type-sharetwitter-text-before']); } else { $twitter_share_text_before = ""; } if(!empty($layer['settings']['link-type-sharetwitter-text-after'])){ $twitter_share_text_after = str_replace(array("%title%","%excerpt%"), array($title,$excerpt), $layer['settings']['link-type-sharetwitter-text-after']); } else { $twitter_share_text_after = ""; } $twitter_share_text = $twitter_share_text_before.$twitter_share_url.$twitter_share_text_after; $text = ''.$text.''; break; case 'likepost': if(!empty($this->post['ID'])) $text = ''.$text.''; //javascript-link else $text = ''; break; } if($link_to !== 'none') $do_display = true; //set back to true if a link is set on layer $text = trim($text); //check for special styling coming from post option and set css to the queue if(isset($layer['id'])) $this->set_meta_element_changes($layer['id'], $unique_class); $post_class = (!isset($post['ID'])) ? '' : ' eg-post-'.$post['ID']; if($base->text_has_certain_tag($text, 'a') && !$do_ignore_styles){ //check if a tag exists, if yes, class will be set to a tags and not the wrapping div, also the div will receive the position and other stylings // && @$layer['settings']['source'] !== 'text' if($is_woo_cats && strpos($text, 'class="') !== false || $is_woo_button || $is_filter_cat && strpos($text, 'class="') !== false){ //add to the classes instead of creating own class attribute if it is woocommerce cats AND a class can be found $text = str_replace('class="', 'class="'.$unique_class.$post_class.$lb_class.' ', $text); }elseif($is_html_source && strpos($text, 'class="') !== false){ $text = str_replace('', '', $text); //moved to more global css generation process @version: 2.0 //$this->add_css_wrap[$unique_class]['a']['display'] = $do_display; //do_display defines if we should write display: block; //$this->add_css_wrap[$unique_class]['a']['full'] = $do_full; //do full styles (for categories and tags separator) $unique_class .= '-a'; } if($do_ignore_styles) $unique_class = 'eg-'.esc_attr($this->handle).'-nostyle-element-'.$layer['id']; //replace all the normal shortcodes if(function_exists('qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate $text = qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text); }elseif(function_exists('ppqtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate plus $text = ppqtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text); }elseif(function_exists('qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')){ //use qTranslate X $text = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($text); } $text = do_shortcode($text); if($special_item == 'true' && $special_item_type == 'line-break'){ //line break element echo ' '."\n"; }elseif(trim($text) !== ''){ //}elseif(!empty($text)){ $use_tag = $base->getVar($layer['settings'], 'tag-type', 'div'); echo ' <'.$use_tag.' class="esg-'.$class.$post_class.$video_play.$ajax_class.' '.$hideunderClass.$unique_class.$transition.'"'.$ajax_attr.$transition_split.$delay.$hideunderHTML; echo ($demo == 'custom') ? $demo_element_type : ''; echo $data_transition_transition . '>'; echo $text; echo ''."\n"; } } /** * Retrieve the value of post elements */ public function get_post_value($handle, $separator, $function, $meta, $catmax = '-1', $taxonomy = ""){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $text = ''; /* 2.1.5 category max option */ $adjustMax = false; if( in_array( $handle, array( 'cat_list','tag_list','taxonomy') ) ) { if(!empty($catmax) && $catmax !== '-1' && is_numeric($catmax) && intval($catmax) > 0) { $catmax = intval($catmax); $adjustMax = true; } } switch($handle){ //Post elements case 'post_id': $text = $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''); break; case 'post_url': $post_id = $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''); $text = get_permalink($post_id); break; case 'title': $text = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_title', ''); break; case 'caption': case 'excerpt': $text = trim($base->getVar($this->post, 'post_excerpt')); if(empty($text)){ //strip essential grid shortcode here $text = do_shortcode($base->strip_essential_shortcode($base->getVar($this->post, 'post_content'))); $text = preg_replace("/]*>(.*?)<\\/style>/s", "", $text); $text = preg_replace("/]*>(.*?)<\\/script>/s", "", $text); } $text = strip_tags($text); //,"

" break; case 'meta': $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); $text = $m->get_meta_value_by_handle($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''),$meta); break; case 'likespost': $post_id = $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''); if(!empty($post_id)){ $count = get_post_meta($post_id, "eg_votes_count", 0); if(!$count) $count[0] = 0; if(is_array($count)){ $text = ''.$count[0].''; } } else{ $text = ''; } break; case 'alias': $text = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_name'); break; case 'content': $text = apply_filters('the_content', $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_content')); break; case 'link': $text = get_permalink($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', '')); break; case 'date': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = $base->convert_post_date($postDate); break; case 'date_day': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('dd',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_month': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('m',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_month_abbr': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('M',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_year': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('Y',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_year_abbr': $postDate = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_date_gmt"); $text = date('y',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_modified': $dateModified = $base->getVar($this->post, "post_modified"); $text = $base->convert_post_date($dateModified); break; case 'author_name': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $text = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $authorID); break; case 'author_posts': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $text = get_author_posts_url($authorID ); break; case 'author_profile': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_the_author_meta('url', $authorID); break; case 'author_avatar_32': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 32); break; case 'author_avatar_64': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 64); break; case 'author_avatar_96': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 96); break; case 'author_avatar_512': $authorID = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 512); break; case 'num_comments': $text = $base->getVar($this->post, 'comment_count'); break; case 'cat_list': $use_taxonomies = false; $postCatsIDs = $base->getVar($this->post, 'post_category'); if(empty($postCatsIDs) && isset($this->post['post_type'])){ $postCatsIDs = array(); $obj = get_object_taxonomies($this->post['post_type']); if(!empty($obj) && is_array($obj)){ foreach($obj as $tax){ if($tax == 'post_tag') continue; $use_taxonomies[] = $tax; $new_terms = get_the_terms($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $tax); if(is_array($new_terms) && !empty($new_terms)){ foreach($new_terms as $term){ $postCatsIDs[$term->term_id] = $term->term_id; } } } } } /* 2.1.5 category max option */ if($adjustMax && is_array($postCatsIDs)) $postCatsIDs = array_slice($postCatsIDs, 0, $catmax, true); $text = $base->get_categories_html_list($postCatsIDs, $function, $separator, $use_taxonomies); break; case 'tag_list': if(!$adjustMax) { $text = $base->get_tags_html_list($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $separator, $function); } else { $text = $base->get_tags_html_list($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $separator, $function, $catmax); } break; case 'taxonomy': if(!$adjustMax) { $text = $base->get_tax_html_list($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $taxonomy, $separator, $function); } else { $text = $base->get_tax_html_list($base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $taxonomy, $separator, $function, $catmax); } break; /* case 'iframe': print '


'; die(); break; */ default: $text = apply_filters('essgrid_post_meta_content', $text, $handle, $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $this->post); break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of post elements */ public function get_custom_element_value($handle, $separator, $meta = ''){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); $text = ''; $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $handle, ''); if($text == '' && $meta != '') $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $meta, ''); if(intval($text) > 0){ //we may be an image from the metas $custom_meta = $m->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($custom_meta)){ foreach($custom_meta as $cmeta){ if($cmeta['handle'] == $handle){ if($cmeta['type'] == 'image'){ $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($text, $this->media_sources_type); if($img !== false){ $text = $img[0]; //replace with URL } } break; } } } } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of event elements */ public function get_event_manager_value($handle){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $text = ''; switch($handle){ //check for event manager case 'event_start_date': break; case 'event_end_date': break; case 'event_start_time': break; case 'event_end_time': break; case 'event_event_id': break; case 'event_location_name': break; case 'event_location_slug': break; case 'event_location_address': break; case 'event_location_town': break; case 'event_location_state': break; case 'event_location_postcode': break; case 'event_location_region': break; case 'event_location_country': break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of woocommerce elements */ public function get_woocommerce_value($meta, $separator, $catmax = false){ $text = ''; if(isset($this->post['ID'])){ if(Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); /* 2.1.5 category max option */ $adjustMax = false; if($meta === 'wc_categories') { if(!empty($catmax) && $catmax !== '-1' && is_numeric($catmax) && intval($catmax) > 0) { $catmax = intval($catmax); $adjustMax = true; } } if($adjustMax) { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator, $catmax); } else { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator); } } } return $text; } } Have You Heard Of THIS? - Dear Alyne
Girls Gone Global Los Angeles Meet Up
Girls Gone Global Los Angeles Meet Up

What is Period Poverty?

Girls Gone Global Los Angeles Meet Up
Girls Gone Global Los Angeles Meet Up

On October 7, 2018, I went out of my comfort zone, drove 2 ½ hours to Venice Beach, California for a Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne) Meet up! All the women that showed up were very kind, and quickly my anxiety, and shyness dissipated. While meeting Alyne was the highlight of the day, in the big group that gathered I met a few girls that I exchanged Instagram with, and kept in touch.

Sabrina Paul and PMS Box
Sabrina Paul and PMS Box

About a month later, one of the ladies from the group posted a new company that she was launching, PMSBOX. With Sera Alper as the founder, and a bunch of GGG members pitching in, PMSBOX is a subscription box determined to help end Period Poverty.  For each subscription that is bought, we give menstrual products to woman and girls in need. Working with a startup and giving back to our local and international communities has been exciting, but before I started I needed to learn about Period Poverty. What is Period Poverty anyway?

Period Poverty is one of the most taboo, yet problematic global problems women face today.  1.2 billion women have limited access to hygiene products, and many are using alternatives such as dirty cloth, ashes, or even cow dung.  Period poverty is perhaps one of the most undiscussed hygiene problems of our time.

Since becoming involved with PMSBOX, I have become consumed with researching the topic of “period poverty.” As I have read through articles, and looked for statistics, I started thinking about my own experiences as a young single mom.

Sabrina Paul as a Young Single mom
Sabrina Paul as a Young Single mom

I had my daughter when I was 19-years-old.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared and broke. I started working full-time but did not make much money.  This often meant giving up my own necessities, such as maxi-pads for a day or so, just to get to the next paycheck. I am not sure how many times I had to ask my sister if I could borrow some tampons, or how many times my mom stopped by with pads to help me out. I remember how humiliating it was to ask for help, especially for something as personal as feminine hygiene products.

I am beyond thankful that I had their support; I know that I was lucky to have my mom and sister there to help me. Millions of women around the world do not have the support I had. Millions do not have access to these products at all. PMSBOX strives to support these women who are in need.  While they may not have a family to support them, they have women like the PMSBOX team who want to make a positive difference in their lives.

When we think of the word “poverty,” most of us think of homelessness, lack of electricity, food, or safe water. Women’s hygiene is often overlooked, or simply not spoken of. This, along with the shame and negativity that surrounds periods in general, makes period poverty a much less discussed topic. Remember when you were in high school and you would hide a pad in your pocket in case you had to use it in middle of the day? Or worrying whether or not your pad was showing through your pants? Now imagine that while also living in impoverished conditions. Can you imagine not even knowing what a maxi-pad looks like, or using an piece of cloth or some cow dung to absorb blood?

We want to talk about our periods, and support women who do not have access to these personal hygiene products. Here are some facts that motivate us to do what we do.

·         In the US, women spend approximately $70-$120 a year on hygiene products. The average age for a girl to get her first period is 12.3 years old.  The average age for menopause is 51.  This means women can spend up to $5,000 on sanitary products alone in their lifetime.

·         Lack of education and high illiteracy rates in developing countries can lead to major health issues such as infections, toxic shock syndrome, and even cervical cancer.

·         In India, girls miss an average of 1-2 days of school per month due to period discomfort, fear of staining clothes, and lack of access to proper disposal tools.

·         88% of females reuse cloth during menstruation due to lack of access/inability to afford sanitary products.

·         There are documented cases of girls as young as the age of 14 trading sex for sanitary products. In Kenya one in four girls does not associate menstruation with fertility. This lack of education puts these young women at risk for major health issues.

THIS is why PMSBOX exists. PMSBOX is on a mission to help 10 million women in need! We would love for you to follow, and watch this woman owned and operated company grow.  Or if you have experience with Period Poverty, or are interested in teaming up with us in any aspect, contact me!  I would love to hear from you! sabrina@pmsbox.com IG: @sabrinampaul



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