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'; die(); break; */ default: $text = apply_filters('essgrid_post_meta_content', $text, $handle, $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $this->post); break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of post elements */ public function get_custom_element_value($handle, $separator, $meta = ''){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); $text = ''; $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $handle, ''); if($text == '' && $meta != '') $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $meta, ''); if(intval($text) > 0){ //we may be an image from the metas $custom_meta = $m->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($custom_meta)){ foreach($custom_meta as $cmeta){ if($cmeta['handle'] == $handle){ if($cmeta['type'] == 'image'){ $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($text, $this->media_sources_type); if($img !== false){ $text = $img[0]; //replace with URL } } break; } } } } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of event elements */ public function get_event_manager_value($handle){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $text = ''; switch($handle){ //check for event manager case 'event_start_date': break; case 'event_end_date': break; case 'event_start_time': break; case 'event_end_time': break; case 'event_event_id': break; case 'event_location_name': break; case 'event_location_slug': break; case 'event_location_address': break; case 'event_location_town': break; case 'event_location_state': break; case 'event_location_postcode': break; case 'event_location_region': break; case 'event_location_country': break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of woocommerce elements */ public function get_woocommerce_value($meta, $separator, $catmax = false){ $text = ''; if(isset($this->post['ID'])){ if(Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); /* 2.1.5 category max option */ $adjustMax = false; if($meta === 'wc_categories') { if(!empty($catmax) && $catmax !== '-1' && is_numeric($catmax) && intval($catmax) > 0) { $catmax = intval($catmax); $adjustMax = true; } } if($adjustMax) { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator, $catmax); } else { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator); } } } return $text; } } Lifestyle – Dear Alyne https://www.clone.dearalyne.com Dear Alyne Fri, 15 Feb 2019 19:05:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20 https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Lifestyle – Dear Alyne https://www.clone.dearalyne.com 32 32 We want to give you $700 ! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/we-want-to-give-you-700/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/we-want-to-give-you-700/#respond Wed, 06 Feb 2019 13:29:50 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2013 The post We want to give you $700 ! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

We want to give you $700 to change the world!

I want ALL of you to apply!!! Before Feb 18! (Unless you’re a guy, then instead encourage your female friends to come apply and help them out! )

Girls Gone Global GRANT #2 is here! Sponsored by the wonderful NAS DAILY! 👏🏼👏🏼🔥

This competition is open to any member of the facebook group Girls Gone Global by Dear Alyne – If you are not a member please join the group and get to know the vibes before applying 🙂 

💪🏼 We want women all over the world to have OPPORTUNITIES to be leaders in their communities – That’s why we want to give one of you $700 to help start or grow your own small business!

💃🏽 We want this grant to go to someone MOTIVATED who has the drive to make things happen!

The last scholarship was sponsored by GRRRL clothing and this one is generously sponsored by NAS DAILY!


This grant can go towards an existing business or be used to start a new one. Preference goes to new business or businesses that hope to improve the world and help others or support communities/women

RECORD a 1-2 minute video explaining what you hope to use it for. Write a paragraph or as much as needed explaining your business plan.

Judges will look at:
• Is the presentation professional? What’s included in the application email? (business plan, related photos/materials, preparedness). The more seriously you take this the better!
• How likely they think you are to deliver on your promises and follow through
• How your business contributes to society and a better life or world
• Do you understand the business you want to start? Will you work fast and be able to grow?

In addition please INCLUDE:
Full Name
Where you live:
What you do now:
Why do you want to start this particular business?
How committed are you to growing this new business?


Email your complete application to girlsgoneglobale@gmail.com

May the best woman win!
And remember, even writing out your goals and making your application will make you CLOSER to your goals, even if you don’t win, because now you have your business plan IN WRITING!

The post We want to give you $700 ! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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Why I didn’t buy the new iPhone https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/why-i-didnt-buy-the-new-iphone/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/why-i-didnt-buy-the-new-iphone/#respond Mon, 24 Dec 2018 01:59:33 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1667 The post Why I didn’t buy the new iPhone appeared first on Dear Alyne.


If you were to ask me, “Should I buy the new iPhone?” my succinct answer would be NO.

If you have a phone that works fine and takes nice photos, then I don’t really see a reason to upgrade.


A lot of the pics in my insta were shot on iPhone btw

I have the iPhone 7+ and that’s what I use to take all of my Instagram photos. It has portrait mode and I can edit them a bit if I want to brighten them up.

I wanted to add some context to the video experience about why I didn’t buy the new iPhone. I went to the Apple store to fix the speaker on my phone because all of my Instagram (@dearalyne) stories had weird ocean noises in the background. After a (literally) 2 hour wait they fixed it for free (yay!) by just cleaning out the mesh.

This was shot with my ‘old’ iPhone!

BUT DURING THE ENTIRE TWO HOUR WAIT STORE WORKERS KEPT LOW-KEY TELLING ME ABOUT THE NEW IPHONE and all the discounts and how it would be almost cheaper to get a new one and one guy was like “Oh it’s like $800,” which with my $300 discount would be $500 which I’m cool with. BUT NO.

I went to the counter and I was like AHHH heart attack when the total was $1355! And that’s not even the most expensive one. It turns out my boyfriend has the new iPhone (I didn’t even know that – thats how little difference there is) and he got some different model or specs and it was almost $1600. I mean damn.

And THIS beautiful picture was taken with my iPhone

My mom used to tell me this story about how if you slowly boil a frog from cold to hot water in a pot that it wont know it’s boiling and dying. THAT’S WHAT I FEEL LIKE CONSUMERISM IS DOING TO US.

I don’t have a problem with iPhones at all, just CONSUMERISM is maybe going a bit far.

Like we always need the NEWEST one that is only VAGUELY different but HUGELY more expensive.

Even though I have money saved, I couldn’t bring myself to buy the newest iPhone. The world wants us to buy buy buy but sometimes, but what we have is enough.

The post Why I didn’t buy the new iPhone appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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How to deal with deal with periods – As told by women all over the world https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/how-to-deal-with-deal-with-periods-as-told-by-women-all-over-the-world/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/how-to-deal-with-deal-with-periods-as-told-by-women-all-over-the-world/#respond Mon, 17 Dec 2018 09:32:14 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1617 The post How to deal with deal with periods – As told by women all over the world appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Lately, I discovered how to use tampons and they are LIFE CHANGING.

Like WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN ALL MY LIFE? They are SO hassle-free and they leak less than pads!

This got me thinking… If more women talked more about how they handle their periods, and the best ways to make it easier to deal with, so many people could benefit from it. Women could get advice and tips, and men (I know you’re reading this hehe) could put themselves in women’s shoes and empathise with them better.

ALSO WATCH: A video I made about periods!

So I turned to my Facebook group, Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne) and asked 100,000 women for their opinions and advice.

If you’re a woman you could join the group and read the full thread here, otherwise, here are the highlights! 💕

1) Menstrual cups are the most popular choice among the women

Menstrual cups are soft silicone cups that catch all the blood when inserted inside the body! Women are loving them because… Well, see for yourself:

And cups aren’t the only alternative to pads…

2) Period panties are a good alternative!

But of course it depends on your flow level. It’s a good idea to try it out for different periods of time (lolaolaol no pun intended) and figure out how long you can wear one for before needing to change it.

3) Menstrual cups you can use during sex are a thing!

It sounds almost too good to be true, but one of the ladies in the group swear by it.

I read a couple of reviews and it seems like how well it works depend on the shape of your vagina, as well as how comfortable you are inserting something inside of you

4) For a non invasive and eco friendly alternative, make your own pads!

This girl did, and they’re super cute 💕

5) But if you’re keen on trying tampons, here’s a tip

6) Last but not least, did you know how periods are shunned in some parts of the world?

It’s sad this is a reality, but the more people know about it, the more likely it is to become acceptable!

I hope you got something out of this post!

As for me I learned about things I didn’t even know we had options for (making our own pads, trying a new kind of cup, etc)!! And I learned how period aren’t just an inconvenience for some women, but also a stigma.

And I want to say THANK YOU FOR SHARING, to everyone who said something in the post. The women in this group are WONDERFUL, STRONG AND HELPFUL. I am so glad to have every one of you here in Girls Gone Global!

Because women go through many things that men don’t and it’s nice to have a space to just talk things out without fear of being judged or anything.

Girls Gone Global is for women only right now, and if you’re one, come join and have a good time 🙂

The post How to deal with deal with periods – As told by women all over the world appeared first on Dear Alyne.

https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/how-to-deal-with-deal-with-periods-as-told-by-women-all-over-the-world/feed/ 0
How to stay healthy and fit while traveling https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/how-to-stay-healthy-and-fit-while-traveling/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/how-to-stay-healthy-and-fit-while-traveling/#respond Wed, 28 Nov 2018 16:17:25 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1573 The post How to stay healthy and fit while traveling appeared first on Dear Alyne.

THIS WAS THE SECOND VIDEO I EVER MADE! With my phone, in Swaziland! The editing is bad but the information is good hehe.

Also, it’s been exactly a YEAR since I made my first video! This just goes to show that if you keep practicing and trying you WILL get better so DON’T GIVE UP 💕

The post How to stay healthy and fit while traveling appeared first on Dear Alyne.

https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/how-to-stay-healthy-and-fit-while-traveling/feed/ 0
5 Things I wish I knew before becoming a digital nomad https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/5-things-i-wish-i-knew-before-becoming-a-digital-nomad/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/5-things-i-wish-i-knew-before-becoming-a-digital-nomad/#respond Thu, 08 Nov 2018 09:01:32 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1453 The post 5 Things I wish I knew before becoming a digital nomad appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This guest post is by blogger Kristin Kee, from Wanderlust or Love. Thank you Kristin for your great and informative post!

It was just a short two months ago when I packed up my belongings that mattered most, sold or donated the rest, and put what was left into storage to live the digital nomad lifestyle. I was nearing the end of my 35th year of existence, and I had just quit my 11 year teaching career to live as a full-time travel and self discovery blogger.

I was a big ball of emotions, which ranged from the kind of excitement that you only get as a kid on Christmas morning to freaking out…“OMGee, what have I just done?!”

I didn’t really know what to expect with this major life change other than a life full of adventure. If being a digital nomad who travels the world sounds appealing to you, here are five things I wish I knew before taking the leap:

1) You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Whether it’s not knowing where you’ll lay your head next or where your next pay check will come from or how soon will you wear out your welcome at so and so’s house, there’s a lot of unknown in this lifestyle.

And living a life with lots of uncertainty can make some people uncomfortable. In my case, it started causing a lot of anxiety, and until I learned how to get comfortable with the discomfort of the unknown, the anxiety just got worse, much worse.

I had to make my peace with the fact that I am now literally living life by the seat of my travelling pants and that my old, steady life as I knew it was over. On the bright side, I’m getting to create the lifestyle that I want, be my own boss, and travel as much as I want (or as much as my pocketbook allows)!

Intentionality is key to creating the life that you want.

I’m currently at the crossroads of living my best life now and creating my best future self, but that wasn’t the case at the beginning of this journey.

With so much of the aforementioned uncertainty in my life, I had to become very intentional about my thoughts, which in turn affected my actions.

I started scripting a few times each week, which is like journaling from the perspective of your future self. I wrote about all the awesome things my future self was doing as if I were doing them at this moment in time, and I gushed about how grateful I was for my blessings. In this way, I am able to get into the mindset of my future, successful self and intentionally shape the outcome of my present life simultaneously.

Flexibility is the name of the game.

Flexibility is key, and no, I’m not talking about the kind of flexibility that allows you to curl up in a ball so you can fit into a suitcase and fly for free!

When you live the digital nomad lifestyle, you have to have a go with the flow kind of attitude.

Travel plans, work, and living arrangements can change on a dime for a variety of reasons, so it’s important to be able to adapt to make the most of this lifestyle. Otherwise, you’ll just want to beat your head against a wall (and that wouldn’t be fair to the wall, lol)!

Put 3-6 months of living expenses into savings, and then DOUBLE IT!

When I started my travel blog about a year and a half ago, I was pretty sure this was the lifestyle I eventually wanted to pursue. So, I started saving what I could from my teacher’s salary, while still traveling as much as possible. But lemme tell you, it wasn’t an easy feat! In the end, I saved as much as I could in a year’s time before resigning from my teaching position at the end of the school year. However, shortly after I resigned, I developed some health issues and used up most of my savings paying off medical bills, which is why it’s sooooo important to double your savings before starting this adventure.

Dating can be difficult.

Dating in this day and age is difficult enough, but throw in the added factor of not having a permanent address and being constantly on the go, and that makes dating a real challenge. But in a way, it almost weeds out the potentials that wouldn’t gel well with your lifestyle. In fact, I’ve been in relationships before I became a digital nomad where my significant other really didn’t like the fact that I traveled so much.

So, those men are obviously not a good fit for a travel blogger taking the world on by storm! Through dating trials and errors, I’ve discovered that I need a man who is very secure, non-controlling, and independent with his own interests and hobbies. Of course, it would be great if he could travel with me, but I know that’s not always feasible.

The important thing is to stay true to yourself and not compromise who you are for any man.

The right one will come along, or so I’ve been told, and while I’m waiting on Mr. Right, I’m just going to keep doing what makes me happy! ;-D

Ultimately, you have to decide what’s best for you and your life! You can read about every digital nomad’s experience until your eyes cross, but in the end, it’s your dream life that you’re consciously creating. Follow your heart and trust your gut!

This lifestyle isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s sooooo worth it if you decide to go for it.

This journey has definitely changed my life for the better! I’ve started attracting the kind of people and experiences that add a touch of magic to my previously “normal” existence. I’ve always wanted to live an incredible life, and now, apart from road tripping cross country with my dog and lunching on top of mountains by myself, my energy has changed the way people look at me and how I see other people too.

I even have moments now where flashes of other people’s thoughts cross my mind, which seems to be a direct result of traveling and being exposed to different ways of perceiving the world around me. I seem to have tapped into a higher consciousness of awareness, which is all still very new to me. Of course, every digital nomad will have their own, unique experience in this nomadic journey, so trust the magic of life and explore the opportunities that come your way!

If you do decide to become a fellow nomad, perhaps our paths will cross in this brave new world that we call home! To read more about my adventures in travel, life, and love, check out my blog www.wanderlustorlove.com or find Wanderlust or Love on social media. XOXO! :-*

NOTE: This article has been edited to remove a term which (previously unknown to us) was offensive. We’re really sorry for any offense caused!

The post 5 Things I wish I knew before becoming a digital nomad appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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HOW LONELINESS CHANGED MY LIFE. https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/how-loneliness-changed-my-life/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/how-loneliness-changed-my-life/#respond Mon, 29 Oct 2018 04:41:04 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1388 The post HOW LONELINESS CHANGED MY LIFE. appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Who are you when no one is watching? 2 years ago I spent a month alone and it changed the course of my LIFE!

YouTube video

Join @Dearalyne on Instagram for daily updates!

To discuss this video and other relevant issues join 95k+ women in @Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne) (Women only for now!)

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The Vegan Bodybuilder?! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/the-vegan-bodybuilder/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/the-vegan-bodybuilder/#respond Thu, 25 Oct 2018 03:39:36 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1218 The post The Vegan Bodybuilder?! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Would you try this?

YouTube video

I’m NOT vegan and I’m not telling you to be vegan, BUT we all know it’s healthier to eat less meat, especially red meat!

The problem is, a lot of people (especially guys!) worry that if they eat less meat, that they’ll lose muscle. But once you MEAT Robbie (lololol!), you’ll realize…it just might not be true 💞

Thanks Robert Garcia for showing us how it’s done!

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I was told off for not showing enough skin https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/told-off-for-not-showing-enough-skin/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/told-off-for-not-showing-enough-skin/#respond Mon, 22 Oct 2018 11:08:59 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1276 The post I was told off for not showing enough skin appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This guest post was written by Sara Mahendran. Thanks Sara for sharing your story! Check out more of her take on things by heading over to her blog, sarastake.com.

As crazy as it sounds, it’s true. I was told off for not showing enough skin.

The customary practice for Indian women in their 20s and above (when attending weddings) is to wear a traditional outfit that shows off the belly. At traditional events, you’ll find women of all ages and sizes wearing traditional outfits that bare their midriffs.

But here’s the thing. There was a wedding coming up and I didn’t want to bare my belly. And when I decided to cover up, the women in my family strongly disapproved:

“If us old ladies can show our bellies how come you can’t?”
“If you just showed your stomach you would look so beautiful and sexy.”
“If you can show your legs up till here, why can’t you show a little bit of your belly, eh?”

Their reactions threw me off and got me upset. Because I knew that my family would flip if I wore a crop top with pants, but if I wore it as part of a traditional outfit, it’s awesome. So why couldn’t I just cover my stomach?

The one on the left is NOT okay, but the one on the right is.

And let me just put another layer on this — if you know Indian culture, you’ll know that dishonour is a big thing.

So by going against the customary practices — by simply trying to dress modestly, I was ‘bringing dishonour’ to my family.

I was really upset with the culture, and confused with why things had to be this way.

It caused a bit of friction with my family at first. But after some time, some talking, and trying to keep an open mind, I was able to see that my family really just was trying to look out for me in their own way.

And as someone who didn’t want to show my stomach, it came across as strange to my family who just wanted nothing more than me to look good. It’s kinda like how they might also suggest getting my nails done or getting a new hairstyle. Imagine if I got upset at the idea of a new pedicure!

But looking at the bigger picture here, what I’m trying to say is that different people have different conceptions of what is nice and what is not.

And because cultures and contexts are so conflicting all the time, people are going to praise you and shame you over virtually the same thing.

So my solution is simply to accept that everyone has their own right to their opinions. As long as we’re not breaking a law or seriously offending people (by dressing extremely inappropriately), it should be okay to wear what you want.

Well, that’s my take at least. What do you think? Drop a comment below to share your thoughts, and check out my video on this too!

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GGG – Changing my life by becoming a gypsy nomad https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-changing-my-life-by-becoming-a-gypsy-nomad/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/ggg-changing-my-life-by-becoming-a-gypsy-nomad/#respond Thu, 18 Oct 2018 15:22:38 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1244 The post GGG – Changing my life by becoming a gypsy nomad appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Topic: Fearless Friday

As the great C.S. Lewis wrote, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

girls gone global, ggg, dear alyneAt the age of 35, I decided it was time to start living life on my terms, so I quit my 11-yr career as a teacher to be a full-time travel/human interest story blogger!

This past weekend, I moved all my belongings into storage to officially become a gypsy nomad. 😁

This was the scariest decision of my life, even scarier than getting divorced 8 years ago! 😳

girls gone global, ggg, dear alyne

So I chilled at my mom’s house in small town East Texas, trying to figure out my game plan for what comes next. I’ve traveled to 22 countries around the world, but I felt a little overwhelmed with making the decision of where to start my journey.

Eventually, I packed up my dog and my car, and ventured out on a month-long road trip with my best bud Kingston! We drove to places like South Carolina, DC, Mexico and Alabama, where we stayed in a 100+ year old farmhouse!

girls gone global, ggg, dear alyne
Me and my dog Kingston at the farmhouse in Alabama which is over a century old!

I don’t envision myself as one of those gypsy nomads that packs up a suitcase, hops on a plane, and doesn’t come back “home” for 2-3 years. I am far too close to my family and my doggie Kingston to just set sail and not look back! But that’s ok, because this is my journey, and the great thing is that I get to design what it looks like based on what makes ME happy! 😀

Note: This post has been adapted from the original to reflect the latest info.

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE (WOMEN ONLY).

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Dear Alyne’s Bali Food Guide https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/bali-food-guide/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/travel/bali-food-guide/#respond Sun, 30 Sep 2018 04:49:59 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1056 The post Dear Alyne’s Bali Food Guide appeared first on Dear Alyne.

I had the most delicious time in Bali (especially in the town of Ubud) because it was so easy to find vegetarian options!

YouTube video

So I made a Bali Food Guide for you to download, complete with all the places you should visit for the best food. Here’s a sneak peek!

I know you’ll love the food as much as I did!

Download my Bali Food Guide here.




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