type-sharetwitter-text-before']); } else { $twitter_share_text_before = ""; } if(!empty($layer['settings']['link-type-sharetwitter-text-after'])){ $twitter_share_text_after = str_replace(array("%title%","%excerpt%"), array($title,$excerpt), $layer['settings']['link-type-sharetwitter-text-after']); } else { $twitter_share_text_after = ""; } $twitter_share_text = $twitter_share_text_before.$twitter_share_url.$twitter_share_text_after; $text = ''.$text.''; break; case 'likepost': if(!empty($this->post['ID'])) $text = ''.$text.''; //javascript-link else $text = ''; break; } if($link_to !== 'none') $do_display = true; //set back to true if a link is set on layer $text = trim($text); //check for special styling coming from post option and set css to the queue if(isset($layer['id'])) $this->set_meta_element_changes($layer['id'], $unique_class); $post_class = (!isset($post['ID'])) ? '' : ' eg-post-'.$post['ID']; if($base->text_has_certain_tag($text, 'a') && !$do_ignore_styles){ //check if a tag exists, if yes, class will be set to a tags and not the wrapping div, also the div will receive the position and other stylings // && @$layer['settings']['source'] !== 'text' if($is_woo_cats && strpos($text, 'class="') !== false || $is_woo_button || $is_filter_cat && strpos($text, 'class="') !== false){ //add to the classes instead of creating own class attribute if it is woocommerce cats AND a class can be found $text = str_replace('class="', 'class="'.$unique_class.$post_class.$lb_class.' ', $text); }elseif($is_html_source && strpos($text, 'class="') !== false){ $text = str_replace('', '', $text); //moved to more global css generation process @version: 2.0 //$this->add_css_wrap[$unique_class]['a']['display'] = $do_display; //do_display defines if we should write display: block; //$this->add_css_wrap[$unique_class]['a']['full'] = $do_full; //do full styles (for categories and tags separator) $unique_class .= '-a'; } if($do_ignore_styles) $unique_class = 'eg-'.esc_attr($this->handle).'-nostyle-element-'.$layer['id']; //replace all the normal shortcodes if(function_exists('qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate $text = qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text); }elseif(function_exists('ppqtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate plus $text = ppqtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text); }elseif(function_exists('qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate X $text = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text); } $text = do_shortcode($text); if($special_item == 'true' && $special_item_type == 'line-break'){ //line break element echo ' '."\n"; }elseif(trim($text) !== ''){ //}elseif(!empty($text)){ $use_tag = $base->getVar($layer['settings'], 'tag-type', 'div'); echo ' <'.$use_tag.' class="esg-'.$class.$post_class.$video_play.$ajax_class.' '.$hideunderClass.$unique_class.$transition.'"'.$ajax_attr.$transition_split.$delay.$hideunderHTML; echo ($demo == 'custom') ? $demo_element_type : ''; echo $data_transition_transition . '>'; echo $text; echo ''."\n"; } } /** * Retrieve the value of post elements */ public function get_post_value($handle, $separator, $function, $meta, $catmax = '-1', $taxonomy = ""){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $text = ''; /* 2.1.5 category max option */ $adjustMax = false; if( in_array( $handle, array( 'cat_list','tag_list','taxonomy') ) ) { if(!empty($catmax) && $catmax !== '-1' && is_numeric($catmax) && intval($catmax) > 0) { $catmax = intval($catmax); $adjustMax = true; } } switch($handle){ //Post elements case 'post_id': $text = $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''); break; case 'post_url': $post_id = $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''); $text = get_permalink($post_id); break; case 'title': $text = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_title', ''); break; case 'caption': case 'excerpt': $text = trim($base->getVar($this->post, 'post_excerpt')); if(empty($text)){ //strip essential grid shortcode here $text = do_shortcode($base->strip_essential_shortcode($base->getVar($this->post, 'post_content'))); $text = preg_replace("/]*>(.*?)<\\/style>/s", "", $text); $text = preg_replace("/]*>(.*?)<\\/script>/s", "", $text); } $text = strip_tags($text); //,"

" break; case 'meta': $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); $text = $m->get_meta_value_by_handle($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''),$meta); break; case 'likespost': $post_id = $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''); if(!empty($post_id)){ $count = get_post_meta($post_id, "eg_votes_count", 0); if(!$count) $count[0] = 0; if(is_array($count)){ $text = ''.$count[0].''; } } else{ $text = ''; } break; case 'alias': $text = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_name'); break; case 'content': $text = apply_filters('the_content', $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_content')); break; case 'link': $text = get_permalink($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', '')); break; case 'date': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = $base->convert_post_date($postDate); break; case 'date_day': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('dd',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_month': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('m',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_month_abbr': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('M',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_year': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('Y',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_year_abbr': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('y',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_modified': $dateModified = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_modified"); $text = $base->convert_post_date($dateModified); break; case 'author_name': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $text = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $authorID); break; case 'author_posts': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $text = get_author_posts_url($authorID ); break; case 'author_profile': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_the_author_meta('url', $authorID); break; case 'author_avatar_32': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 32); break; case 'author_avatar_64': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 64); break; case 'author_avatar_96': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 96); break; case 'author_avatar_512': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 512); break; case 'num_comments': $text = $base->getVar($this->post, 'comment_count'); break; case 'cat_list': $use_taxonomies = false; $postCatsIDs = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_category'); if(empty($postCatsIDs) && isset($this->post['post_type'])){ $postCatsIDs = array(); $obj = get_object_taxonomies($this->post['post_type']); if(!empty($obj) && is_array($obj)){ foreach($obj as $tax){ if($tax == 'post_tag') continue; $use_taxonomies[] = $tax; $new_terms = get_the_terms($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $tax); if(is_array($new_terms) && !empty($new_terms)){ foreach($new_terms as $term){ $postCatsIDs[$term->term_id] = $term->term_id; } } } } } /* 2.1.5 category max option */ if($adjustMax && is_array($postCatsIDs)) $postCatsIDs = array_slice($postCatsIDs, 0, $catmax, true); $text = $base->get_categories_html_list($postCatsIDs, $function, $separator, $use_taxonomies); break; case 'tag_list': if(!$adjustMax) { $text = $base->get_tags_html_list($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $separator, $function); } else { $text = $base->get_tags_html_list($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $separator, $function, $catmax); } break; case 'taxonomy': if(!$adjustMax) { $text = $base->get_tax_html_list($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $taxonomy, $separator, $function); } else { $text = $base->get_tax_html_list($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $taxonomy, $separator, $function, $catmax); } break; /* case 'iframe': print '


'; die(); break; */ default: $text = apply_filters('essgrid_post_meta_content', $text, $handle, $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $this->post); break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of post elements */ public function get_custom_element_value($handle, $separator, $meta = ''){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); $text = ''; $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $handle, ''); if($text == '' && $meta != '') $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $meta, ''); if(intval($text) > 0){ //we may be an image from the metas $custom_meta = $m->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($custom_meta)){ foreach($custom_meta as $cmeta){ if($cmeta['handle'] == $handle){ if($cmeta['type'] == 'image'){ $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($text, $this->media_sources_type); if($img !== false){ $text = $img[0]; //replace with URL } } break; } } } } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of event elements */ public function get_event_manager_value($handle){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $text = ''; switch($handle){ //check for event manager case 'event_start_date': break; case 'event_end_date': break; case 'event_start_time': break; case 'event_end_time': break; case 'event_event_id': break; case 'event_location_name': break; case 'event_location_slug': break; case 'event_location_address': break; case 'event_location_town': break; case 'event_location_state': break; case 'event_location_postcode': break; case 'event_location_region': break; case 'event_location_country': break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of woocommerce elements */ public function get_woocommerce_value($meta, $separator, $catmax = false){ $text = ''; if(isset($this->post['ID'])){ if(Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); /* 2.1.5 category max option */ $adjustMax = false; if($meta === 'wc_categories') { if(!empty($catmax) && $catmax !== '-1' && is_numeric($catmax) && intval($catmax) > 0) { $catmax = intval($catmax); $adjustMax = true; } } if($adjustMax) { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator, $catmax); } else { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator); } } } return $text; } } GGG - HOW TO MAKE MONEY WHILE TRAVELING!!!! - Dear Alyne

Welcome to Girls Gone Global! This is a post taken from our Facebook Community where we support and empower women to make changes in the world, together! Below you will find a post from one of our 80K+ group members, talking about their very personal story or issue. With the agreement of the author we are allowed to share it on the Dear Alyne Blog to inspire, and to help other women. To read the community answers, please click on the link below and join the group (women only, sorry guys! Ask your girlfriend hehe.). Our hope is that you find posts to relate to, and maybe some answers to your own questions!


Hey Ladies,

Our fearless leader Alyne asked me to type up a post to help those of you who are wanting to make money to travel or while traveling!

As a full-time travel blogger who’s been to 65 countries on 6 continents in the last 5 years, I understand that blogging isn’t for everyone, nor is it the only way to make money while traveling!

There are dozens of opportunities out there, it’s just about finding the one that fits your life and circumstances best.

Depending on your country of origin or native language, some jobs will be more applicable to some of you than others, but please don’t let that discourage you!

Alas, in no particular order, here are the best 10 jobs that allow you to make money to travel or while traveling:

1. WORKAWAY (https://www.workaway.info)

This website is gold! Though it cost a little over $30 USD to register with the site for an annual membership to access/apply for work opportunities, it is SUCH a powerful resource.

I’ve used it in the past to land jobs at hostels as a receptionist, leading pub crawls, teaching private English classes, you name it!

There is a multitude of different opportunities where they will either pay you an hourly rate, or cover all your living and food expenses, so that you can at least save money for other travel expenses!

Highly recommend trying this out and it gives you access to opportunities around the world, not just in your country.

Contracts are also flexible depending on the host, but if you want to live in Brazil for a month, for example, you could find a hostel job for 30 days that gives you a free bed and food every day, so that you can enjoy Brazilian life very cheaply!

2. UPWORK (https://upwork.com)

This is for more of my tech-savvy ladies out there. Whether you’re a writer, copywriter, editor, graphic/web designer, or anything that can be done through digital means, there is SOMEONE (actually, many someones) looking to pay you for your services!

People like me, who have a million things on our table, but not nearly enough time, will happily hire someone for $20/hour to do things for us.

The best part is, you can do this from behind your laptop or phone, so that you can be saving money to travel, or traveling and doing virtual work part-time.

The easiest kind of work would be editing or freelance writing, but you need to be decent at it. Don’t expect to be hired by anyone if you don’t have a resume, blog, or any published work online.

Some of these gigs take time to secure, but when you put in the work today, it will start paying off in your tomorrows.

3. AU PAIR (https://www.aupairworld.com/en)

There are hundreds of Au Pair sites out there, but I trust this one the most.

This job isn’t for everyone, and you can compare it best to nannying, but you have to have patience and discipline.

I did this for 6 months in Barcelona a few years ago, and while it only paid 60 euros a week, my living expenses were 0.

I was getting a free private room, cell phone, metro/rail pass, and 3 meals a day.

So each week, I saved those 60 euros for travel/plane tickets, and after 6 months, I took off to start traveling again.

If you’re a native English speaker, there are SO many opportunities to do this in Spain, France, Italy, etc.

Do your research and make sure you communicate with the family via Skype before you accept any offers.

This was also how I was able to learn Spanish — living in another country for a bit!


In the last few months, Airbnb rolled out a new program where they allow locals of any city to host experiences.

So those of you who love art, can teach people how to paint with wine or something!

Those of you who are photographers can lead a photo walk.

Those of you who speak multiple languages can host a language exchange.

So many possibilities and room for flexibility as you can price the experience at whatever you want.

If you lead a photo walk and charge $10, and 10 people book and show up, then boom, that’s $100 for 3-4 hours of your time!

5. TOUR GUIDE WITH TOP DECK OR CONTIKI (https://www.topdeck.travel/about-topdeck/work-for-us) or (https://www.contiki.com/eu/en/join-the-team)

I have no personal affiliation with either of these companies, but they host extensive tours around the world focusing on the demographics of those aged 18-35.

Whether you become a tour leader, driver, or crew member, this is a great way to be stationed somewhere for 6 months of the year, and literally be paid to lead people to travel!

6. TEACH ENGLISH ABROAD WITH TEFL (bit.ly/TEFLcertification)

If English is your native language, invest in a TEFL certification that allows you to teach English as a foreign language abroad.

From what I’ve read, South Korea is one of the highest paying countries for this, and I know people who’ve earned upwards of $60K USD a year, with paid housing, all while being given 5 weeks of paid time off.

7. VOLUNTEER WITH THE U.S. PEACE CORPS (https://www.peacecorps.gov/volunteer/voluteer-openings)

This has its ups and downs, and there’s not much flexibility when it comes to assigned locations and duties, but if you’re a patient person and want to make a difference in third world countries, this might be for you.

8. HOUSE OR PET SITTING (https://www.trustedhousesitters.com)

Think of baby-sitting, but better! You’re looking after people’s home and pets!

You need to pay for a membership, but if you build up your resume, you can easily start getting gigs.

I have a friend who has been cat-sitting all around Asia, staying in luxurious apartments/flats while looking after people’s pets.

9. BARTEND OR WORK ON A CRUISE SHIP (https://www.allcruisejobs.com)

Cruise ships offer so many part-time positions, from daycare to bartending, check out the website above and see if any might be up your alley.

I have friends that have bartended on cruise ships in the past, and while it can be a time-intensive job and crazy environment, it allowed them to travel and cross off many bucket list destinations.


You might not start out making money right away, but you can definitely get comped/sponsored stays in exchange for amazing photos, drone photography, or video edits.

And you don’t necessarily need a large following on social media if the company just wants the content upfront, but you definitely need to be professional in your approach and build a resume.

I hope this post helps! Feel free to post any more suggestions and firsthand experiences in the comments below. And now, for some words of encouragement:

This photo might represent the scenario for every twenty-something out there with a multitude of options and passions, but only two feet to work with.

I admire those who got to 80 years old and tried their hand at 3 different careers, fulfilling 3 different areas of their lives.

I don’t think we’re meant to do the same thing every day for the next 60 years, call it a life, and die.

We’re all so talented and too dynamic to have just a single story written about our lives.

Stepping out on faith is scary. But what’s scarier is the amount of people that take their dreams to the grave with them.

Because they sat around waiting on their parents’ approval. On the perfect amount of savings. On their partner’s situation to get better.

There’s nothing selfish about pursuing a life that makes you wildly excited about Monday mornings.

Anybody who tries to tell you otherwise isn’t the kind of energy you should be surrounding yourself with.

It’s time to stop seeking approval from those with entrepreneurial minds but an elementary work ethic.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Our dreams are all different, but our need for fulfillment is the same.

When was the last time you did something that truly made you feel worthy?

Worthiness isn’t birthed overnight. And self-confidence might be the longest and most unstable road in the world. But anything worth having in life requires working towards it daily.

Financial stability. A happy marriage. A healthy heart and body.

So maybe you’re stuck in the middle of a crossroad but you’re on the verge of turning your WHYs into WHY NOTs.

The universe always conspires in your favor when your work ethic meets it halfway.

Here’s to my fellow dreamers. May you forever continue to be anything but normal 🤘🏾

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

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