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Meet Cristina: How This Woman Healed From Her Divorce in Bali

Follow Cristina here!  
For pricing or to apply for her upcoming retreat: Click Here

Summary: At a young age, Cristina’s Mom took her own life after a difficult divorce. Now, Cristina is dedicating her life to empower others to realize divorce is just a step towards a new life.

*The Following is a Dear Alyne Guest Post by GGG member, Cristina*

Note: If you can’t travel right now but want guidance, follow Cristina here for  free content, guided meditations, inspirational articles,  and lots of tools that can ease the process of separation.

Today I am happy to share with you the story behind Cristinas Break Up Retreats:

After 10 years of sharing life with my former partner, we got divorced. And I realized: it can either be the beginning of a joyful new chapter, or, as it happened in the case of my own parents, it can truly break one into pieces.

I lost my mother to suicide when I was 12, during a painful process of divorce from my father. She simply could not imagine life without my dad, which led to depression and determined her to see suicide as the only way to end her profound suffering. This event has impacted me throughout my entire life and
having just gone through a divorce myself after being with my former husband for 10 years, I got to discover how I could finally do something for others. At the time, I was way too young to be a pillar of support for my mom or to even understand what was happening to her in those moments.
So I resigned my management position and career in a multinational company, that I was involved in for seven years, with no second thoughts and started building YOUniverse.

Now, together with an experienced team, I am dedicating myself to supporting others to overcome the demanding challenges that separation brings.

I eventually understood that what seemed to be a dramatic change of scenery, was, in fact, a blessing in
disguise. When I thought I’m experiencing the worst, time proved that it was the best thing that could
have happened. I was given the chance to get to know myself at a deeper level and as a result, redefine who I am.

Shortly after this, I nestled in Bali, met my beloved partner, Javier, and allowed life to surprise
me. I now choose to trust Universe’s ways of bringing all that I have to experience, in order to grow
brighter every day.
All thanks to Bali’s magic…

Cristinas Break Up Retreat Sanctuary in Bali

Cristinas Break Up Retreat Sanctuary in Bali
Cristinas Break Up Retreat Sanctuary in Bali

There are so many wonderful places on this planet, I was lucky to live in quite a few during my seven
years of travels on all continents, but none has gifted me so many profound experiences as Ubud, Bali
I see it as a powerful mirror of truth, a place that pulls out the best and worst in me every day, confronts
me with my lies and my truths, amplifies all emotions, experiences, and therefore forces me to grow. It
feels like being in the arms of a strict, but very loving mother. I realized that all the energy that this place
holds is indeed life changing, it’s not just a myth.
After learning all the lessons that arose from going through my divorce, Bali taught me not only how to
understand and forgive myself, but to be at peace with all experiences that life brings.
Eventually, on a personal level, this place has gifted me so much: life purpose, self awareness, authentic
friendships and also brought my beloved partner my way, through a “massive coincidence” that I will
speak about with another occasion. I am forever grateful for Bali’s magic.

So why is Ubud, Bali the ideal destination for healing after separation?

Bali is known as a healing island
Bali is known as a healing island

Bali is known for being a spiritual and magical place. There is much more to Ubud than the bare eye can see. It raises you to a higher power and literally is heart pulsating in the rhythm of transformation and love.

Be it for the belief in ley lines, be it for the energy the locals create here through their daily ceremonies
and offerings – coming to Ubud you feel the difference and special energy, even if you believe in nothing
at all. You cannot escape the magic of its touch. It captures you from the first breath, takes you on a
journey of emotions, brings you closer to yourself, no matter how brief your moment in its embrace is.
It is easy to fall in love here. You’ve probably heard of Elizabeth Gilbert’s inspiring true story and movie,
Eat Pray Love haha! This land ignites you to fall in love, first with yourself, then with life and eventually
with another, if you’re not already experiencing that truly.

Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali
Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali

Our community’s vision and our advice to those who are going through separation
Our mission is to purely revive the sense of purpose into people’s lives and give a new meaning to life
after divorce or separation. Just because we’ve all been there, we know how it can shake one’s world
and turn it upside down. But in truth, without ignoring the challenges that separation brings, we believe
that you are gaining a brand new life and get to create your entire experience as you wish. Breakups and
divorce are often perceived as failures, but they are not not, as – in all honesty – no thing in life is. All and everything simply is an experience. An experience that expands your horizons and makes you richer
on the path that you walk on this earth. So instead of calling it separation, you can simply choose to
name it completion. Completion of an old chapter that creates space for a new beginning, more
meaningful than ever before.

From our experience, the way you perceive this change of scenery sets the ground for what will unfold
next. You are the one who holds the key to a joyful life and also the power to see that every challenging
experience is, in fact, a chance to renewal – your renewal. The moment you choose to see this, you are
in the process of truly loving yourself, and when you love yourself first, life will take care of the rest. We
deeply comprehend that loneliness can sometimes disrupt the view, so we want you to know that you
are not alone and to truly feel it!

Who is part of the team

Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali
Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali

Our community includes conscious women and men from different corners of the world: Australia, USA,
Romania, Argentina, Brazil, Germany and Indonesia. Sharing the same purpose at heart, we allowed our
experience, creativity and passions to unfold into this concept. We are a team of unshakable optimists,
experienced therapists, entrepreneurs, storytellers and philanthropists, fully dedicated to supporting
you on the path of becoming your true empowered joyful self.

We’re specialized in healing workshops, therapy, yoga, sacred ceremonies, intuitive art, holding circles
for men and women, releasing trauma, integrating change, embracing transformation, all ultimately re-
connecting you to your inner guidance and leading towards the path of purposeful living.
If you would like to join or retreat in Bali, stay connected or simply want to have access to our free
content that we’re creating with love every day, feel free to join us here.

Lots of love,
Cristina Capatina
Creator & Co-Founder of YOUniverse

The post Meet Cristina: Her Divorce Led To Her Happiness appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – 10 years of emotional abuse https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/ggg-10-years-of-emotional-abuse/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/ggg-10-years-of-emotional-abuse/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 12:10:29 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=856 The post GGG – 10 years of emotional abuse appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Topic: Relationship Saturday

Hello from the other side to the 20,000 sisters from all over the world. Lots of Love and Hugs from this corner of the World.
My name is Temitayo Elizabeth, a 25 year old woman from Nigeria.

I have never had the courage to open up about my Life on a platform as big as this, but i think its time i let my voice be used for something positive.
I was in a relationship with a manipulator for about 10 years of my life and he abused me emotionally for a larger part of it. In fact, i could say the only reason why i think he didn’t get physical with me was because i didn’t give a concrete reason to.

Trust me when i say i didn’t even see it from the abusive perspective because i thought it’s absolutely normal for a Man to be domineering and controlling, or maybe i was in Love.
Also, considering that i literally grew up seeing him as the only Male figure in my life (i met him when i was 15), i trusted him with everything that has to do with me because I thought of him as some sort of god that shouldn’t be questioned.

Until recently when i began reading about other women’s struggle and how wrong it is to be voiceless, i found my voice!
I noticed when i started having brilliant opinions of my own and gained some self esteem and awareness he became lot more defensive and began calling me all sort of names such as; rude, proud, ungodly, ungrateful etc..

The fact that i’m still a little scared and uncomfortable about sharing this tells that I’m still healing. It took me lots of courage to walk out on him some weeks ago and start all over again, which included finances because we spent my money more.

Dear sisters, if you are still in doubt as regards that relationship you are in, or feel paranoid, insecure and angry for most of the time with them, then you shouldn’t even be with them in the first place.

I hope we all get the strength and hope needed to walk our path.
Find Peace and happiness as much as you can.

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

The post GGG – 10 years of emotional abuse appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – Dear divorced women… https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg-58/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg-58/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 12:08:04 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=854 The post GGG – Dear divorced women… appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global! This is a post taken from our Facebook Community where we support and empower women to make changes in the world, together! Below you will find a post from one of our 80K+ group members, talking about their very personal story or issue. With the agreement of the author we are allowed to share it on the Dear Alyne Blog to inspire, and to help other women. To read the community answers, please click on the link below and join the group (women only, sorry guys! Ask your girlfriend hehe.). Our hope is that you find posts to relate to, and maybe some answers to your own questions!

Topic: Wellness Wednesday

Dear Divorced Women

The tears you shed grows you, without knowing it actually creates sparkles on you..
If you live with the opinion of other people, you will emotionally suffer!

Build and create yourself as you are the author of your life! The pen is in your hands.
What you write is exactly what people Will read…

Start today with Writing how liberated you feel, how thankful you are for the second chance. Grow yourself and prove the negative comments were nothing more BUT negativity! There’s NOTHING more powerful then a POSITIVE FORCE that’s already within you.

You are the author of your story…

Hi lovely Ladies
My Name is Fatima and I’m from South Africa
I’ve been married for 8.5 years and now divorced for 3 years.

It was a mess full of years, yes it’s not easy in the beginning.. However, life becomes what you Create – I chose to make it the best thing that happened to me, I chose to be grateful and I chose to create a prosperous future for myself and kids. Best advise I can give is throw yourself out there with a positive mindset and you will see you will have the ability to create a better future for yourself.
Remember to keep going regardless as to how many negative comments bring you down. When you feel like giving up – you are ABOUT TO SUCCEED! Keep GOING! 💓💞💞

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

The post GGG – Dear divorced women… appeared first on Dear Alyne.

https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg-58/feed/ 0
GGG – Men are not on a higher level then us! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/ggg-2-2/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/ggg-2-2/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 11:41:38 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=835 The post GGG – Men are not on a higher level then us! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global! This is a post taken from our Facebook Community where we support and empower women to make changes in the world, together! Below you will find a post from one of our 80K+ group members, talking about their very personal story or issue. With the agreement of the author we are allowed to share it on the Dear Alyne Blog to inspire, and to help other women. To read the community answers, please click on the link below and join the group (women only, sorry guys! Ask your girlfriend hehe.). Our hope is that you find posts to relate to, and maybe some answers to your own questions!

Topic: Wellness Wednesday

Hi everyone, I’m laetitia from France 🇫🇷, I’m 34 years old, I’m a single mum of 2 wonderful kids and I’m separated it’s been 2 years after 10 years of marriage and I never felt as happy as I am now, because I do what I want and what I like now, and I finally learned to love myself, and I got back my self-confidence, my kids are happier too, to see me shining, life is so wonderful, trust in yourself, you are all shining, I love you sisters and never forget that we are at the same levels than men, they are not higher than us 😉 take care and live your dreams

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

The post GGG – Men are not on a higher level then us! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/ggg-2-2/feed/ 0
GGG – From an abusive marriage to an independent life in Dubai with a new husband https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/ggg/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 06:59:22 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=751 The post GGG – From an abusive marriage to an independent life in Dubai with a new husband appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global! This is a post taken from our Facebook Community where we support and empower women to make changes in the world, together! Below you will find a post from one of our 80K+ group members, talking about their very personal story or issue. With the agreement of the author we are allowed to share it on the Dear Alyne Blog to inspire, and to help other women. To read the community answers, please click on the link below and join the group (women only, sorry guys! Ask your girlfriend hehe.). Our hope is that you find posts to relate to, and maybe some answers to your own questions!

Topic: Relationship Saturday

My name is Syeda. i am from Pakistan but currently i am living in Dubai and working in one of the top automobile companies.
I got married at the age of sixten with a 31 yrs old man.it was a forced arrange marriage.It was a violent relationship. At the beginning of the marriage, the first half of the first year, there weren’t any episodes of violence or abuse.
After half a year, things started to happen.sometimes he would have outbursts in front of people he used to beat me on my face and, somehow, I still believed it was better for me to stay because i was so young and no one was there support or protect me even my family pushed me back.
Physical abuse gradually became more intense.

When you’re in the relationship for a long time, you lose your identity. You believe in the lies you were told. We don’t believe in our ability to live an independent life.
One of the things abusers tend to do is to isolate us from the community as well, so it’s harder for us to seek help in many ways and over time, we believe in their lies as i did.And then, there is the shame factor in the whole abuse. So we find it very hard to open up to anyone.
Then i found out that i could leave.it was when he beated me badly and i had my 3rd miscarriage and i was in hospital.i made a decision to get out of this hell.i started working on myself, completed my study groomed myself.it took 5 years.
Finally i was ready to take stand against my family and society.i moved to Dubai.i found Dubai one of the safest places on earth for a woman to live alone and to achieve your goals.
I started a job for my living.it was not easy but i did not gave up.then i met with a guy.soon we became very good friends.he helped me to get divorce.he helped me on every single step.
finally horrible phase of my lifr came to an end.he and his family specially his mother always stood by my side.she supported me emotionally alot.
One day that guy purposed me and i said YES.
We got married on 14 Feb 2017

I love you Adeel
Screenreader-Unterstützung aktiviert.

Relationship saturday

My name is Syeda. i am from Pakistan but currently i am living in Dubai and working in one of the top automobile companies.
I got married at the age of sixten with a 31 yrs old man.it was a forced arrange marriage.It was a violent relationship. At the beginning of the marriage, the first half of the first year, there weren’t any episodes of violence or abuse.
After half a year, things started to happen.sometimes he would have outbursts in front of people he used to beat me on my face and, somehow, I still believed it was better for me to stay because i was so young and no one was there support or protect me even my family pushed me back.
Physical abuse gradually became more intense.

When you’re in the relationship for a long time, you lose your identity. You believe in the lies you were told. We don’t believe in our ability to live an independent life.
One of the things abusers tend to do is to isolate us from the community as well, so it’s harder for us to seek help in many ways and over time, we believe in their lies as i did.And then, there is the shame factor in the whole abuse. So we find it very hard to open up to anyone.
Then i found out that i could leave.it was when he beated me badly and i had my 3rd miscarriage and i was in hospital.i made a decision to get out of this hell.i started working on myself, completed my study groomed myself.it took 5 years.
Finally i was ready to take stand against my family and society.i moved to Dubai.i found Dubai one of the safest places on earth for a woman to live alone and to achieve your goals.
I started a job for my living.it was not easy but i did not gave up.then i met with a guy.soon we became very good friends.he helped me to get divorce.he helped me on every single step.
finally horrible phase of my lifr came to an end.he and his family specially his mother always stood by my side.she supported me emotionally alot.
One day that guy purposed me and i said YES.
We got married on 14 Feb 2017

I love you Adeel

Alyne Tamir ist dem Dokument beigetreten.

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

The post GGG – From an abusive marriage to an independent life in Dubai with a new husband appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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GGG – Growth and strength after divorce https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/girls-gone-global-post/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/girls-gone-global-post/#respond Sun, 26 Aug 2018 10:16:26 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=537 The post GGG – Growth and strength after divorce appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Topic: Open Topic Sunday (#TheDivorceStigma)

Just watched the new video by Alyne on divorce. I can’t begin to explain how much I can relate to this. Thank you so much for putting it together.

I got married in 2015, left him in 2016 to be separated for a year. I spent a year with trying to “fix it”, doubting my decision, clinging onto the last bit of hope. Then after a few months of solo travel to rethinking, cleansing my mind and rejuvenation, I filed for a divorce. I come from a country where the idea of ending marriages are frowned upon. And trust me I have had difficulty trying to open up about it initially. People often made me feel like I have committed a crime.

Even today I got lectured by an elder member of my extended family for choosing to move on. But I let it go and I know that it was a decision I took for myself. Now that I look back I don’t regret anything, neither the marriage nor the divorce. I don’t shy out anymore. This whole experience has made me a stronger person if not better.

I am at the stage of my life now where I am full of motivation to grow and be better. To give my best in all aspects of life. I am more driven than ever to be the best version of myself. I don’t know if I am happy but like I said no regrets. I am living. Finally.

Read up the Facebook Community answers and advice HERE.

The post GGG – Growth and strength after divorce appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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A poem about marriage that I wrote – GGG https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/poem-about-marriage-ggg/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/poem-about-marriage-ggg/#respond Fri, 15 Jan 2016 09:58:38 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1967 The post A poem about marriage that I wrote – GGG appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This post was originally published in the Facebook group Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne) and written by Nileema Khan. It was also published in www.thedailystar.netThank you Nileema for the contribution!

I’m trying to heal from an abusive marriage… Trying to heal through writing. Here is my first poem with a photo of my wedding day. May there be no shame on divorced women. May we all have strength.

A picture says many things
A picture hides many things
They say why are you exposing your vulnerability?
I say vulnerability is me.
Accept or leave, please.
There is strength in my vulnerability
do not question it
as there is courage in fear
smiles in tears
sunshine in winter mornings.
Healing is organic.
There is no right or left
straight or curved way.
To heal is to embrace your fears.
be unapologetically vulnerable.
Be gentle,
yet do not forget, this is not final.
Only beginning of the story.
The toxins will be washed away
slowly but surely.
Patience and my breath are my friends
And as miraculous as healing can be,
there are flowers still blooming in these bare mountains.

Till then, stay with me.

Nileema Khan.

Read the original post and comments here. If you want to see more posts like this, join Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne) – for women only, sorry!

The post A poem about marriage that I wrote – GGG appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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