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'; die(); break; */ default: $text = apply_filters('essgrid_post_meta_content', $text, $handle, $base->getVar($this->post, 'ID', ''), $this->post); break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of post elements */ public function get_custom_element_value($handle, $separator, $meta = ''){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); $text = ''; $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $handle, ''); if($text == '' && $meta != '') $text = $base->getVar($this->layer_values, $meta, ''); if(intval($text) > 0){ //we may be an image from the metas $custom_meta = $m->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($custom_meta)){ foreach($custom_meta as $cmeta){ if($cmeta['handle'] == $handle){ if($cmeta['type'] == 'image'){ $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($text, $this->media_sources_type); if($img !== false){ $text = $img[0]; //replace with URL } } break; } } } } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of event elements */ public function get_event_manager_value($handle){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $text = ''; switch($handle){ //check for event manager case 'event_start_date': break; case 'event_end_date': break; case 'event_start_time': break; case 'event_end_time': break; case 'event_event_id': break; case 'event_location_name': break; case 'event_location_slug': break; case 'event_location_address': break; case 'event_location_town': break; case 'event_location_state': break; case 'event_location_postcode': break; case 'event_location_region': break; case 'event_location_country': break; } return $text; } /** * Retrieve the value of woocommerce elements */ public function get_woocommerce_value($meta, $separator, $catmax = false){ $text = ''; if(isset($this->post['ID'])){ if(Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()){ $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); /* 2.1.5 category max option */ $adjustMax = false; if($meta === 'wc_categories') { if(!empty($catmax) && $catmax !== '-1' && is_numeric($catmax) && intval($catmax) > 0) { $catmax = intval($catmax); $adjustMax = true; } } if($adjustMax) { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator, $catmax); } else { $text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($this->post['ID'], $meta, $separator); } } } return $text; } } GirlsGoneGlobal – Dear Alyne https://www.clone.dearalyne.com Dear Alyne Sat, 13 Apr 2019 13:34:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20 https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/cropped-favicon-32x32.png GirlsGoneGlobal – Dear Alyne https://www.clone.dearalyne.com 32 32 Meet Cristina: Her Divorce Led To Her Happiness https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/meet-cristina-her-divorce-led-to-her-happiness/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/meet-cristina-her-divorce-led-to-her-happiness/#respond Sat, 13 Apr 2019 13:34:58 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2048 The post Meet Cristina: Her Divorce Led To Her Happiness appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Meet Cristina: How This Woman Healed From Her Divorce in Bali

Follow Cristina here!  
For pricing or to apply for her upcoming retreat: Click Here

Summary: At a young age, Cristina’s Mom took her own life after a difficult divorce. Now, Cristina is dedicating her life to empower others to realize divorce is just a step towards a new life.

*The Following is a Dear Alyne Guest Post by GGG member, Cristina*

Note: If you can’t travel right now but want guidance, follow Cristina here for  free content, guided meditations, inspirational articles,  and lots of tools that can ease the process of separation.

Today I am happy to share with you the story behind Cristinas Break Up Retreats:

After 10 years of sharing life with my former partner, we got divorced. And I realized: it can either be the beginning of a joyful new chapter, or, as it happened in the case of my own parents, it can truly break one into pieces.

I lost my mother to suicide when I was 12, during a painful process of divorce from my father. She simply could not imagine life without my dad, which led to depression and determined her to see suicide as the only way to end her profound suffering. This event has impacted me throughout my entire life and
having just gone through a divorce myself after being with my former husband for 10 years, I got to discover how I could finally do something for others. At the time, I was way too young to be a pillar of support for my mom or to even understand what was happening to her in those moments.
So I resigned my management position and career in a multinational company, that I was involved in for seven years, with no second thoughts and started building YOUniverse.

Now, together with an experienced team, I am dedicating myself to supporting others to overcome the demanding challenges that separation brings.

I eventually understood that what seemed to be a dramatic change of scenery, was, in fact, a blessing in
disguise. When I thought I’m experiencing the worst, time proved that it was the best thing that could
have happened. I was given the chance to get to know myself at a deeper level and as a result, redefine who I am.

Shortly after this, I nestled in Bali, met my beloved partner, Javier, and allowed life to surprise
me. I now choose to trust Universe’s ways of bringing all that I have to experience, in order to grow
brighter every day.
All thanks to Bali’s magic…

Cristinas Break Up Retreat Sanctuary in Bali

Cristinas Break Up Retreat Sanctuary in Bali
Cristinas Break Up Retreat Sanctuary in Bali

There are so many wonderful places on this planet, I was lucky to live in quite a few during my seven
years of travels on all continents, but none has gifted me so many profound experiences as Ubud, Bali
I see it as a powerful mirror of truth, a place that pulls out the best and worst in me every day, confronts
me with my lies and my truths, amplifies all emotions, experiences, and therefore forces me to grow. It
feels like being in the arms of a strict, but very loving mother. I realized that all the energy that this place
holds is indeed life changing, it’s not just a myth.
After learning all the lessons that arose from going through my divorce, Bali taught me not only how to
understand and forgive myself, but to be at peace with all experiences that life brings.
Eventually, on a personal level, this place has gifted me so much: life purpose, self awareness, authentic
friendships and also brought my beloved partner my way, through a “massive coincidence” that I will
speak about with another occasion. I am forever grateful for Bali’s magic.

So why is Ubud, Bali the ideal destination for healing after separation?

Bali is known as a healing island
Bali is known as a healing island

Bali is known for being a spiritual and magical place. There is much more to Ubud than the bare eye can see. It raises you to a higher power and literally is heart pulsating in the rhythm of transformation and love.

Be it for the belief in ley lines, be it for the energy the locals create here through their daily ceremonies
and offerings – coming to Ubud you feel the difference and special energy, even if you believe in nothing
at all. You cannot escape the magic of its touch. It captures you from the first breath, takes you on a
journey of emotions, brings you closer to yourself, no matter how brief your moment in its embrace is.
It is easy to fall in love here. You’ve probably heard of Elizabeth Gilbert’s inspiring true story and movie,
Eat Pray Love haha! This land ignites you to fall in love, first with yourself, then with life and eventually
with another, if you’re not already experiencing that truly.

Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali
Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali

Our community’s vision and our advice to those who are going through separation
Our mission is to purely revive the sense of purpose into people’s lives and give a new meaning to life
after divorce or separation. Just because we’ve all been there, we know how it can shake one’s world
and turn it upside down. But in truth, without ignoring the challenges that separation brings, we believe
that you are gaining a brand new life and get to create your entire experience as you wish. Breakups and
divorce are often perceived as failures, but they are not not, as – in all honesty – no thing in life is. All and everything simply is an experience. An experience that expands your horizons and makes you richer
on the path that you walk on this earth. So instead of calling it separation, you can simply choose to
name it completion. Completion of an old chapter that creates space for a new beginning, more
meaningful than ever before.

From our experience, the way you perceive this change of scenery sets the ground for what will unfold
next. You are the one who holds the key to a joyful life and also the power to see that every challenging
experience is, in fact, a chance to renewal – your renewal. The moment you choose to see this, you are
in the process of truly loving yourself, and when you love yourself first, life will take care of the rest. We
deeply comprehend that loneliness can sometimes disrupt the view, so we want you to know that you
are not alone and to truly feel it!

Who is part of the team

Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali
Your Team for Break Up Retreats in Bali

Our community includes conscious women and men from different corners of the world: Australia, USA,
Romania, Argentina, Brazil, Germany and Indonesia. Sharing the same purpose at heart, we allowed our
experience, creativity and passions to unfold into this concept. We are a team of unshakable optimists,
experienced therapists, entrepreneurs, storytellers and philanthropists, fully dedicated to supporting
you on the path of becoming your true empowered joyful self.

We’re specialized in healing workshops, therapy, yoga, sacred ceremonies, intuitive art, holding circles
for men and women, releasing trauma, integrating change, embracing transformation, all ultimately re-
connecting you to your inner guidance and leading towards the path of purposeful living.
If you would like to join or retreat in Bali, stay connected or simply want to have access to our free
content that we’re creating with love every day, feel free to join us here.

Lots of love,
Cristina Capatina
Creator & Co-Founder of YOUniverse

The post Meet Cristina: Her Divorce Led To Her Happiness appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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We want to give you $1000 ! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/we-want-to-give-you-1000/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/uncategorized/we-want-to-give-you-1000/#respond Fri, 08 Mar 2019 13:38:01 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2042 The post We want to give you $1000 ! appeared first on Dear Alyne.


I meet amazing women around the world who have DREAMS! But they don’t always have extra cash. That’s why recently i started Girls Gone Global Grants! I find sponsors who donate $500-$1000 for all of YOU!

SO PLEASE, APPLY FOR THIS!!! Free money to support WOMEN! And tell your friends to apply! The more people who apply the more funding I will work to get us.

GGG Scholarship #3 IS HEREEE! Sponsored by Rewire👏🏼👏🏼🔥 Apply now to earn $500 for your dreams!

“Managing your finances when living abroad is not an easy task. Rewire has created a fair digital banking platform for internationals accessible to everyone, wherever they may be in the world. Their vision is to support and to fulfill the financial potential of everyone.”

Learn more about Rewire at www.rewire.to

💃🏽 We want this grant to go to someone MOTIVATED who has the drive to make things happen!


• Simply send us a video of you! You can film it on your phone 😍
Email your video to: girlsgoneglobale@gmail.com

📍💕In your video answer these questions:

1.) Where you live and where your family member lives?

2.) What dream do you want to fulfil for your family member back home:

3.) What is one of the hardest things of being a migrant? What do you miss most about home?

And send us a photo of you and your loved one!

*** NOTE: You must be a migrant/expat living abroad and have a family member back home that has a dream you can help them fulfill. Must also have a Paypal account. ***



The post We want to give you $1000 ! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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“I knew that I would never look fully like a girl” Kyras Story https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/born-a-boy/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/born-a-boy/#respond Wed, 06 Mar 2019 13:29:41 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2034 The post “I knew that I would never look fully like a girl” Kyras Story appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Welcome to Girls Gone Global stories, where we share stories like how this girl was bullied into buying her first bra and This Is How I Dealt With Period Shaming. These stories are drawn from our Girls Gone Global community, a facebook group that grew to over 100,000 women from around the world. Join now! 

Maybe my story will help someone in their own journey. Whether they are trans, cis, gay, straight, lesbian, religious, or non religious. I sincerely hope that my story inspires someone.

Kyra is working hard on her trans journey and learning to love herself!I have always struggled with my body, my whole life, before I even knew the difference between “boys”, and “girls”. From the time I was 3 everyone in my life had told me, I had to look a certain way, be a certain way, talk a certain way, dress a certain way. As you might already know or have deduced, I am trans, so I was born a boy and as I got older, it was enforced more and more into me that I had to be a ‘boy’.

Then I was moved into foster care, this led to me moving 8 or 9 times in the span of a few years. And when I was adopted, I began to experience what you would call Extreme body dysmorphia, I would look in the mirror, and I would only see everything I wasn’t, as I entered my teen years. This got worse, especially as puberty began, ‘male puberty’ which only worsened my body image issues.


Kyra Carson Trans Journey

I remember staying up at nights breaking down on to the floor and crying. Because I knew that I would never look fully like a girl. Even today I can’t get rid of the overwhelming knowledge that I will never be a biological woman, I will never be able to give birth, the world will never fully see me for who I truly am, but through years of loving myself, giving myself the love that no one would, I have accepted my body, and I can very easily look in the mirror now, sometimes a little too much😂❤, but I have learned to love myself, I still struggle in small ways with very minor dysmorphia, mostly with my voice , but I do live everyday as the woman know I am, and if I do say so myself, I look absolutely stunning!!💁

Kyra Keanna

Kyra Carson Trans Journey

The post “I knew that I would never look fully like a girl” Kyras Story appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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We want to give you $700 ! https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/we-want-to-give-you-700/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/lifestyle/we-want-to-give-you-700/#respond Wed, 06 Feb 2019 13:29:50 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2013 The post We want to give you $700 ! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

We want to give you $700 to change the world!

I want ALL of you to apply!!! Before Feb 18! (Unless you’re a guy, then instead encourage your female friends to come apply and help them out! )

Girls Gone Global GRANT #2 is here! Sponsored by the wonderful NAS DAILY! 👏🏼👏🏼🔥

This competition is open to any member of the facebook group Girls Gone Global by Dear Alyne – If you are not a member please join the group and get to know the vibes before applying 🙂 

💪🏼 We want women all over the world to have OPPORTUNITIES to be leaders in their communities – That’s why we want to give one of you $700 to help start or grow your own small business!

💃🏽 We want this grant to go to someone MOTIVATED who has the drive to make things happen!

The last scholarship was sponsored by GRRRL clothing and this one is generously sponsored by NAS DAILY!


This grant can go towards an existing business or be used to start a new one. Preference goes to new business or businesses that hope to improve the world and help others or support communities/women

RECORD a 1-2 minute video explaining what you hope to use it for. Write a paragraph or as much as needed explaining your business plan.

Judges will look at:
• Is the presentation professional? What’s included in the application email? (business plan, related photos/materials, preparedness). The more seriously you take this the better!
• How likely they think you are to deliver on your promises and follow through
• How your business contributes to society and a better life or world
• Do you understand the business you want to start? Will you work fast and be able to grow?

In addition please INCLUDE:
Full Name
Where you live:
What you do now:
Why do you want to start this particular business?
How committed are you to growing this new business?


Email your complete application to girlsgoneglobale@gmail.com

May the best woman win!
And remember, even writing out your goals and making your application will make you CLOSER to your goals, even if you don’t win, because now you have your business plan IN WRITING!

The post We want to give you $700 ! appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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How one girl was bullied into buying her first bra https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/bullied-into-buying-bra/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/bullied-into-buying-bra/#respond Tue, 05 Feb 2019 15:58:15 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=2007 The post How one girl was bullied into buying her first bra appeared first on Dear Alyne.

How one girl was bullied into buying her first bra.

This post was published originally in Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne), a facebook group where over 100,000 women from around the world hang out and support each other!

Christine from Girls Gone Global soaking up the sun and enjoying her figure!
Christine from Girls Gone Global soaking up the sun and enjoying her figure!


Up until grade 6 (11 years of age), I was in a co-ed gym class and everyone wore the same clothes during the class as we did during the day.  

Grade 7, I started Junior High in a new town.  Gym class was now female only and we had to have proper clothes.  We had to change before and after class together. At first, this was foreign concept to me and I changed privately in a bathroom stall  I was embarrassed to not be comfortable to change in front of the others, so I started to force myself to. I was 12. I didn’t wear a bra, but a few others did. I didn’t think much of it however one girl made comments. Loud comments pointing out that I wasn’t wearing one.  She wanted to ensure everyone heard her and, looked at me. I wanted to hide. I wanted to go back to changing in private.

I had started to develop but, I certainly didn’t need a bra. No one in that class “needed” one, they just wanted to be grown up… and I was in no rush.  With that said, I didn’t want to be made fun of either.

I didn’t want to be bullied. She won. That night I bought my first bra.

I hated purchasing it. I was embarrassed about shopping for one. I was so embarrassed I didn’t want to tell my mom.  I basically grabbed the first one I saw, it had little Mickey Mouse heads all over it.

Well… since she did my laundry, she quickly found out I had a bra.   She bought me more. The good news is this saved me from the embarrassment of shopping for one.  She bought me the type that came in a box from the department store. That’s pretty much all I wore through high school.


At 18 I started college.  At 19 I moved into residence.  Instead of being told to wear a bra, my female roommates tried to make me wear backless revealing shirts, and encouraged me to not wear a bra.  I was now being told not to wear one when previously I was told to wear one. It was confusing. I ignored their comment, the bra stayed on. The shirts I wore were conservative.  

Christine from Girls Gone Global enjoying her body at the beach
Christine from Girls Gone Global learning to accept and love herself

At 21 I moved to the city.  I joined a gym. Ladies in the gym would walk around completely nude. They weren’t shy. Walking from the locker room to showers completely in the buff. It was intimidating.  I changed in a private washroom and, slowly got the nerve to change openly, but never used the showers. Around the age of 22 I started showering in the gym… but I covered myself with a towel to walk around. It took me years to gain the confidence to do this.

As my confidence grew, I went to a lingerie store and bought an expensive bra.  The first time I went into a lingerie store, the anxiety and embarrassment I had in grade 7 came rushing back.  A sales lady quickly whisked me into a change room. She measured me. I smiled through my clenched teeth from being beyond uncomfortable.  I bought the first one she gave me and, I ran out of the store. In actual fact, I bought 3 of the same so I could avoid the experience for as long as possible.  

The next morning I put on my purchase.   For the first time ever (minus my training bra)  I had a non-beige bra. It made me feel good. I started to wear more revealing shirts when going out.  I realized I had some nice “assets” why not dress them up and show them off a bit?

I began to be more comfortable in my body.

Christine from Girls Gone Global killing it and building her confidence!
Christine from Girls Gone Global killing it and building her confidence!

Fast forward to today, I still don’t have the confidence that others do.  I only gained the confidence to wear a bikini in the last 5 years.

I am soon to be 35.  At times, I still have to push myself to be comfortable in my own skin. It has taken a long time for me to own my body!        

Were you ever uncomfortable or intimidated by changing in front of others?   
Do you think that culture has something to do with it?



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THIS. is motherhood. https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/this-is-motherhood/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/relationships-family/this-is-motherhood/#respond Sat, 26 Jan 2019 16:24:02 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1995 The post THIS. is motherhood. appeared first on Dear Alyne.

By Rumaisa Tirmizi

this is motherhood Girls Gone Global

Motherhood took me by surprise. It happened when I was least expecting it and for a month my mind went into a loop of, “I am not ready for this”. But, when are we ever ready for this emotional roller coaster? The answer is, never.

I was in love with someone who did not even exist.

It would always be overwhelming no matter what. It was an absolutely alien feeling for me as I was in love with someone who did not even exist. I kept imagining this tiny little button which was about to turn my life upside down. And I realized only motherhood allows you to feel such spectrum of emotions.

Then came the time when nights turned into days and days into nights and I had no recollection of what was happening in the world, around me, whatsoever, as my world had centered over a little ball of flesh who would want all her needs met just through crying at the top of her lungs with her bundled up fists in the air.

There were days that I wanted to run far away, days that I wanted to question every decision I had ever made, days when I would ask myself, “Seriously, what were you even thinking?” Needless to say, they were usually overshadowed by the times she would look me in the eyes and giggle like she had just shared a joke, which was just between her and me. When she would, involuntarily, rub her chubby little palms against my cheek. When she would look at the ceiling fan in awe, like there was nothing more fascinating in the world. One look at her, first thing in the morning, and my heart would be overflowing with hopeless love.

Was it even possible to feel so much love for someone that you actually feel like you might die of an overdose?

It still baffles me. I had, suddenly, become this vulnerable person with all of my nerve endings raw and exposed. Nonetheless, the mother who came into existence along with the child had made me stern and protective. I, now, had a ferocious lioness residing in me, who would not compromise her Cub’s well being if she ever felt threatened. The feeling is unimaginable, otherwise. It is something which is insurmountable in any other relationship. It’s the love that is continually growing and asking for more and better. It’s about being strong when you are perpetually broken inside, about smiling when you want to break down and crying when you are smiling with joy. I would not, could not, trade it for anything in the world. This is the best thing I have ever become and would ever be in life. This is the most amazing love I have ever felt.

This is, probably, the best thing about being me.

This post was submitted to the all female facebook group, Girls Gone Global by Dear Alyne.

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Have You Heard Of THIS? https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/have-you-heard-of-this/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/health-wellness/have-you-heard-of-this/#respond Sat, 26 Jan 2019 15:29:52 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1984 The post Have You Heard Of THIS? appeared first on Dear Alyne.

What is Period Poverty?
Girls Gone Global Los Angeles Meet Up
Girls Gone Global Los Angeles Meet Up

On October 7, 2018, I went out of my comfort zone, drove 2 ½ hours to Venice Beach, California for a Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne) Meet up! All the women that showed up were very kind, and quickly my anxiety, and shyness dissipated. While meeting Alyne was the highlight of the day, in the big group that gathered I met a few girls that I exchanged Instagram with, and kept in touch.

Sabrina Paul and PMS Box
Sabrina Paul and PMS Box

About a month later, one of the ladies from the group posted a new company that she was launching, PMSBOX. With Sera Alper as the founder, and a bunch of GGG members pitching in, PMSBOX is a subscription box determined to help end Period Poverty.  For each subscription that is bought, we give menstrual products to woman and girls in need. Working with a startup and giving back to our local and international communities has been exciting, but before I started I needed to learn about Period Poverty. What is Period Poverty anyway?

Period Poverty is one of the most taboo, yet problematic global problems women face today.  1.2 billion women have limited access to hygiene products, and many are using alternatives such as dirty cloth, ashes, or even cow dung.  Period poverty is perhaps one of the most undiscussed hygiene problems of our time.

Since becoming involved with PMSBOX, I have become consumed with researching the topic of “period poverty.” As I have read through articles, and looked for statistics, I started thinking about my own experiences as a young single mom.

Sabrina Paul as a Young Single mom
Sabrina Paul as a Young Single mom

I had my daughter when I was 19-years-old.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was scared and broke. I started working full-time but did not make much money.  This often meant giving up my own necessities, such as maxi-pads for a day or so, just to get to the next paycheck. I am not sure how many times I had to ask my sister if I could borrow some tampons, or how many times my mom stopped by with pads to help me out. I remember how humiliating it was to ask for help, especially for something as personal as feminine hygiene products.

I am beyond thankful that I had their support; I know that I was lucky to have my mom and sister there to help me. Millions of women around the world do not have the support I had. Millions do not have access to these products at all. PMSBOX strives to support these women who are in need.  While they may not have a family to support them, they have women like the PMSBOX team who want to make a positive difference in their lives.

When we think of the word “poverty,” most of us think of homelessness, lack of electricity, food, or safe water. Women’s hygiene is often overlooked, or simply not spoken of. This, along with the shame and negativity that surrounds periods in general, makes period poverty a much less discussed topic. Remember when you were in high school and you would hide a pad in your pocket in case you had to use it in middle of the day? Or worrying whether or not your pad was showing through your pants? Now imagine that while also living in impoverished conditions. Can you imagine not even knowing what a maxi-pad looks like, or using an piece of cloth or some cow dung to absorb blood?

We want to talk about our periods, and support women who do not have access to these personal hygiene products. Here are some facts that motivate us to do what we do.

·         In the US, women spend approximately $70-$120 a year on hygiene products. The average age for a girl to get her first period is 12.3 years old.  The average age for menopause is 51.  This means women can spend up to $5,000 on sanitary products alone in their lifetime.

·         Lack of education and high illiteracy rates in developing countries can lead to major health issues such as infections, toxic shock syndrome, and even cervical cancer.

·         In India, girls miss an average of 1-2 days of school per month due to period discomfort, fear of staining clothes, and lack of access to proper disposal tools.

·         88% of females reuse cloth during menstruation due to lack of access/inability to afford sanitary products.

·         There are documented cases of girls as young as the age of 14 trading sex for sanitary products. In Kenya one in four girls does not associate menstruation with fertility. This lack of education puts these young women at risk for major health issues.

THIS is why PMSBOX exists. PMSBOX is on a mission to help 10 million women in need! We would love for you to follow, and watch this woman owned and operated company grow.  Or if you have experience with Period Poverty, or are interested in teaming up with us in any aspect, contact me!  I would love to hear from you! sabrina@pmsbox.com IG: @sabrinampaul


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I was period shamed, and this is how I dealt with it – GGG https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/i-was-period-shamed-and-this-is-how-i-dealt-with-it-ggg/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/feminism-empowerment/i-was-period-shamed-and-this-is-how-i-dealt-with-it-ggg/#respond Sat, 29 Dec 2018 06:22:54 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1683 The post I was period shamed, and this is how I dealt with it – GGG appeared first on Dear Alyne.

This post is by Tarannum Mrittika, a member of our Facebook group, Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne)

Feminist Friday

Many cultures has myths about period. In some cases, a normal physical process like this is considered taboo!

Well I’ve also seen people believing in myths about period and this is how I dealt with it:
Last month my mom noticed some fungus growing on the jar of pickles she made.

Our housemaid said that someone must’ve touched the jar while on her period, and that’s why the fungus grew.

I tried convincing her that it was a myth and she didn’t fully believe me.

The day after, discovering that my cycle has started, I called her out with another jar full of fresh pickles on my hand. I put my hand on the pickles and told her, ‘My period has started today. We’ll see when the fungus will grow on them.’

She stared at me as if I have lost my head. But after this event, I don’t know if she had checked the pickles or not, but I hope she stopped believing in that myth!

Read the comments to the original post here, and join the Girls Gone Global Facebook group (women only!) to take part in the discussion!

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I am poor, but I found a way to become a researcher https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/career-talent/i-am-poor-but-i-found-a-way-to-become-a-researcher/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/career-talent/i-am-poor-but-i-found-a-way-to-become-a-researcher/#respond Sun, 09 Dec 2018 14:38:04 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1603 The post I am poor, but I found a way to become a researcher appeared first on Dear Alyne.

Topic: Career Tuesday

I’m Ciara Mae B. Eom, a 21 year old Filipina. I’m an Aquaculture Science Researcher by profession. I’m not here to brag about what I’ve got right now because I haven’t actually achieved anything aside from being a researcher at this young age.

I’m here to give an inspiration to all girls and show that poverty is not always an obstacle when it comes to finishing studying and being able to pursue your dreams.

I was born in a low profile family and was raised by a single mom. I wasn’t handed a college education but with full perseverance I didn’t let it hinder me, and I pursued my education myself.

I worked several part time jobs. I worked at night and would go directly to school in the morning during my first year in college. It was tough and at times frustrating but I pursued my education got myself several scholarships. I walked to school every morning and afternoon alone but all of these struggles had been surpassed by a single diploma.

All the while I thought that a single diploma was all worth it, but now as I am engaged in a job,

I find that no diploma nor any recognition can surpass the beauty which can be taught by experience alone.

I am thankful and consider myself blessed because I survived 5 tough years in college.

I would like to remind everybody that as every single day passes by do not be afraid to explore and venture. I’m excited for what is in store for me!

And I would like to thank every girl involved here for the inspiration you give me daily. 

Join the discussion by commenting on this post in Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne!). It’s for women only!

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I followed my passion of studying at 39 – GGG https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/career-talent/i-followed-my-passion-of-studying-at-39-ggg/ https://www.clone.dearalyne.com/career-talent/i-followed-my-passion-of-studying-at-39-ggg/#respond Sat, 08 Dec 2018 03:18:15 +0000 https://clone.dearalyne.com/?p=1581 The post I followed my passion of studying at 39 – GGG appeared first on Dear Alyne.


Open Topic MONDAY!!!! – Don’t give up

I am Aliya Patel, a blessed mother of two and extrovert by nature.

At present I am 39, got married at early age of 18 to a civil engineer. I have a son who is going to be 20 and daughter who is 19.

I am from INDIA and since my kids are grown up pursuing their higher education overseas, after giving 20 years of my life to this family I thought of completing my OWN education. I am now an undergraduate.

I have always been passionate about studies and wanted to pursue something but could not. When I shared this with my daughter she encouraged me to complete my graduation now and keep going ahead with whatever I want to do.

So at present I am completing my graduation and also I am training myself to be an educational career counsellor. I’m doing an online course from UCLA, training myself in public speaking and some basic human behavioral skills and also doing a sociology course where I can get connected with the younger generation and support them for making decisions and can learn a lot from these millennials. 

I miss my kids a lot and I enjoy the company of these youngsters as I don’t like to be with my extended family – because like everyone else I have suffered a lot and was even being abused by them.

I have started all this in August 2018 and I feel I am blessed as over these 20 years, I was unaware of the outside world. But now I have a group of friends (you girls at GGG) with whom I can really talk to as professionals. We are an inspiration to one another. We women are born for something great which needs to be honored, and respected… SO HEY GIRLS!!!!!! KEEP GOING… LOVE YOU ALLL!!!!!

To join the community discussion or write a post of your own to over 100,000 women, join Girls Gone Global (by Dear Alyne), for women only.

The post I followed my passion of studying at 39 – GGG appeared first on Dear Alyne.

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