affordable. Around 11 euro for each dish. Water is free and they make a nice natural orange or lemon juice. It’s about 7 minutes walk from Notre Dame overlooking the Seine if you sit outside to eat (like all Parisians do!) We ate other things but this was my favorite. “French Peasant Food” as our waiter called it! (NOT vegan but yes vegetarian)

SUMMARY: Paris has unique things to do that will please EVERYONE!

My Mom and I DID have a couple clashes, but thats pretty good for an 8 day intense trip together! We really enjoyed all of the activities and found things we could BOTH love! My favorite was thrift shopping and the cooking class and she loved the cooking class and the museum. We BOTH loved game night at our gorgeous Unique Grocery Store Boutik room – it was a night to remember!

And as always, the best thing about a place is the unique people you meet!

Unique things to do in Paris Unique things to do in Paris! One of the amazing photos @nouha.photographie took of me and her friend! One of the amazing photos @nouha.photographie took of me and her friend! Unique things to do in Paris! Unique things to do in Paris!

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My Priority Pass Experience https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/priority-pass-is-it-worth-it/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/priority-pass-is-it-worth-it/#respond Thu, 23 May 2019 08:02:35 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2071 The post My Priority Pass Experience appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Dear Alyne – Priority Pass Experience

If you came here for the Priority Pass Discount: Click Here

(The link was broken when I posted it on stories originally, sorry about that!!)

ANYWAYS! We had a lot of fun in the Priority Pass lounge in Singapore!

What follows is my experience with visiting the Priority Pass Airport Lounge!

I’ve always loved traveling. Ever since I was a kid and saw pictures of the Mayan Pyramids, of Machu Picchu, Angkor Wat, and all of those amazing gigantic ruins, I knew I had to visit them when I grew up! So I saved money, pinched my pennies and traveled every summer of college. Because I was a student I was on a tight budget, so I spent a lot of time sleeping on cold airport floors, squatting next to random electricity outlets in weird places (like…behind unattended counters 😂), and trying to calculate which snacks were the healthiest, biggest, and cheapest.

I can’t count how many times I tried to charm the front desk agents at the Airport Lounges to give me the access codes to their fast free wifi (this always failed).  Those long layovers with no solid internet were awful – especially knowing that good Wi-Fi was literally a step away in the lounges. Lounges that cost up to $75 to visit.

priority pass review experience
We had a lot of fun in the lounge in Singapore!

Fast forward to now!  I fly almost every week of the year so the time spent in airports adds up! I heard about a company called Priority Pass, which lets you access lounges without flying first class.  Essentially it’s a card (or e-card that you scan on your phone) that gives you access to over 1200 airport lounges worldwide.This, is cool! Because the times I tried to enter lounges without a pass, they would charge me

I also like this company so much that I invented a slogan for them-

“Someday first class but for now…Priority Pass! ” 😂 Tada! 


Here is a video I made of my Priority Pass experience!

So…. How much does Priority Pass cost?

Priority Pass has 3 options as you can see below. For a frequent traveler like me, option 2 or 3 would be best. For someone who just pops in now and then I would start with Standard to see if you like it. You can also get a discount of up to 20% this month here :
Priority Pass Dear Alyne Discount

Priority Pass Membership Options
Priority Pass Membership Options


We’ve been stuck at airports for long layovers before and paid $75 EACH for access to a crap lounge. That’s over $200 for 3 people for ONE VISIT. It’s simple math. If over the course of a year you would want to visit more than 5 lounges then you’ll save money with the pass. If you plan to just visit one or two and rough it in the main airport areas then it’s not worth it.

What will most likely fit most people’s lifestyle the best is the “Standard Plus” membership for $299. It comes with 10 FREE visits. Any visit after your first 10 free ones are used are discounted to $32. (About half price of normal entrance). So essentially you’re paying $30 per visit with priority pass. Pretty good.

Why it’s worth it:


priority pass review experience
priority pass review experience
  • Free Food. Yes. Each lounge literally has a buffet of free food. Pasta, potatoes, curries, each location is different. It is all you can eat!
  • Free alcohol, water, beverages. You know how much a big water in an airport usually costs. WATER. Is like $6. And alcohol will run you even more. In these lounges you can drink as much as you want, water, soda, alcohol etc for free. It’s all included.
  • Free fast Wi-Fi.The thing I hate most on earth is being stuck on a long layover after a long Wi-fi-less flight with NO INTERNET. IT MAKES ME CRAZY. Partially because then I can’t plan my trip, contact my family, or get any work done. That’s why I love using the lounges. Free fast Wi-fi.
  • Outlets and workspace. Endless outlets and workspace to actually get things done. Paying $30 is worth it to have peace of mind that I can send or receive work files I need, and charge all my equipment for long flights ahead. Also there are private workstations so I can sit and work. Time and money and 2 hours working hard in a lounge can make me back a lot more than the $30 I spent.
  • Random perks: Massage chairs, showers, these are some relaxing perks that exist in some of the lounges!

Why it’s not worth it:

• If you travel only once or twice a year you can just pay for a lounge pass. But if you’re a couple entering a lounge just one time, that’s $75 each – that’s $150 so even then…it might be worth it to get the $99 membership because the guest is only $32 then you’re only spending $107. So yeah. Do the math but it will usually save you money.

❤ Try Priority Pass now for up to 20% off. 🌍

Below are examples of some of the typical lounges.

You can check the Priority Pass App or Website to see what lounges are under Priority Pass for your most commonly used airports.

Male Maldives Priority Pass Lounge
Male Maldives Priority Pass Lounge
Copenhagen Priority Pass Lounge
Copenhagen Priority Pass Lounge
Muscat Priority Pass Lounge
Muscat Priority Pass Lounge

So, if you are the type of person who eats at the airport, buys water or drinks, or pays for Wi-Fi, Priority Pass could actually save you money. It’s pretty amazing!!

Bonus: you get to feel like the cool fancy person who gets to use the lounge. 😎




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Write your way to Bali (Win a 100% free, healing retreat!) https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/write-your-way-to-bali-win-a-100-free-healing-retreat/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/write-your-way-to-bali-win-a-100-free-healing-retreat/#respond Wed, 22 May 2019 04:55:17 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2082 The post Write your way to Bali (Win a 100% free, healing retreat!) appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Win a free retreat to Bali with only a comment
Win a free retreat to Bali with only a comment

We all comment on photos every day…but what if I told you, that ONE COMMENT is all it takes…to be on a plane to an amazing, healing retreat in BALI?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Boys and girls,

I present to you…

“Win a 9 Days Trip to Bali, value 2390€ in Two Simple Steps:”

This is an insane opportunity. This retreat is worth paying for, and Cristina is giving away a spot for free. AMAZING! I will be personally sending this to all my friends and telling them to apply :p

I’ll let my friend Cristina who is running the retreat take over from here. She has the best vibes ever and I’m so excited for whoever wins!

Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali
Your Team for Youniverse Retreats in Bali


STORY TOPIC: “Separating From My Partner Has Taught me… ((THIS))” 

We are awarding the most authentic comment, so let the truth of your own unique experience be the answer, that flows naturally into expression.

You are a story worth loving <3

Your answer can be as short or as long as you feel, the winner will be selected purely based on authenticity. Many people have gone through separation and divorce, but yours is unique to you, so don’t hold back from giving your most heart-felt answer. The most meaningful & inspiring sharing wins our all-inclusive 9 days retreat in Bali, value 2390€, “Healing & Revival after a Separation” & will join an exclusive group of like minded men and women from all across the world for this Joyful Transformational Experience (July 30 – August 7, 2019, Ubud, Bali).


Bali Divorce Retreats, what to do after a breakup
Cristina will be your fearless leader!



The winner will be announced on the 15th of June and the awarded answer will be published on our YOUniverse Facebook Page. In order for us to be able to tag you and announce the winner, please don’t forget to also share this post. We are truly engaged in what we are co-creating as a team here at YOUniverse and we appreciate you engaging through your uniqueness and post share as well.

If you want to know more about this journey, you can find all retreat details and benefits here: www.youniverserevival.com. The winner gets to enjoy all of it for FREE.

Leave your comment below & looking forward to meeting your unique beautiful Self in Bali!

Feel free to TAG a friend or SHARE this post with your loved ones that can benefit from it.

Follow Youniverse Revivals page to keep an eye on what we are creating at YOUniverse. Many more beautiful gifts awaiting you there.
Hey it’s me Alyne again! I REALLY want someone from Dear Alyne to win! This is an amazing place to go to learn, heal, and groooow.

So search inside and write a beautiful comment sharing your feelings and growth below! May the best person win!


The post Write your way to Bali (Win a 100% free, healing retreat!) appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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My experience with Travel Insurance (The Best AND Cheapest Travel Insurance?) https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/whats-the-best-and-cheapest-travel-insurance/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/whats-the-best-and-cheapest-travel-insurance/#respond Fri, 10 May 2019 05:33:30 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2063 The post My experience with Travel Insurance (The Best AND Cheapest Travel Insurance?) appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Hey Everyone! It’sa me! Alyne! What follows is my personal experience with the cheapest travel insurance that I’ve seen. It’s called Safety Wing. I work with them, but when I filed my claim it was completely anonymous, they treated me like a normal customer. I’m currently filing 2 more claims so I’ll update on how those go as well.  Always do your own research and make the best choice for you! Remember travel insurance isn’t meant to be PRIMARY INSURANCE. SO they almost (or never) cover things like cancer etc. Make sure your home insurance covers that.

Past topics you’ve asked me to cover include How to find the best places to stay when you travel and How to Stay Healthy and fit while traveling.

But today we tackle a VERY common question in my inbox.

Turns out, all of you want the cheapest travel insurance! I get messages from you on Instagram every day asking “Alyne, which travel insurance do you use!?” 

If you know me, you know I’ve been on the road (or rather…in the air) for 3 years now. BUT I NEVER HAD TRAVELERS INSURANCE. And I knew I wanted the cheapest travel insurance, too. Because I really hoped to never have to use it, so I didn’t want to waste hundreds of dollars a month on something I wasn’t planning to use much. I wanted it as a “just in case”.

Three reasons I never got travel insurance:

1.) Because.



Cheap. 😂

2.)  I kinda hoped/thought I was maybe insured (lolol).
Until age 26 I was under my Moms insurance in the US so I kinda hoped it would have covered me abroad (I have no idea if it did, and I was lucky I never got injured!).

3.) I’ve never actually BELIEVED in insurance. I mean, I believed that they try to rip you off and find every possible loophole to NEVER PAY OUT.  Call me pessimistic if you will, but I’ve heard one too many stories of someone who thought they were insured but their insurance found a loophole to not payout. FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON ME.

I kept thinking “I should get travel insurance” but I didn’t have the energy to research it and didn’t trust anyone. Then I heard about Safety Wing! I knew someone who worked there personally so I trusted it more, and asked lots of questions and decided to try. It’s not meant to be primary insurance, but it’s pretty dang good travel insurance for like LITERALLY $1.30 A DAY.

Why I call Safety Wing, “The Best and Cheapest Travel Insurance”:

1.) I can sign up during my trip. Most companies only cover you if you sign up before a trip while still in your home country. This obviously doesnt work for me as I travel full time. There is no “home country” that I leave and return to.

2.) Home country coverage: The US has some of the most expensive health care on earth. A tiny injury there will cost THOUSANDS. Almost no travel insurance covers me in my home country. But this one does. yass queen.

3.) CHEAP AF: $37 a month. Do you understand how amazing that is? But…does cheap mean low quality? Nope. Safety wing is backed by Tokyo Marine, one of the best and biggest insurance agencies out there. IDK how its so cheap but I think it’s bc it’s a new company so jump on it now amigos. Also probably cheap bc most users will be young without health issues.

4.) Low YEARLY deductible. Some deductibles are PER CLAIM. But here it’s PER CYCLE. So if you sign up for 1 year, your deductible of $250 lasts the whole year. So if I submit 5 claims of $200 each. I get back $750. Pretty cool.

5.) Designed with Digital Nomads in mind. DIGITAL NOMADS ARE THE FUTURE! I’m glad the world is preparing for it!



Yes. I submitted a claim like a normal person and within 30 days got a check in the mail back. It was easy to submit the claim too. I’ve had other insurance where it was such a pain to fill out the paperwork that I just gave up and didn’t ask for my money back. I’m SO RELIEVED to have found travel insurance that actually works. I’m going to submit 2 more claims this week and will keep you updated to see how those go but SO FAR SO GOOD! And it’s definitely the cheapest travel insurance I’ve found with a good value. Let me know if I’m wrong!

MAKE SURE YOU DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!! This is just my experience and what I choose to use.

Here’s the link if you want to research Safety Wing  (always research!!).

Happy searching and good luck!! Hope this helps 🙂 And if you know other great companies or have questions share your experiences below!





The post My experience with Travel Insurance (The Best AND Cheapest Travel Insurance?) appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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Meet Cristina: Her Divorce Led To Her Happiness https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/meet-cristina-her-divorce-led-to-her-happiness/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/meet-cristina-her-divorce-led-to-her-happiness/#respond Sat, 13 Apr 2019 13:34:58 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2048 The post Meet Cristina: Her Divorce Led To Her Happiness appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Meet Cristina: How This Woman Healed From Her Divorce in Bali

Follow Cristina here!  
For pricing or to apply for her upcoming retreat: Click Here

Summary: At a young age, Cristina’s Mom took her own life after a difficult divorce. Now, Cristina is dedicating her life to empower others to realize divorce is just a step towards a new life.

*The Following is a Dear Alyne Guest Post by GGG member, Cristina*

Note: If you can’t travel right now but want guidance, follow Cristina here for  free content, guided meditations, inspirational articles,  and lots of tools that can ease the process of separation.

Today I am happy to share with you the story behind Cristinas Break Up Retreats:

After 10 years of sharing life with my former partner, we got divorced. And I realized: it can either be the beginning of a joyful new chapter, or, as it happened in the case of my own parents, it can truly break one into pieces.

I lost my mother to suicide when I was 12, during a painful process of divorce from my father. She simply could not imagine life without my dad, which led to depression and determined her to see suicide as the only way to end her profound suffering. This event has impacted me throughout my entire life and
having just gone through a divorce myself after being with my former husband for 10 years, I got to discover how I could finally do something for others. At the time, I was way too young to be a pillar of support for my mom or to even understand what was happening to her in those moments.
So I resigned my management position and career in a multinational company, that I was involved in for seven years, with no second thoughts and started building YOUniverse.

Now, together with an experienced team, I am dedicating myself to supporting others to overcome the demanding challenges that separation brings.

I eventually understood that what seemed to be a dramatic change of scenery, was, in fact, a blessing in
disguise. When I thought I’m experiencing the worst, time proved that it was the best thing that could
have happened. I was given the chance to get to know myself at a deeper level and as a result, redefine who I am.

Shortly after this, I nestled in Bali, met my beloved partner, Javier, and allowed life to surprise
me. I now choose to trust Universe’s ways of bringing all that I have to experience, in order to grow
brighter every day.
All thanks to Bali’s magic…

Cristinas Break Up Retreat Sanctuary in Bali

Cristinas Break Up Retreat Sanctuary in Bali
Cristinas Break Up Retreat Sanctuary in Bali

There are so many wonderful places on this planet, I was lucky to live in quite a few during my seven
years of travels on all continents, but none has gifted me so many profound experiences as Ubud, Bali
I see it as a powerful mirror of truth, a place that pulls out the best and worst in me every day, confronts
me with my lies and my truths, amplifies all emotions, experiences, and therefore forces me to grow. It
feels like being in the arms of a strict, but very loving mother. I realized that all the energy that this place
holds is indeed life changing, it’s not just a myth.
After learning all the lessons that arose from going through my divorce, Bali taught me not only how to
understand and forgive myself, but to be at peace with all experiences that life brings.
Eventually, on a personal level, this place has gifted me so much: life purpose, self awareness, authentic
friendships and also brought my beloved partner my way, through a “massive coincidence” that I will
speak about with another occasion. I am forever grateful for Bali’s magic.

So why is Ubud, Bali the ideal destination for healing after separation?

Bali is known as a healing island
Bali is known as a healing island

Bali is known for being a spiritual and magical place. There is much more to Ubud than the bare eye can see. It raises you to a higher power and literally is heart pulsating in the rhythm of transformation and love.

Be it for the belief in ley lines, be it for the energy the locals create here through their daily ceremonies
and offerings – coming to Ubud you feel the difference and special energy, even if you believe in nothing
at all. You cannot escape the magic of its touch. It captures you from the first breath, takes you on a
journey of emotions, brings you closer to yourself, no matter how brief your moment in its embrace is.
It is easy to fall in love here. You’ve probably heard of Elizabeth Gilbert’s inspiring true story and movie,
Eat Pray Love haha! This land ignites you to fall in love, first with yourself, then with life and eventually
with another, if you’re not already experiencing that truly.

Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali
Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali

Our community’s vision and our advice to those who are going through separation
Our mission is to purely revive the sense of purpose into people’s lives and give a new meaning to life
after divorce or separation. Just because we’ve all been there, we know how it can shake one’s world
and turn it upside down. But in truth, without ignoring the challenges that separation brings, we believe
that you are gaining a brand new life and get to create your entire experience as you wish. Breakups and
divorce are often perceived as failures, but they are not not, as – in all honesty – no thing in life is. All and everything simply is an experience. An experience that expands your horizons and makes you richer
on the path that you walk on this earth. So instead of calling it separation, you can simply choose to
name it completion. Completion of an old chapter that creates space for a new beginning, more
meaningful than ever before.

From our experience, the way you perceive this change of scenery sets the ground for what will unfold
next. You are the one who holds the key to a joyful life and also the power to see that every challenging
experience is, in fact, a chance to renewal – your renewal. The moment you choose to see this, you are
in the process of truly loving yourself, and when you love yourself first, life will take care of the rest. We
deeply comprehend that loneliness can sometimes disrupt the view, so we want you to know that you
are not alone and to truly feel it!

Who is part of the team

Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali
Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali

Our community includes conscious women and men from different corners of the world: Australia, USA,
Romania, Argentina, Brazil, Germany and Indonesia. Sharing the same purpose at heart, we allowed our
experience, creativity and passions to unfold into this concept. We are a team of unshakable optimists,
experienced therapists, entrepreneurs, storytellers and philanthropists, fully dedicated to supporting
you on the path of becoming your true empowered joyful self.

We’re specialized in healing workshops, therapy, yoga, sacred ceremonies, intuitive art, holding circles
for men and women, releasing trauma, integrating change, embracing transformation, all ultimately re-
connecting you to your inner guidance and leading towards the path of purposeful living.
If you would like to join or retreat in Bali, stay connected or simply want to have access to our free
content that we’re creating with love every day, feel free to join us here.

Lots of love,
Cristina Capatina
Creator & Co-Founder of YOUniverse

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We want to give you $1000 ! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/we-want-to-give-you-1000/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/we-want-to-give-you-1000/#respond Fri, 08 Mar 2019 13:38:01 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2042 The post We want to give you $1000 ! appeared first on Dear Alyne.


I meet amazing women around the world who have DREAMS! But they don’t always have extra cash. That’s why recently i started Girls Gone Global Grants! I find sponsors who donate $500-$1000 for all of YOU!

SO PLEASE, APPLY FOR THIS!!! Free money to support WOMEN! And tell your friends to apply! The more people who apply the more funding I will work to get us.

GGG Scholarship #3 IS HEREEE! Sponsored by Rewire👏🏼👏🏼🔥 Apply now to earn $500 for your dreams!

“Managing your finances when living abroad is not an easy task. Rewire has created a fair digital banking platform for internationals accessible to everyone, wherever they may be in the world. Their vision is to support and to fulfill the financial potential of everyone.”

Learn more about Rewire at www.rewire.to

💃🏽 We want this grant to go to someone MOTIVATED who has the drive to make things happen!


• Simply send us a video of you! You can film it on your phone 😍
Email your video to: girlsgoneglobale@gmail.com

📍💕In your video answer these questions:

1.) Where you live and where your family member lives?

2.) What dream do you want to fulfil for your family member back home:

3.) What is one of the hardest things of being a migrant? What do you miss most about home?

And send us a photo of you and your loved one!

*** NOTE: You must be a migrant/expat living abroad and have a family member back home that has a dream you can help them fulfill. Must also have a Paypal account. ***



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“I knew that I would never look fully like a girl” Kyras Story https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/born-a-boy/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/born-a-boy/#respond Wed, 06 Mar 2019 13:29:41 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2034 The post “I knew that I would never look fully like a girl” Kyras Story appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global stories, where we share stories like how this girl was bullied into buying her first bra and This Is How I Dealt With Period Shaming. These stories are drawn from our Girls Gone Global community, a facebook group that grew to over 100,000 women from around the world. Join now! 

Maybe my story will help someone in their own journey. Whether they are trans, cis, gay, straight, lesbian, religious, or non religious. I sincerely hope that my story inspires someone.

Kyra is working hard on her trans journey and learning to love herself!I have always struggled with my body, my whole life, before I even knew the difference between “boys”, and “girls”. From the time I was 3 everyone in my life had told me, I had to look a certain way, be a certain way, talk a certain way, dress a certain way. As you might already know or have deduced, I am trans, so I was born a boy and as I got older, it was enforced more and more into me that I had to be a ‘boy’.

Then I was moved into foster care, this led to me moving 8 or 9 times in the span of a few years. And when I was adopted, I began to experience what you would call Extreme body dysmorphia, I would look in the mirror, and I would only see everything I wasn’t, as I entered my teen years. This got worse, especially as puberty began, ‘male puberty’ which only worsened my body image issues.


Kyra Carson Trans Journey

I remember staying up at nights breaking down on to the floor and crying. Because I knew that I would never look fully like a girl. Even today I can’t get rid of the overwhelming knowledge that I will never be a biological woman, I will never be able to give birth, the world will never fully see me for who I truly am, but through years of loving myself, giving myself the love that no one would, I have accepted my body, and I can very easily look in the mirror now, sometimes a little too much😂❤, but I have learned to love myself, I still struggle in small ways with very minor dysmorphia, mostly with my voice , but I do live everyday as the woman know I am, and if I do say so myself, I look absolutely stunning!!💁

Kyra Keanna

Kyra Carson Trans Journey

The post “I knew that I would never look fully like a girl” Kyras Story appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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We want to give you $700 ! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/we-want-to-give-you-700/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/we-want-to-give-you-700/#respond Wed, 06 Feb 2019 13:29:50 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2013 The post We want to give you $700 ! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

We want to give you $700 to change the world!

I want ALL of you to apply!!! Before Feb 18! (Unless you’re a guy, then instead encourage your female friends to come apply and help them out! )

Girls Gone Global GRANT #2 is here! Sponsored by the wonderful NAS DAILY! 👏🏼👏🏼🔥

This competition is open to any member of the facebook group Girls Gone Global by Dear Alyne – If you are not a member please join the group and get to know the vibes before applying 🙂 

💪🏼 We want women all over the world to have OPPORTUNITIES to be leaders in their communities – That’s why we want to give one of you $700 to help start or grow your own small business!

💃🏽 We want this grant to go to someone MOTIVATED who has the drive to make things happen!

The last scholarship was sponsored by GRRRL clothing and this one is generously sponsored by NAS DAILY!


This grant can go towards an existing business or be used to start a new one. Preference goes to new business or businesses that hope to improve the world and help others or support communities/women

RECORD a 1-2 minute video explaining what you hope to use it for. Write a paragraph or as much as needed explaining your business plan.

Judges will look at:
• Is the presentation professional? What’s included in the application email? (business plan, related photos/materials, preparedness). The more seriously you take this the better!
• How likely they think you are to deliver on your promises and follow through
• How your business contributes to society and a better life or world
• Do you understand the business you want to start? Will you work fast and be able to grow?

In addition please INCLUDE:
Full Name
Where you live:
What you do now:
Why do you want to start this particular business?
How committed are you to growing this new business?


Email your complete application to girlsgoneglobale@gmail.com

May the best woman win!
And remember, even writing out your goals and making your application will make you CLOSER to your goals, even if you don’t win, because now you have your business plan IN WRITING!

The post We want to give you $700 ! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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